The Film Daily (1935)

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Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1935 DAILY n A "LITTLE" from HOLLYWOOD "LOTS" « « By RALPH WILK ■DOSALIND RUSSELL has been signed for the feminine lead in "It Had to Happen," George Raft's starring picture at 20th CenturyFox. Leo Carrillo also is in it. Roy Del Ruth will direct. M-G-M has put S. S. Van Dine's "The Garden Murder Case" in work. ¥ ▼ ▼ Kent Taylor, borrowed from Paramount by 20th Century-Fox for the male lead in "Buccaneer," will remain on the latter lot to appear with Claire Trevor and Paul Kelly in "Song and Dance Man," with Alan Dwan directing. Romer Grey, son of Zane Grey, has revealed his marriage in Phoeniz, Ariz., a month ago, to Wilma Morris, his father's former secretary. ▼ TV Sidney Howard has been signed by M-G-M to adapt "It Can't Happen Here," new novel by Sinclair Lewis. ▼ T T M-G-M has given new contracts to Edmund Gwenn, actor, Sam Wood, director, and Gus Kahn, composer. George E. Stone is being tested by Warners for the role of Sanchez in the film version of Hervey Allen's "Anthony Adverse." ▼ ▼ ▼ "The Black Gang," story of a ship's stoker, by Robert Tasker and John Bright, has been added to the 20th Century-Fox production list. Paul Kelly and Claire Trevor will portray the leading roles in the picture. Slim Summerville will also be featured in the picture. ▼ T T Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer, Harry Bowen and Brooks Benedict have been added to the cast of Charley Chase's "Life Hesitates At 40," now under way at the Roach studios. Harry Cording, Sam Dawson and Ed Chandler have been signed by Warners for "Prison Farm," in which Donald Woods, Eddie Acuff, Kay Linaker and Addison Richards will have the leading roles. 500 Film Who's Who Honor David L. Loew {Continued from Page 1) sincere congratulations to the guest of honor on his joining the Hal E. Roach organization as executive vice-president. There was a lot of good-natured ribbing, too, with Dave as the target, of course. David Blum opened the jamboree by presenting the toastmaster, Arthur Garfield Hays. The speakers, some of whom handed the guest of honor expert roastings, as well as sincere compliments, were Howard Dietz, Arthur M. Loew, Adolph Zukor, Louis Nizer, Hal Roach, Will H. Hays and David Warfield. A protracted ovation was given Zukor when he arose to speak. Will H. Hays paid high tribute to Adolph Zukor, Marcus Loew, Nicholas M. Schenck and Hal Roach. In the course of his remarks he said that sometime he intends to write a history of the industry. The gagsters got busy through the medium of "J. Hamilton Webster", alleged president of a New York bank, who took Dave for a ribbing ride and also sailed into various MG-M and Loew executives in a humorous manner. The speaker was just getting well steamed up when in came "guards" and lured him away after tempting him with a Napoleonic hat and a large lollypop. Kidding and complimentary telegrams were read from 25 girls employed at the Loew office, employees of the M-G-M organization, Laurel and Hardy, Abe Fischer, Henry Ginsberg, Sam Eckman, George J. Schaefer, Ed Schiller, Paul Moss and Bernard Fleet. At the conclusion of the after-dinner proceedings, the guest of honor was presented with a parchment which bore the signatures of all present. David Loew leaves Friday