The Film Daily (1936)

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933 FEATURE FILMS ANNOUNCED FOR '37 'age 1) features and 741 shorts. The two big independent organizations, Republic and Grand National, plan 102 features This leaves about 150 pictures from scattered independents, including some foreign dialogue versions made in this country and possibly some reissues. In all cases, the figures given are the announcements of the respective companies, and while in the case of major firms there is every likelihood that the full quotas will be delivered, a smaller percentage of fulfillment usually results in case of independent releases. Schedules Announced for 1936-37 the DISTRIBUTORS AND PRODUCER-DISTRIBUTORS Short Features Subjects Serials Newsreels (1). Inc. Lightman, R. & R. Circuits Sign for Columbia Product (.Continued from Page 1) Abe Montague, Columbia sales manager. Thirty-five situations in Tennessee and Arkansas territory are included in the Lightman group, while the Robb & Rowley circuit comprises 35 situations in Dallas and Oklahoma territory. Retaining Full Length For "Ziegfeld" Release (Continued from Page 1) entertainment. Furthermore, exhibitors wouldn't stand for cuts." "Ziegfeld" goes into national release within a few weeks, following its run at the Astor in New York. MINNEAPOLIS Operators of the Falls Theater, International Falls, will start immediately to build a new theater. Fire last week razed the rival house, the Grand, managed by J. R. McKinley. The Grand last week was burned to the ground by a fire which started in the basement and burned through the floor of the stage before it was discovered. Minnesota fire authorities are investigating the death of a boy who fell through the skylight of a neighboring garage while watching the efforts of the fire department to extinguish the fire. Sol Lebedeff of the Homewood will start to build a new 750-seat theater at Glenwood and Cedar Lake Road next month. Construction of a new house on Sixth Avenue North, adjacent to the government slum clearance project, has been postponed indefinitely by Lebedeff. Bob Stevenson, former Hollywood press agent, now secretary of Minneapolis Community Fund, started Cuming of movie depicting work of local unit. Cliff Gill of the Pantages, back from fishing trip at Bemidji. All'ance Films Corp. Ambassador Pictures, Amkino Corp. (2) Astor Productions Corp Atlantic Pictures B. J. S. Pictures, Inc Banner Ficturcs Corp Burroughs-Tarzan Pictures Celebrity Productions, Inc Chesterfield-Invincible Cc bny Pictures Corp ColumbTa Pictures Conn Pictures Corp Crescent Pictures Ccrp Larry Darmour Productions DuWorlrJ Pictures, Inc. (3) GB Productions (1) Grand National Pictures Guaranteed Piclurcs Co., Inc.. J. H. Hoffber;* Co., Inc. 14)..., Ideal Pictures Corp Imperial Distributing Corp Jay D:e Kay Productions Kinctrade Ray K rkwood Productions, Inc. Lenauer International (4) Melody Pictures Corp Metro-Goldwyn-N4ayer (5).. Metropolis Pictures Corp. (4) . . Olympic Pictures Corp. (1).... Paramount Pictures Pictorial Films, Inc RKO Radio Pictures Republic Pictures Corp Screen Attractions Corp Spectsum Pictures Corp Sta-je & Screen Productions. . . Harry H. Thomas 20th Century-Fox Ufa Films (6) United Artists Universal Pictures Victory Pictures Corp Warner Bros. -First National... World Pictures Corp. (4) TOTALS Including 88 productd by Educational. 1 — Produced in England. 2 — Produced in Russia. 3 — Some produced abroad. PITTSBURGH Sam Blowitz, son of the manager of Warner's Manor Theater here, is distributing independent pictures in Los Angeles. Wade Whitman, former assistant manager of Loew's Penn, has been named to a post at Loew's Akron in Akron, 0. Vern Scott's new 700-seat theater in Barnesboro will be known as The Vernon. Opening date set for Oct. 15. Lester Bowser, manager ot the Harris-Warren in Warren, is on vacation. Howard Addlesberg is relieving. James Balmer, local executive ot the Harris Amusement Co., and Sam DeFazio, manager of the Harris-Mt. Oliver Theater, left on their vacations this week. Film Row visitors: Pete Antonop 24 4 20 26 6 6 12 4 18 12 2 18 6 58 125 6 10 12 42 6 24 52 9 8 3 1 30 26 1 3 46 32 20 i 1 7 4 42 92 104 14 4 4 70 113 13 104 54 88 104 50 36 4 1 69 100* 24 20 34 18 42 65 8 60 140 12 2 933 943 18 104 104 520 4 — Produced abroad. 