The Film Daily (1936)

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THE DAILY Thursday, Jan. 2, 1936 Vol. 69. No. 1 Thurs.. Jan. 2, 1936 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE : : Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 16S0 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid't Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treaaurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737. 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Lichtbildbuehne, Friedriehstrasse, 225. Paris— P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL (QUOTATIONS AS OF TUESDAY) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat 20y4 20'/2 20'/2 + Va Columbia Picts. vtc. 43'/2 43 Vi 43 Vi + 1 Con. Fm. Ind 5% 5V4 5% + Vl Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. . . 18'/4 18 18'/4 + % East. Kodak 1 56 V8 1 56 1 56'/8 + Va do pfd 160 160 160 Lcew's. Inc 523/4 51% 52 + % Paramount 10'/4 »% 1°V4 + % Paramount 1st pfd. . 80 77 78 + IVi Paramount 2nd pfd.. 12'/4 11% 12 + Vl Pafhe Film 8'/8 8 8 RKO 5V8 5 5 20th Century-Fox .... 23 1/4 22 Vi 22 Vi 20th Century-Fox pfd. 32 31% 32 Univ. Pict. pfd 52 50 52 +2 Warner Bros 10 95/8 9% + % NEW YORK BOND MARKET 6en. Th. Eq. 6s40 .. . 19% 18 193/8 + 1% Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 ctfs. 19 I81/4 19 +1 Keith A-0 6s 46 95 95 95 + 2% Loew 6s 41ww 103% 1033/4 103% + Va Paramount Picts. 6s55 92 91% 92 + % Warner's 6s39 86 Vi 85% 85% + % NEW YORK CURB MARKET Sonotone Corp 2 2 2 4 Va Technicolor 18% 18 18%+ % Trans-Lux 3% 3% 3'/i + % James V. Bryson Dead London (By Cable) — James V. Bryson, widely known film executive, died Tuesday in the University College Hospital. He was 52 years old. ANNUITIES 6% to 12% for life, according to age. Issued by large Insurance Companies. Reuben Samuels BRyant 9-3740 1540 Broadway Allied Board Will Meet Feb. 4-5 in Washington (.Continued from Page 1) been asked to waive that requirement in the by-laws. By Feb. 4, Congress will have been in session for a month and a report can be made on the status and prospects of the Pettengill-Neely bill anti-block booking bill and the Duffy copyright bill, says the current Allied bulletin. Commenting on the recent FoxMuller case, in which the U. S. Supreme Court allowed the decision of the Minnesota State Supreme Court to stand, Abram F. Myers, Allied chairman and counsel, who represented Muller in the case at Washington, says that the high court's ruling that it had no jurisdiction in the case because it did not involve interstate commerce will doubtless have influence in other State court decisions on contract matters, and may prove helpful in the Ohio and Wisconsin anti-playdate cases. Allied intends to make a finish fight against any attempt to impose ^n additional seat tax on exhibitors. The association favors, as a solution to the present Ascap-Warner exhibitor seat tax differences, the adoption of a plan whereby producing companies would acquire public performance rights for music used in pictures in the same way as they purchase music recording rights and fhen include this extra charge in film rentals. The producers could be relied upon to bargain for fair rates in behalf of the entire industry, says Allied. Kincey Circuit Acquires 2 North Carolina Houses Acauire 78 Foreign Films For Exhibition in U. S. A total of 78 European productions, including 64 German features, eight Hungarian, two Polish and four Czechoslovakian, have been acquired for release in this country during 1936 by Joseph Sheinmann and Munio Podhorzer, owners of the Casino Film Exchange. Republic Studio Promotions West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Albert E. Levoy, general production manager for Republic Pictures, announces the elevation of David Silverstein and Mrs. Wallace Reid to supervisorial ranks. Silverstein's first assignment will be "The Harvester," from the novel by Gene Stratton-Porter, while Mrs. Reid is to supervise the Meredith Nicholson novel, "The House of a1 Thousand Candles." John Kantor's New Book Out "Beauty Within Your Reach," an expose and guide on beauty culture, by John Kantor, well known beauty specialist and make-up artist at the Paramount studios, will be published this week by the Beauty Publications Co. Oscar Serlin, Paramount talent director, has written an introduction to Kantor's book. (Continued from Page 1) past and at present manager of the State in Charlotte, will be transferred to Lexington as city manager in charge of