The Film Daily (1936)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought -IF DAILY The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Eighteen Years Old VOL. 69, NO. 113 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY. MAY 13, 1936 TEN CENTS New Organization of Writers is Formed on Coast PARA. FOR UNRESTRICTED 10% CANCELLATIONS Two Missouri Suits Withdrawn by Attorney-General Suits Against Major Film Companies Over St. Louis Situation are Dropped Major distributors involved in the two Missouri actions brought by Attorney-General Roy McKittrick at Jefferson City and St. Louis against Warners, Paramount and RKO were notified yesterday that that official had withdrawn the suits. The move is a follow-up to the settlement of the St. Louis case (Continued on Page 3) LEGIT.MANAGERSOKAY FILM RIGHTS CLAUSE A clause giving authors 60 per cent and legitimate stage producers 40 per cent of the proceeds of sale of screen rights to plays is embraced in the new version of the Dramatists' Guild contract which was unanimously ratified by the League of (Continued on Page 15) 20th Century-Fox Sets Release List to August Release schedule of 20th CenturyFox for the next three months now stands as follows : May 15, "The First Baby," with Johnny Downs, Shirley Deane; May 22, "Half Angel," with Frances Dee, (Continued on Page 3) Guilds Name Best Screen Work for April West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Work of Luise Rainer in "The Great Ziegfeld" has been voted by the Screen Actors Guild as the best April performance. Honorable mention is given William Powell, in the same film, and C. Aubrey Smith and Henry Stephenson in "Little Lord Fauntleroy." Screen Writers Guild voted William Anthony McGuire's work on "The Great Ziegfeld" as the month's best screenplay, with honorable mention to Hugh Walpole for "Little Lord Fauntleroy," Herbert Fields for "Love Before Breakfast," Gertrude Purcell for additional dialogue in "Love Before Breakfast," and Nunnally Johnson for "Prisoner of Shark Island." Ex-Writers Guild Members Form New Organization on the Coast French Trade Treaty Cuts Tariff on U. S. Films 4% Spanish Cinecolor Series West Coast Bur., THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Roberto A. Morales of Mexico City has arrived in Hollywood to have "El Novillero," Spanish musical feature, processed in Cinecolor. This is the first color picture made in a Spanish speaking country. The picture stars Lorenzo Garza, a famous bull fighter. Agustin Lara, Mexican composer, wrote the score and the songs and also appears in the picture. This is the first of a series of pictures that Morales will make in Cinecolor for world distribution. By ROBERT CHARLES LUNCH FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Washington — Motion picture films, under the French trade treaty released yesterday by the State Department, are granted a reduction in tariff from six per cent in effect now, to two per cent. The two per cent tariff will go into effect June 15. Motion pictures play and im (Continued on Page 16) Pensacola Without Movies As Saengers Fight City Tax Pensacola, Fla. — After having closed the Isis and put the Saenger Theater on part time in protest against the city's admission tax, Saengers have now closed the second house also, with the city council countering by leasing Baview amusement park to Elmer Overton West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — At a meeting Monday night presided over by Rupert Hughes, about 100 writers who resigned from the Screen Writers Guild formed a new group known as the Screen Writers of Hollywood. The new organization, whose members are opposed to the Guild's plan of affiliating with the Authors League of America because they feel it would mean dictation from a New York group, appointed a committee to work out a> constitution and a code of fair practices which will be submitted to the producers. On this committee are William Slavens McNutt, Frank Butler, Waldemar Young, William Conselman, Bess Meredith, Kubec Glasmon and Tom Reed. on condition he present movies there twice a week and once weekly in Sanders Beach and Bayliss, the two other chief outdoor spots here. n A v (Sixth installment in the series of viewpoints in the fourth annual Critics' Forum conducted by THE FILM DAILY will be found on page 6). MPTOA Will Hold Another Trade Practice Parley With Para. Soon At a trade practices conference yesterday between Neil F. Agnew, Paramount distribution head, and a committee representing the M. P. T. O. A., the distributing company indicated its willingness to adopt a 10 per cent cancellation clause without restrictions except that it incorporate a requirement whereby an exhibitor must give "reasonable notice" when rejecting pictures. The exhibitor association group headed by Ed Kuykendall, president, will draft provisions covering this issue and, at another meeting (Continued on Page 3) "ziegfeutTeads off mgm '36-37 releases Chicago— "The Great Ziegfeld" will be M-G-M's first release of the 1936-37 season, it was announced at the second day's session of the company's sales convention here yester (Continued on Page 15) Consolidated Film Earns $290,249 in Three Months Net profit of $290,249.06, after all charges, depreciation and federal taxes, is reported by Consolidated Film Industries for the three months ended March 31. This is equal to (Continued on Page 3) Cohen Leases Studio West Coast Bur., THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Emanuel Cohen has leased the General Service Studios for a period of three years. Beginning early in July, he will establish production headquarters there in connection with the series of eight pictures he is to make for Paramount release. Space in the studio will also be rented to other producers. Cohen is now in New York with Ben Piazza.