5— Minimum, M-G-M plans 42-52 features. 6 — Produced in Germany. WARNERS FINISH 16 ON 1936-37 LINEUP los Sam Fleishman, Leon Reichblu'm Ray Allison, Sam and Charles Goldberg, Joseph Gellman, Herman Stahl, I. Roth, Jake Richman, Carl Poke, Eli Goldstein and Sam Neaman. Jack Parmelee, assistant manager of Warner's Kenyon, and Helen Price, Manor Theater cashier, married Saturday and left for an Atlantic City honeymoon. Warners acquired the Regal in Wilkinsburg last week, giving them two houses in that district. M-G-M exchange tossed a farewell party for Jules Lapidus, who was named manager of tional here, a desk set. Wilbur Cushman Circuit invaded a number of Western Pennsylvania towns with several of their new stage units. itinued from Page 1) MacLane and Jean Muir, directed by Louis King; "Three in Eden," with Humi : ■ irel Linds ly and Donald \\ i ml McDonald; "Polo Joe," ^i (rring roe E. Brown v ith Carol Hughes, directed bj Willi im McGann; "Loudspi il i ■< Lnwdown," with Ross Alexander, Glenda Farrell and Anne Nagel, directed hj William Clemens; "The Pon} Express Rider," with Drk Foi in an I Linda Perry, directed by Noel Smith; 'The Charge of the Light Bri with Errol Flynn and Oliva de Havilland, directed by Michael Curtiz; "The, Captain's Kid," with Mav Rnhsnn. Guy Kib bee an i S'liil Jason, directed by Nick Grinde; I you Heart," starring Kay Francis with George Brenl and Roland Young, di,, cte l i Mayo; "Guns of (he I' with Dick Foran and Anne Nagel, directed by Noel Smith; "Anthony Adverse," stan, Fredric March with Olivia de Havilland, , ected by Mervyn I.eRoy. Xhe nine shooting arc: "The Making "f O'Malley," with Pal O'Brien, Humphrey Bogart, Sybil fason and Aim Sheridan, direct !, William Dieterle; "Three Men on aHorsi with Frank McHugh, Joan Blondcll. Carol Hughes, Sam Levene and Teddy Hart, di i by Mervyn LeRoy; "Green Light, u th Errol Flynn, Anita Louise, Sir ( edt n e Walt r Abel and Margaret say directed by Frank Borzage: "Gold Dig,.,.'■, of 1937," with Dick Powell. Joan ,;,,„, 1,,, Glenda Farrell, Osgood Perkins and Vnt Moore, directe'd by Lloyd Bacon: "The Shrinking \ ■ let," with Dick Purcell and Anne Nagel. directed by Noel Smith: Mis ., Fashion" with Kay Francis. Claude Rains and Tan Hunter, directed by Michael Curtiz; "Fugitive in the Sky." with Warren Hull an,! Jean Muir, directed by Nick Grinde; "Sing Me a Love Song," with James Mel ton Patricia Ellis, Hugh Herbert, All. i T n' in and Zasu Pitts, directed by Raymond Enright "Cod's Country and the Woman, witl, i Irent, Beverly Roberts, Robert Barrat, Alan Hale and Barton MacLam di rected by William Keigbley. The five in preparation are: "A Dawn," starring Bette Davis, Errol I and Ian Hunter, screenplay by Laird Doyl< "Black I egion," with Henry O'Neill Ann Sheridan, directed by Archie Mas,.; th. Wall." starring Ross Alexa | ected by Lloyd Bacon; "Slim," starring p i O'Brien and Henry Fonda, screenplay b> Delmer Daves; "Trail Horse," with Dick Purcell and Barton MacLane. original by E J, Flana ;an. Signed for Educat'nal Comedy The Diamond Brothers, three <>-oofy comics who are scoring in England, and the Three Reasons, blonde charmers of the stage musical, "New Faces," have been signed by 'Educational for a short subject comedy which will go into production soon in Astoria. Arthur Jarrett and Marcy Klauber are collaborating on the story. WISCONSIN Articles of incorporation have been filed by the Fox Wisconsin Club, employes' welfare organization of the Fox Wisconsin Co., with H. J. Fitzgerald, general manager of the circuit, as president. A L. Bobarge, operator of the Cosmo Theater at Merrill rescued He was presented with his wife from drowning last week in Lake Mohawksin near Tomahawk, Wis. Reports are current that a new theater will be erected shortly Watertown. Na m