the two houses there. Roy L. Smart, the company's district manager, also announced Neil McGill, manager of the Victory in Salisbury, N. C, will succeed Phillips as manager of the State, which will be placed under supervision of Eugene Street, who is supervisor of the Carolina and the Imperial in Charlotte. Coming and Going ,( 8 Houses Sue Local 306 For $650,000 Damages Suits for damages aggregating $650,000 have been filed in Supreme Court by eight houses in Greater New York against Local 306, operators' union, charging their business has been hurt by picketing and other activities because they used Allied Union operators. Houses are the Globe, Brooklyn; Colony, Jackson Heights; Times Square and Liberty in West 42nd St.; Park at Columbus Circle; Central on Broadway; Sanders, Brooklyn, and Globe on Broadway. Plaintiffs on Tuesday sought permission to consolidate their eight separate actions, but Justice Bernard L. Shientag denied the request, advising them that they could withdraw their actions and draw up a joint complaint. ANTONIO MORENO is on his way from Hoi lywood to Europe for an extended stay. JOAN BLONDELL had to cancel her trip east due to production plans at the Warner studios. EDDIE CANTOR and party, including MRS. CANTOR and their daughters, as well as PARKYAKARKUS, who supported the comediar in his new Samuel Goldwyn-United Artists picture, "Strike Me Pink," arrive in New Yorr today from Hollywood in a private ear. ^ SAM STERN, chief artist for Warner theaters in Pittsburgh, has returned to that city following a visit with his folks in New York. JACK MERSEREAU. GB associate producer, who has been spending the holidays in New York, sails next Wednesday aboard the Aquit.nia to return to his post at Shepherd's Bush. MAJOR ROGER MARCHETTI, west coast attorney and counselor for American motion picture interests, has returned from London, where he consummated reciprocal arrangements with British studio executives. Marchetti will remain in New York for several days before proceeding to the coast, holding temporary headquarters at the Waldorf-Astoria. JOE MORRISON is in New York from the coast. Denies Injunction Against Union Justice Adel in Brooklyn Supreme Court on Tuesday denied an application for an injunction to oust Local 306 men from the Terminal and National Theaters on the ground that the theaters, as I. T. O. A. members, were bound by a 10-year contract to employ Allied operators. Justice Adel held that the agreement was not binding on the theaters because the treasurer and not the corporation had signed the Allied contract. The court held further that the 10year agreement was not binding on I. T. O. A. members because of the method of its adoption by the I. T. O. A. Sunday Shows for Waterbury Waterbury, Conn.— Permission for all theaters in the city to run shows on Sunday between 2 and 11 P. M. during 1936 has been granted by the Board of Aldermen. Under state law, Sunday afternoon and evening performances are legal if the Board of Aldermen or town meeting gives approval. "Navy Wife" for Globe "Navy Wife," 20th Century-Fox release, with Claire Trevor, Ben Lyon, Ralph Bellamy and Warren Hymer, opens Saturday evening at the Globe on Broadway. 5 Warner-F.N. Releases Scheduled for February Warner-First National will release five productions in February, as follows: "Widow from Monte Carlo," with Warren William and Dolores Del Rio, Feb. 1; "Petrified Forest," with Leslie Howard and Bette Davis, Feb. 8; "Road Gang," with Donald Woods, Feb. 15; "Story of Louis Pasteur," with Paul Muni, Feb. 22; "Song of the Saddle," with Dick Foran, Feb. 29. Louis M. Sagal Buried New Haven, Conn. — Funeral services were held yesterday from Temple Mishkan Israel for Louis M. Sagal, veteran Poli circuit executive, who died Monday of bronchial pneumonia at his home in Branford. Sagal was 62 years old and had been associated with S. Z. Poli for more > than 30 years. W. B. Taylor Dead William B. Taylor, 58, former actor and at one time an executive with the Keith-Albee organization and later a theatrical agent, died this week after being stricken while at his desk in the offices of the ERB at Lexington Ave. and 124th St. "Tale of Two Cities" Holds Over M-G-M's "A Tale of Two Cities" will hold for at least another week at the Capitol. Business at the house for the week starting Christmas Day was the best since 1928, the management reports. 33 W. 60th ST NKW YORK CITY MUSICAL WUNDTRACKOTVfRY M00D$°TYPE OF PICTURE SEND 1'OK OUR CATALOG