for the coast to assume his new duties. On the dais were, in addition to the guest of honor and the other speakers, Nicholas M. Schenck, David Bernstein, Nathan Burkan, Herbert Bayard Swope, M. H. Aylesworth, Martin Quigley and Jack Cohn. Ticket list included : Edward W. Aaron, Julian Abeles, Leo Alirams. A. Adelraan, Neil Agnew, Jack Alienate. Al Altman, Mervin Asch, Jack Augen blick, M. H. Aylesworth, Edward Alperson. Dr. Ceo. Baehr, Raymond Ball, Harold Bareford, Dominic F. Barreca, Larry Beatus, Harry Becker, Nathan Beier, Jack Bellman, Harold Bennett, John Bennett, Jacob Berisen. Joseph Bernhardt, Albert Bernstein, David Bernstein, Harry M. Bernstein, Louis Bernstein. Geo. S. Bickwit, Leonard Bickwit, Jack Birnbaum, Walter Blaufort, Geo. Blinderman, Albert Blum, David Blum. M. J. Blumberg, Nate J. Blumberg, Jack Bowen, Sidney Braunberg, Leo Brecher, Louis Brecher, Jack Bregman, J. H. Brickbinder, Willis Bright, Colvin Brown, Harry Buckley, Nathan Burkan, Harry Buxbaum. Jules Chapman, W. C. Chessman, Edward Churchill, W. H. Clark, H. J. Cleary, M. D. Clofine, Eugene Coen, S. D. Cocalis & Guests, Harry C. Cohen, Jack Cohn, Max A. Cohn, Nathan Cohen, Norman E. Cohen, E. H. Collins, Thomas Connors, Jack Cosman, Hon. Salvatore Cotillo, James Cron, J. H. Cunliffe. David O. Decker, Michael J. Delehanty, Geo. Dembow, Samuel Dembow, Jr., Howard Dietz, Oscar Doob, Max Dorff, Louis Dorkin. Edward Douglas, W. A. Downs, Emanuel Dreyfus, I. Dreyfus, G. Dumont. Herbert Ebenstein, Norman Ehrenwald, Jay Eisenberg, Frank Eldredge, H. R. Emdee. Ernest Emerling, Morris Epstein, Arthur Eddy. S. H. Fabian, Lynn Farnol, Ronald Feidelson, Felix Feist, Irving Feist, Joseph Feldhun, Max Fellerman, W. R. Ferguson, Lawrence Fertig, N. K. Finney, Arthur Fischer, Arthur Fluegelman, John C. Flinn. Charles Ford, Harold Forman, Edward M. Foy, Gilbert A. Fravvley, Isidor Frey, Percy Friedlander, Leopold Friedman, Louis Frisch, Fred Fuld. Edw. Gaylor, J. Louis Geller, Hon. Geo. L. Genung, Thomas Gerety, M. E. Gerstenfeld. Charles Gilman, Lee J. Glover, Joseph Cluck, Herman Gluckman, Harry Goetz, Jack Goetz, Harry Gold, Leon Goldberg, Nat Goldberg, Stanley Goldberg Charles Goldsmith, Lambert I Goldsmith, E. H. Goldstein, Edward Goldstein, I. H. Goldstein, Robert Goldstein, Irving Goodfield, Herman Goodstein, E. C. Grainger, Arthur Greenblatt, Irving Greefield, Henry Greenhall, Monroe Greenthall, Toby Gruen. Roy Haines, Isador Halperin, Albert R. Hammerschlag, Oscar Hammerstein, Arthur Garfield Hays, Will H. Hays, John Memenck. Milton Herman, H. C. Hermanson, Gabriel Hess, Edward Heyman, Melvin H. Heymann, John Hicks, Jr. & Guests, Clarence Hill, Melvin Hirsch, Morton Hirsch, Phillip Hodes. Samuel Hollander, Leffert Holz, Hal Home & Guest, Joseph Hornstein. Louis Irwin, Lester Isaac. M. H. Jack, Rube Jackter, Charles Jaffa, Ben Joel, W. Ray Johnston, Milton Joseph, Leo G. Justin. Red Kann, Emanuel Kalisch, Charles Kaminsky, Irving Kaplan, Harry Karasik, Emanuel Kaufman, Wolf Kaufman, Michael Kaufman, Herbert R. Kaus, Morris Keizerstein, Arthur W Kelly, W. D. Kelly, S. H. Kilmarx, Charles King, Mervin A. King. Ben A. Kinon, J J. Kolbeck, Morton D. Kornfield, H. F. Krecke, Max Krich, Melvin H. Krulevitch, David Kugel, Bert Kulick, W. J. Kuppe, Milton Kussel, Morris Kutinsky. Paul Lazarus, Jos. Lee, Phillip B. Leavitt, Joseph T. Leonard, Carl Levi, Solli