The Film Daily (1936)

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vlyrna Loy romantic duel laid Owen, as a help' stander. Owen. imuslng of ^ <&«£ & Happiness>., n »£> J' "Pursuit A of bright, coi ^rttion Is offered todaj nbard. In "Love Before at the Plaza, Miami Bead |ry-Go-Round |oroadway." ^°se from sissrppr bS ^lj«r/? as a v» Thi; MISERABLES," now at Casino, was fifth on I lisorT ''ilm Dauy^^t of the Ten Best J lespie ;ures__of__iajP, selected by a pol Ernest and magazine reviej Green, hree actors are starred — Frj Daily Her' M th pa^x 135 er son; ^ws, Jackson star, Me Commonwealth ^^Ul^^torsof mid-south newspapers 15 P^^nTlS^„0nly, two of th« F ihis was deterr W. Sumter Gil '°rt Greenwood: Prjy March, Charles Laughton and -r*"rick. Rochelle Hudson hea Smith v^ -"»wood;mv "I 1 YA ,r^ I *"*"^ iriept« ~ Cosma^0^-^;^ f\ ^^VrnVn S Se^** Biloxi ^Tt^\Si.i> had Jetted ft^l^s an ^American 'W-ri^ feminine players HVvj production, full of a bn v > ft. ^ — , _ ... r^ogg tor Hugo's t»mel Chestniitt . , llean shou *i ester \^ °°* -^mith: Alfred a -Wae \ve box nff wueue strpf„fJVe his ***** TZ ^nTt^Jro, the Queue *'Ur I*«-ov.r Idea, ^es best" picture. «♦ stopping ^^tisTa-^** aed ae*' Bt^ TimSeiSR, 'rTXX£i ft" W Rose 3-*-jr*^mith; C1?estnutt rC1*. mden: l& fw.lii'1 i T*"d_ ^ Arizona! _., " " ' " -^iVU i»^-coa, ':hree states. South newshave ^.••ea; «. 6°od is Nashville^ Sun, Jackson; to£ News, Chattanooga; Miss tot ,ilews_3entinei K v*oft. w' Press-Scimita t»^OIl ; Harry Martin, T M«o*° WJ^ e ypeal, Memphis.! B^e .*nge« rJft? \1935, The Comi -'iid C0M^ D»iW 'Production than Uav o^6 •sen ol t\vese te a^T! w It ?e^*tT,ta?8' Poi«t Arizoqa The new;fn7UUCUOn trends WOuW bf trZ Informer" bv it . e-is job would /I i;0f*r^try, «,''?. Unio."e qualities' tt^couid, tt.-to^| / ^,IS yr'J}^c .unity, andU^ has receive Tucson, st or >.WTs job ic realiSm_ rt *«toMJ.yinldni,htto| !L '' "• "° d°" ' b> (D" ™«^^ ^ % 'e^ 'n alphaL ' *" ^tter pilV will -Th, "vi^e;' -«: ■ coated JTH jS.'S'S » fi;'ant the_. The Grev Info « ronstan,t rmer" .p ^ w Vor^ ^on criti^, a^ wa^ Elected consensu* lnS selecte \Q35 b MBER of Chattftnoogv ^ V£o^ > cert ^ Standing/ a.s the of opinionof ParticiPatin Ten Best concert by the Phllade^ y t/ie*|The Philadelphia orchestra ' in the world, and Stokowski sponsored by the Atlanta '*^re /-,. .^^rfe c^ %. in the a. number Per/on Betsin ©to will be at the Fox theate >sked each •"ng question: m^3': in your opinion 10 best pictures OF ALI tti tnbutingr most definkerV ■JJUW of motion picture^ KffilnW?-'* 'his latter! in Atlanta. Atlanta tomorrow to att* 3-^nducted by Leopold | 's(^\of the greatest fy y ^.N'* great conduct \y/A% ^ Atlanta i "OJ b o^'^ion? and take nt _ <?