The Film Daily (1936)

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THE Wednesday, Jan. 22, 1936 -^^J DAILY « REVIEWS » Buck Jones in "SUNSET OF POWER" Universal 66 mins. REGULATION WESTERN WITH BUCK JONES DELIVERING IN THE STYLE THAT PLEASES OUTDOOR ACTION FANS. Although it follows pretty much in the groove of the routine formula for western melodrama, this yarn is a generally satisfying production of its kind. The work of Buck Jones, who also produced it, is up to his usual standard, and there's enough of various kinds of action to keep things moving at all times. Arriving on the scene as the heroine, Dorothy Dix, is about to be married off to the wrong man by her grandfather, whose property she will inherit, Buck gets himself a job and gradually brings to light the fact that the intended bridegroom is a scapegoat. So in due course he wins the favor of the old man and gets the girl himself. Cast: Buck Jones, Dorothy Dix, Charles Middletcn, Donald Kirk, Charles King, Nina Campagna, Ben Corbett. Producer, Buck Jones; Director, Ray Taylor; Author, J E. Grinsted; Screenplay, Earle Snell; Cameramen, Allan Thompson, Herbert Kirkpatrick; Editor, Bernard 'Loftus. Direction, Photography, Good FOREIGN "KEINE ANGST VOR LIEBE" ("Don't Be Afraid of Love"), in German; produced by Ideal; directed by Hans Steinoff; with Liane Haid, Ralph A. Roberts, et al. At the 86th St. Casino Theater. Moderately entertaining romantic comedy made enjoyable chiefly by the presence of Liane Haid, an attractive and talented actress. Fairbanks, Jr., Film Clicks London — "The Amateur Gentleman," first production of Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and his Criterion Films, was well received on its charity premiere in the London Pavilion on Monday night. Fairbanks, Jr., who is co-starred with Elissa Landi, gives a dashing performance in a good action story directed by Thornton Freeland. United Artists will distribute the picture and young Fairbanks sails Jan. 29 for New York with a print. "I Conquer Sea" for Newark Para. "I Conquer the Sea," produced by Victor and Edward Halperin of Academy Pictures, has been booked to open at the Paramount Theater, Newark, on Friday. It also opens on that date in the Fox Brooklyn Theater with GB's "First a Girl" while the Loew circuit will show it in 24 spots day-and-date next month. Columbia Testing Actress Columbia gives a screen test to C'Mari De Schiffer in New York on Friday. She played the feminine lead in "Faun," Charles Bruce Milholland play, when it was tried out recently in Indianapolis. Suit Holds Up Chase Deal Determination of the Neblett action, seeking to set aside the bankruptcy of Fox West Coast Theaters, is understood holding up consummation of the deal whereby the Chase banking interests £re selling their holdings in National Theaters, which controls Fox West Coast, to 20th Century-Fox. Trial is now set for Feb. 10 in the Federal Court, Los Angeles. Ralph Harris of Hughes, Schurman 6 Dwight, attorneys, hos gone to the Coast from New York to represent the 20th Century-Fox interests. Conferring With Fire Chief Proposed changes in the New York City fire ordinances as they relate to the handling of film will be discussed Friday at a conference between Fire Commissioner McElligott and a sub-committee of the general committee representing major distributors. Revisions are necessary to permit changeover, to 2,000-foot reels, as planned as of Aug. 1, next. Arthur Dickinson of the Hays office, in charge of the undertaking for that association, goes to Chicago in about a month to take up the matter of revision of that city's fire ordinances along similar lines. "Bank Night" Legal in Iowa An opinion rendered by the Iowa State Supreme Court yesterday held that "Bank Night" does not constitute a violation of the state's antilottery laws, it was stated by Claude Ezell, general manager of Affiliated Enterprises, which controls the game, prior to leaving New York for Atlanta. Decisions on the game have previously been made only by lower courts, he declared. Ezell estimated that 4,300 theaters are now using "Bank Night." This is double the number of houses using the plan a year ago, he stated. Carl Hoff Making Vita. Short Carl Hoff and his Hit Parade Orchestra are before the cameras at the Brooklyn Vitaphone studios in a new one-reel musical short. Featured with the band are Edith Dick. Sunny Schuyler and Frank Parrish, singers, plus Ray and Grace McDonald, dancers, currently entertaining at Leon and Eddie's. Joseph Henabery is directing. GB Sets New Arliss Picture "East Meets West" will be the next starring vehicle for George Arliss under the GB banner, according to Arthur A. Lee, vice-president of the company. Arliss will impersonate a modern Malay monarch who is finally outwitted by his Oxford-bred son and the latter's English sweetheart. Wm. DeMille Rehearsing Play William DeMille has started rehearsals of his stage production, "Hallow'en," by Henry Myers. Mary Hone has the central role, and a Broadway opening is scheduled about the middle of February. "Freshman Love" at Palace "Freshman Love," Warner release with Frank McHugh, Patricia Ellis and Warren Hull, opens Friday at the RKO Palace with a subsequent run of "Captain Blood." FILM DAILY REFERENCE BOOKS ARE STANDARD IN THE . .. INDUSTRY THAT'S WHY THE COMING 1936 YEAR BOOK OF MOTION PICTURES WILL BE IMPORTANT