Levi, Chick Lewis, David Lewis, Chauncey Levy, David A. Levy, I. A. Levy, Joel Levy Jules Levy, Paul Levy, Al. Lichtman, Charles Lodier, Arthur Loew, Henry Loew, David L Loew, David L. Loew, Jr. Marcus Loew, TI. Herman Lorber, Phillips Lord, David T. Lotwin, Leon Lowenstein, Leo Lubin, Jacob IJebowitz, Enoch Light, Al. Liss, N. K. Lubin. Frank J. McCarthy, Barret McCormick, John B. McCullough, Chas. McDonald, J. R. McDonough, E. L. McEvoy, J. McEvoy. J. S. MacLeod, Frank McRoy, Mitchell May. Jr., James Martin, Maurice Magid, Jeremiah Maguire, Irwin Margulies, Jack Manheimer. Horace S. Manges, Fred Meyers, Phillip Meyer, Frank Meyer, Eugene Meyers, Harold Molnicker, Jerry Melnicker, Jack B. Melnick. Samuel H. Meinhold, H. H. Michalson, Max .Minzisheimer, J. T. Mills, Fred H. Mitchell, Lawrence G. Mintzer, Ben Mochrie, Abraham Montague, Paul Mooney, Louis Morgenstern. Melvin Morgenstern, Moe Morris, Wm. Morris & Guest, Charles C. Moskowitz, Arthur Moskovvitz, Joseph H. Moskowitz & Guest, Martin Moskowitz, Charles Moses, Edward Mullin. James Mulvey, John Murphy. Bert Nafack, Leon Netter, Louis Nizer. M. D. O'Brien, John O'Connor, Charles O'Reilly, Joseph J. O'Reilly, William Orr. George Oshrin. Al Paucher, E. L. Per!ma;i, Harry M. Phillips, William S. Phillips, Isaac Picker, Sidney Picker, Eugene Picker, Arnold Picker. Sidney Piermont, Joseph Pincus. Leonard Pollack, Eli Porter, Stanley Previn, M. G. Poller, Edward Peskay. Martin M. Quigley, Fred H. Quimby, Henry Randel, Arthur Rapf, Henry Reiner, Walter Reade & Guest, Walter Reade, Jr., Phillip Reisman, Harold Rinzler, Samuel Rinzler, Joseph Rivkin, Hal Roach, Budd Rogers, Samuel E. Rogers, Harold Rodner, W. F. Rogers, Charles Rogers, Jack Robbin, Herman Robbins, Herman Rochmiel, Samuel Rosen, Michael Rosen, Martin Rosenberg. Leon Rosenblatt, Eli Rosenblatt, D. J. Rosenheim, Jacob Rosenheim, Ben Rosenberg, Joseph Rosthal, Dr. Burnett Rothhouse, J. Robert Rubin, Edward Rugoff, Fred Rothenberg. Reuben Samuels, Morris Sanders, Sam Saxe, Dolf Schalder, George Schenck, Marvin Schenck, Nicholas M. Schenck, Harry Schiffman, Adolph Schimmel, L. J. Schlayer, Irving Schlossberg, Arthur Schmidt, Abraham Schneider, Ed. Schnitzer, L. A. Schoen, A. A. Schubart, Carl E. Schuster, Charles Schwartz, Fred Schwartz, Wm. A. Scully, Al Seadler, Si Seadler, Sam Sedran, Al. Senft, Harry Shaw, Herman Shumlin, Ben Schlyen, Louis K. Sidney, Arthur Siegel, Henry Siegel, Samuel J. Siegel, David Silverman, Emanuel Silverstone, Ben Simon, Dr. Samuel C. Sinberg, Sidney Singerman, Bob Sisk, George Skouras & Guests, Alex Slavitt, A. W. Smith, C. E. Smith, Chas. Sonin, Nate Spingold. Morton A. Spring, Hon. Alfred E. Steers, Nat. Steinberg, Charles Stern, Emanuel Stern. Leon J. Sternberger, Frank V. Storrs, Edgar Strauss, Hon. John J. Sullivan, Hon. Myron Sulzberger, William Sussman, Herbert B. Swope, Irving, Synder. Leslie E. Thompson, S. Tick. J. J. Unger. Eric Van Dyck, Joseph Vogel, Mike Vogel. Senator J. H. Walters, David Warfield, Joe Weil, J. Hamilton Webster, Frank Weinberg, Louis Weinberg, Irving Weingart, Dr. T. J. Weiner, Milton C. Weisman, A. Weiss, "Isidore Welt, Archie Weltman, David E. Weshner, George West, Thomas Wiley, S. Wittman, Max Wolff, R. S. Wolff, Irving Wormser. Eugene J. Zukor, Adolph Zukor, William Zimmerman. You'll Find It In The Year Book ^■^ The 1936 Eighteenth Edition Is Now In Work