The Film Daily (1936)

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THE THEATER IMPROVEMENT NOTES -c&H DAILY Saturday, Jan. 4, 1936 {Continued Rhodessa, La.— W. D. Hulett has installed new sound apparatus in the Majestic Theater. New York — Western Electric announces new sales of Wide Range sound equipment to the following theaters: World, St. Paul, Minn.; Nordic, Marquette, Mich.; Knickerbocker, Nashville, Tenn.; New, Aberdeen, N. C; Marcellus, Marcellus, N. Y.; Crysytal, Ralls, Tex.; Delmar, Morrill, Neb.; Teton, Powell, Wyo. Akron, 0. — The National Theater has been granted a building permit for $2,000 worth of remodeling, Building Inspector James Easton announced. House, which will be one of the most modern in the downtown section, is expected to open about November 1. from Page 4) tive of Cleveland Sound Equipment, is planning the opening of a branch in Windsor, Ont., which he will operate in addition to the Michigan territory. New York — Jei'ry Devin has developed a color still camera known as the Devin Color Camera which affords three-color separations. Jack Shalitt is associated with him. Detroit — E. V. Smith, representa Newark, N. J. — A four-page folder giving a general description of the new "Coronet" — the perfected Metal Tube — has just been issued by the Arcturus Radio Tube Co. of this city. The bulletin also contains a complete chart of characteristics and a table giving pin connections and physical specifications. It will be sent free to dealers and servicemen requesting it on their letterhead. Music by Hidden Orchestra Transmitted to Audience Pacific Northwest Notes Realizing an idea which he had carried in his mind for more than a year, Leopold Stokowski, noted orchestra leader, directed a unique performance of Igor Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" ("Le Sacre du Printemps") last Thursday in which the music was transmitted from an invisible orchestra as the audience watched the enactment of the famous ballet music on the stage of the Philadelphia Academy of Music. Following conferences with Max C. Batsel of the RCA Photophone laboratories, Mr. Stokowski's longcherished idea became a practical reality, for recent technical developments have made possible new facilities of a flexibility and quality of performance which open up a new field of possibilities for the concert stage and theater. Workmen cleared the space behind the stage shell, where the orchestra was to be hidden, put up suitable drapes and hangings to concentrate the sound, and installed the apparatus. Three sensitive "velocity" type microphones with as many associated "high fidelity" amplifiers were set up. These in turn were connected directly to giant Photophone sound projectors of the directional baffle type concealed behind the cyclorama on the stage, so that they were invisible to the audience. The purpose of setting up three individual Photophone channels for the transmission of the sound from behinf the scenes to the audience was to provide the full-tone color perspective of the large symphony orchestra. Moreover, it was possible to achieve some of the mass tonal effects for which Mr. Stokowski has long been striving. For while the Philadelphia Orchestra provides the Seattle— Dart games, declared to be the bete noire of theater interests and fought by the movie men of Spokane, have been closed up in that city. Taylor Street Theater of Portland has resumed its pix policy, following brief discontinuance with subsequent runs. J. T. Sheffield of Seattle and his family are on a motor trip to California. Col. G. T. Woodlaw has opened the Downtown as Portland's newest movie house, with a policy of firstruns. It was formerly the old Columbia. John Hamrick has completed extensive arrangements for presentation of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at Hamrick's Music Hall in Seattle as a road show starting Jan. 20. George Hood, well known theaterman of Seattle, has been named state director of the Washington State WPA theater projects program. Plan includes opening of a large downtown theater for staging of shows. 4th Month for "Maternelle" "La Maternelle," French film with English titles, goes into its fourth month at the 55th St. Playhouse on Monday. This makes the longest run for the film in the entire world outside of Paris, where it ran for a year. original music, its volume may now be augmented to giant, breath-taking proportions by the new amplifying system. Mr. Stokowski plans to use the same system to carry out other new ideas he has for other productions. EQUIPMENT FIELD NOTES (Continued Newman, 111. — The Illinois Theater has purchased new Brenkert lamps to improve the projection. Des Loge, Mo. — R. W. Corbin, owner of the Grand, has placed an order for 350 new orchestral type seats. Watertown, Wis. — A new modern changemaker — the Model 95 Brandt Automatic Cashier — is just being placed on the market. Like previous models, it has one key operation, a light touch of a key being all that is necessary to deliver the correct change to customers. A big improvement on the new model is the "easy set" swivel delivery chute which can be readily turned and locked in any position from Page 5) desired by means of a thumb screw. The new five-color keyboard allows keys to be readily identified and instantly located and adds to the beauty of the machine. This new theater type Brandt is very compact, sturdily constructed and may be supplied with either high or low coin magazine. It is being offered by the Brandt Automatic Cashier Co. of this city. Chicago — A new ladies' lounge, a spacious foyer and a 40 per cent wider screen have been installed in the Jackson Park Theater, South Side house. Detroit — Arthur C. Robinson has remodelled the front of the Odeon. Atlantic City Items Atlantic City — Resort theaters went into the New Year with midnight shows and despite aftermath of blizzard 'walk reported attendance good . . . crews worked all night keeping wooden way clear of snow . . . avenue houses had to dig out . , . something entirely foreign to Atlantic City . . . "Captain Blood" was a holiday winner for the Stanley . . . Floyd Wesp of this house spending Monday nights with Manager Perlin in Colonial handling crowds packing in for broadcasts . . . Colonial getting plenty of pub licity on night spots booking winners of contests . . . Gus Edwards returned for two more broadcasts. General Manager Richard Endicott of Steel Pier leaving for south next week on first vacation in four years . . . The Cabin Kids of movies clicked in a personal appearance holiday bill, Steel Pier . . . special "early birdr' matinees in several houses with special prices finding favor . . . Hammonton Theaters, Inc., operators of Rivoli, Hammonton, announced opening of new Palace Theater, same town . . . Mays Landing theater this week changes policy and going steady run from afternoon 'til evening. For Showmen — By Showmen SILK — TRANSPARENT VALANCE AND FLAG RENTALS MORRIS LIBERMAN 1018 S. Wabash Ave. 729 Broadway 1630 W. Washington Blvd. CHICAGO NEW YORK LOS ANGELES