The Film Daily (1936)

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ntimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Seventeen Years Old -IF DAILY VOL. 69, NO. 18 NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 22. 1936 TEN CENTS Applying for Rehearing on Anti-Dual Clause Ban GOV'T PUTS WEHRENBEMTON STAND IN ST. LOUIS Hearings^ orTCopyright Bill Due to Start in Few Weeks Congressman Bloom Seeks Change in Duffy Measure By PRESCOTT DENNETT FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Washington — As the House Patents Committee announced yesterday that exhaustive copyright hearings involving every phase of picture business will take place within next several weeks, Congressman Sol Bloom, New York, said he would lead a fight to strike out the designed copyright amendment from the Duffy copyright bill which passed (Continued on Page 4) NEWSREELS SCORE ON KING'S DEATH Newsreels scored something of a beat on both the newspapers and the radio in flashing the news of the death of King George on Monday evening. In about 20 minutes after the King's death was announced in England, the Embassy Newsreel Theater in Times Square put (Continued on Page 4) Three More Ohio Houses Go Under Schine Banner Bellefontaine, 0. — Schine circuit, which already has houses in 10 Ohio towns, has acquired two theaters in Athens and a half interest in one at Delaware. Henry Bieberson, president of Marion Glass Co., Marion, made the sale. Nate Spingold Negotiating With Pickford-Lasky Unit West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Note Spingold, who is leaving his executive post with Columbia in New York, is understood talking to Jesse L. Lasky concerning a connection with Pickford-Lasky Pictures. So far the post he vacates in New York has not been filled. How They Started Wehrenberg Tells of His Efforts to Get Warner and RKO Product By DAVID BARRETT FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent St. Louis — Fred Wehrenberg, president of the M.P.T.O. of St. Louis, Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois, testifying yesterday as a government witness in the Department of Justice Equity proceedings against Warners, et al, told of his unsuccessful efforts in December, 1934, to obtain contracts to show Paramount and RKO pictures for subsequent run at the New Grand Central Theater. He said that upon an invitation from Harry Koplar he conferred with Koplar and Harry Ar(Continued on Page 6) Presenting today Charles C. Pettijohn the general counsel of the Motion Picture Producers & Distributors of America (Hays Office to you). Charlie made his film industry debut in 1917 as general counsel for Mutual Film Corp Besides his legal abilities he has cut some ice in the political field. Credit for the art work, as you probably know by heart now, goes to Colonel Hap Hadley BRANDT DECLINING ITOA REELECTION Majors Will Ask Rehearing On Double-Feature Decision Zanuck Setting Record For Production Speed West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — With 43 of its 57 scheduled releases either finished or well advanced in production, the 20th Century-Fox studio under Darryl F. Zanuck is setting a new record for speed in completion of the season's program. Twelve of the features in the lineup are being per (Continued on Page 4) Major distributors will immediately make application to the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals at Philadelphia for a re-hearing on the Perelman decision, which upholds a Federal Court opinion finding anti-dual feature clauses in film rental contracts as illegal. This was learned yesterday following a meeting of major company attorneys at the (Continued on Page 6) Harry Brandt, president of the I. T. 0. A., will decline re-election at today's meeting of the exhibitor organization, he stated yesterday. He will continue his active support of the unit, however, he said. The step is necessitated by the increased demands on his time by his own interests, Brandt declared. New Disney-U. A. Deal Is Under Negotiation With Walt Disney's United Artists releasing deal expiring before the end of the 1935-36 season, discussions are now proceeding with U. A. on a future releasing deal, it (Continued on Page 4) Local 306-Allied Merger Awaits IATSE Approval Joseph D. Basson, president of Local 306, has gone to Miami to obtain approval of the I. A. T. S. E. executive board, now in session in the Florida city, to a plan for merg (Continued on Page 4)