/?f A l>c ^,. M. ft , ^^^rhourishment, et Vn. ^r. Lorre. Anotht. since Oi^' r<„.M ughton first began making us ave we been so .mpressed with a new actor as we were with J* Indisputable star of "Curie and Punishment," which played at theater last week. To o. g -nparisons even farther back it was . F.1^1 iaml,ings in."VaA^ £*$a&j* Way of Ml Flesh" again. J betrays his Hungarian b$ v **ish, Lorre is quite ^ of^acting wlthf ^'^ved so ef. Except that he speaks T'°o0> -^e J*> Laughton 's clipped 1 4^ * f0' tM Marjorief Laughton's clipped ed /English star. He ha 6„°* ^> arm with his eloque/36,T e^'' ^© Barretts of W/*?is;Ut tAS '^ *f> *•». <b. ofc '^lv »> L^>7'o 'Oe. eading role talker versioT s novel, %5ft. • •fe^. in amai , r«>Jj -omedy ri1, ^/o/'/als and, : ^5iS» '<>/*.*. *>*ite I Thierry/^ t0WlJ 3s a young /'V0'' e0^ c /?, early ex, VjJ>< % discovet. e *<? io^0^''1'0^ n as a .. °^fl%^'^ world -« made hot,. 7*A ^'it his portr^ , ctll>\ ST gXf. ^<? mothers -^ <?e,>., sight of him. street, i^v^ ^^Sy** ':re was "Mad Low '' n was not Par' y noteworthy>N^^ a«r#^ .e and Punishment," fo« Columbia Pictuf a masterpiece. lSss. release will be "Secret Agent," a Gaumol lish production, in whi^s^e plays the part of the "hairless Mexican! essional killer, with a genial philosophy and a weakness for pretty woiw * * j * * 4& c <°*.'° i^'y his an nest, ^6 SCre^ .HQ^ard S/t>en to >■>->*, **** '•77 . k tion «. *>**e Thierry.^ ivel A, Chateau Tl iff L •^urn1e3rnRPart C Film Daily informa the Pc ist Twenty-Fiv^Keels! °J4hibitor recently td i&i.r"' /})«> . ~»i. ln one sb' elieve it or,,&" ^'V; t, Him u<*' «*-Pp.fta* •i\>fWr^l better. P^ Ao, ^° , Charles M^ |merely **> ZIP* KinS Thifrr^IV runS X S°n' a m°nument tl-lltbe P' pending Anie ■^uare of ncan v comi I ictory \\ the town, rbje.l ""ee/d. *'Ssed hy^ °ne "l by sf'"a oc' ij Unites ■Picture T^W; tf :5' sun«^, "•''■o' • l/,-»f BySTERLINCSORENSON i J000* fafte„_? than an<? I ^gher ^„ This ce Sfa^J934" i»3#vr 0/ « NEW high in color film production will be set this year wit some 15 features and 150 shorty eadv scheduled to be Itee, a chfuJ*-~ m Daily r*eals. isen^na^^ffontracts i?aTures and n Jrts, it is understooc nal business in prosper. °\ ^°^e ^"'-, V few color features are plani o^ ^ent in X' gland with a United State! PeV& ° veav's se included. r&0000°00 "aJtfir^Wanger, who now has 'hr£W' JL * Pine" in releas/ \\Q&%"\rn. D' ^r. .color features i/ 0\l93Li_ji£ijaiiiAr ijf«»^ program und^H^^TfTCd 'J'»-7oj, >anner David O S"' — «* lVV — "an: cordain50« redro/cs. "he teres ti, inProvet b.M <*2 Whenta.^ s8hent"nenta;i *wo^;Vast ho«'eo; h„' 1 ■yeav tne ^\0 \930 eal has Vo 75J5. >anner. 193& feat^v , v "-'^«t. . A^.Yet desr..t' " 0ne o; ktor Ifl^y decj; MOST IDELY QUOTE PUBLICATION • a i MOTION PICTURE DnduApus iv cjrficiency dui osence. It's otion yinMiami./t cffterwtt£ to recover trom a sever, include The return to California jus World^Teleffiam aro health improves. — Jac. Hon Picture Daily, .. f Cunnsct Rnr Office. picture trd iVhstci liss picti ^ Walter ' )i Gaumor territory, ft life membt onal Itinerar Hoboes of Amt numbered 810 ^•aay we had an invi ^ilobo Jungle Jambor „s used in TtmcriCan, Jftrf-..ZuTVork dailies, *d Film Dan Motion Picture Heiald.. Hollywood Harrison's Fepcrts,' Datly Variety. he tabulation \un o ure New Yotk state Ex