The Film Daily (1936)

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The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Seventeen Years Old FDAILY VOL. 69. NO. 4 NEW YORK, MONDAY. JANUARY 6. 1936 TEN CENTS Defendants Will Seek Delay in St. Louis Case HEARST JfARNER TELEVISION SEEN WITHIN YEAR 20th Century-Fox Studios to Build Five More Stages 1936 Building Program Calls for Outlay of $2,500,000 West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — New construction involving about $2,500,000 and includingfive more big sound stages on the same scale as the new $200,000 Will Rogers will be undertaken at the 20th Century-Fox studios this year. Other improvements will include a new administration building, a new industrial building, new property {Continued on Page 8) INDIE EXCHANGES PASS ON CITY TAX Independent exchanges headquartering in New York will adopt the same policy as major companies in handling the New York City sales tax situation and pass the levy on to exhibitors, it was stated by several firms on Saturday. "It must be passed on to the consumer," they said. Majors have taken an appeal from the assessment and in event it fails they plan to go into the New York State Supreme Court to attack the 2 per cent tax. "Ten Best" poll about the most Committees Appointed For S.M.P.E. Meeting W. C. Kunzmann, vice-president for the spring convention of the S. M. P. E. which is planned for April 27-30 at the Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, has appointed various com (Continued on Page 8) Thanks for the Compliments! If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, the annual conducted by The Film Daily among the nation's critics is complimented event in the movie world. Despite the specious attempis of some emulators to ride on its bandwagon or detract attention from it, the Film Daly poll breaks new records and commands greater interest each year. This year more than 500 newspapers and magazines in this country and some abroad, will testify to the fan and trade interest in THE "Ten Best" poll by publishing the results in their columns — in many cases over big eight-column headings— not counting the bushels of advance publicity and what will follow in subsequent weeks, all because of its intrinsic news value. Among the mentions that will be given them over the air, THE "Ten Best" also will be dramatized by "March of Time" on its Thursday night over WABC and the national CBS network. In point of space given to it in the newspapers of the country, and other attentions, the story of the "Ten Best Pictures" as selected by more than 450 leading film critics of the nation is the biggest annual news event in motion pictures. This is the BIG SHOW. Little ones may sneak in ahead of it, but the folks WAIT FOR THE BIG ONE. Be patient a bit longer, This is no one-man so it takes a little time. But you'll have it soon now. It'll be here Thursday. program half-baked or multiplied poll, 133 Holdovers to Date On "The Littlest Rebel" Harry and Albert Warner Buy Site in Miami Beach Holdovers on 20th Century-Fox's latest Shirley Temple vehicle, "The Littlest Rebel," up to last week had reached a total of 133, according to the company's home office. Of this number, 21 were set for a third week. Miami Beach, Fla. — A 400-foot beach frontage property here has been bought by Harry M. Warner and Major Albert Warner, who will erect two residences on the site. The property adjoins that of Harvey Firestone. Postponement of St. Louis Trial Will Be Sought by Defendants Morgan Kin at Paramount West Coast Bur., THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Peter Hamilton, grandson of J. P. Morgan, is now in the financial department at Paramount. Another member of a banking family who is here for a movie career is Marion Wolfe, nephew of Barney Baruch. Wolfe is an :xtra in the Carole Lombard film, 'Love Before Breakfast." St. Louis — When the Government's injunction action against Warners, Paramount and RKO goes to trial today in the Federal Court, the defendant companies will seek continuance on several grounds. Frederick W. Wood, chief Warner counsel, who figured prominently in the criminal conspiracy case which was tried last fall, is ill at his hotel in St. Louis and Samuel Fordyce, Paramount attorney, is also laid up by pneumonia. The requested delay will be opposed by Russell Hardy, special Assistant Attorney-General. Hardy, who arrived here Saturday with his staff, insists that the case is too important to be further delayed. He also said he will present various court decisions to sustain his contention that the acquittal in the conspiracy case has no legal bearing on the issue in the present equity case. Witnesses subpoenaed by the Gov (Continued on Page 9) Farnsworth Television, in Which Hearst Holds a Stake, Soon Ready By EDWARD HARRISON The affiliation between William Randolph Hearst and Warners will be extended under a plan whereby Hearst, a principal owner of the Farnsworth Television Co., Philadelphia, is expected to launch television within a year in association with Warners, The Film Daily is informed. Philo T. Farnsworth, head of the Farnsworth Television Co., stated (.Continued on Page 8) START DRJVElGAINST ADMITTING KIDS ALONE In the start of a new drive by the Juvenile Aid Bureau of the Police Department against theaters admitting unaccompanied juveniles, summonses for owners, ticket takers of about 100 houses in Manhattan were issued Saturday. The drive will be concentrated on the poorly kept theaters in the tenement sections. J. A. FitzPatrick Signs New Deal With M.G.M James A. FitzPatrick has signed a new deal with M-G-M under which he will produce 12 more TravelTalks in color for the distributor's 193637 program. He sails from New York today on the Franconia on a round-the-world trip to gather material. FitzPatrick's first stop will be Rio de Janeiro. He is accompanied by a crew of six people. The trip will require five months. Herman Zohbel Dies West Coast Bur., THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Herman Zohbel, RKO Radio Pictures executive, died Saturday of peritonitis following an appendicitis operation. Before joining the RKO studios, Zohbel was connected with the company's home office.