The Film Daily (1936)

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THE j^2 DAILY Wednesday, Feb. 26, 1936 Vol. 69. No. 47 Wed.. Feb. 26. 1936 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. T. \V Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau. Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur \V. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette. Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3. 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone. Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood. California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd.. Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest \V. Fredman. The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., \V. I. Berlin— Lichtbildbuehne. Friedrichstrasse. 225. Paris— P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Couriles-Xoues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat 24 23% 23 % — % Columbia Picts. vfc. 37' 2 36% 37V2 4 % Columbia Piers, pfd.. 47'/4 47% 47% + % Con. Fm. Ind 6% 6% 6% Con. Fm Ind. pfd. 183/4 18% 18% — % East. Kodak 164 162 164 4-4 Loew's. Inc 49% 48'/2 49 + 1. . do pfd 106 106 106 — l/8 Paramount 10% 10% 10% — % Paramount 1st pfd.. 79 78 78 — % Paramount 2nd pfd.. 1114 11 Ill's— % Pathe Film 8'/8 7% 7% RKO 834 77/8 8—34 20th Century-Fox . . 28% 2634 27'/2 20th Century-Fox pfd. 37 35% 36 — 13^ Univ. Pict. pfd 66 % 65% 653/,— % Warner Bros 14 123^ 13 — % do pfd 54 54 54 — 2'/2 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. . 237<s 23 23—1 Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 ctfs. 23% 23 237/8 4 % Loew 6s 41ww 103 1027/8 103 + % Paramount Picts. 6s55 94% 92% 92% — 13/„ Par. Bway 3s55 .. 573'8 5634 5634 — 1% RKO 6s41 76% 76 76% 4 % Warner's 6s39 95% 95 95 — % NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Picts. vtc. 39% 39 39 — % Sonotone Corp 3% 2% 3 — % Technicolor 25% 24% 24% — % Trans-Lux ......... 43, 4% 4% — % James A. FitzPatrick E. J Mannix P. A. Powers to Produce New Attendance Stimulant "Reg'lar Fellers" Comics Offered in Rhyming Game In addition to a fourth series of ComiColor Cartoons already planned for 1936-37, P. A. Powers will expand the activities of his Celebrity Pictures by producing a new cartoon series based on the Gene Byrnes newspaper strip, "Reg'lar Fellers", under a deal made by Charles Giegerich of Celebrity. Both series will be produced under the directorial supervision of Ub Iwerks. Chas. Mayer in Malay Post For 20th Century-Fox Film Charles Mayer, formerly located in the home office and for the past year and a half stationed in India, has been promoted by 20th CenturyFox to manager in the Federated Malay States with headquarters in Singapore. The appointment was made by W. J. Hutchinson, foreign manager. "Human Relations Court" As New Columbia Shorts Deal has been concluded whereby a series of shorts based on the Macfadden Publications' bi weekly "Court of Human Relations" broadcast will be produced by Ben Blake for Columbia release. Sichelman May Get Post Although no appointment is understood to have been made officially so far, it is reported likely that Jack Sichelman, now connected with the 20th Century-Fox foreign department, will become assistant to John D. Clark, filling the vacancy caused by the promotion of William Sussman to Eastern Division sales manager of the firm. Clark is expected to formally announce Sussman's successor when he returns to New York from the Coast within a few days. Foreign Press Dining Goldwyn Samuel Goldwyn will be guest of honor at a luncheon to be presented by the Association of Foreign Correspondents at the Hotel Lombardy tomorrow. Goldwyn now on a brief visit in New York prior to sailings for Europe, will discuss the international aspects of motion picture production. Dinner to E. C. Grainger Twentieth Century-Fox and other film men will tender a dinner to E. C. Grainger at the Hotel Astor on March 9. He recently resigned as eastern division sales manager of the Kent company to enter exhibition. Jack Goldstein Quits U. A. Jack Goldstein has resigned as exploitation director for United Artists. As yet Monroe Greenthal, in charge of advertising, publicity and exploitation, has not appointed a successor. A new theater attendance stimulant, containing none of the lottery law complications that have been making trouble for some other forms of giveaways, has been launched by Charles J. Morton in the form of a theater rhyming contest. Morton has formed Theater Rhymes Co., with headquarters in the Longacre Bldg., to handle the proposition. Employing the idea of having fans try their ability at supplying the last line of a limerick, Morton has evolved a plan for either conducting the plan through a tieup with a local nwspaper or by distributing numbered coupons in the theater. All judging is done with the judges knowing the entrants only by the numbers on the coupons, and the winners claim their prizes by presenting the matching number in the theater on the award night. First theater to try out the stunt is the Franklin, Nutley, N. J., where it is being conducted in conjunction with the Nutley Sun, and Jim Cherry, manager of the house, reports it is going over big. The game runs for a period of 20 weeks, with weekly prizes totaling $25 or $50, depending on local conditions. Rachman Denied Clemency Lincoln, Neb. — Jules W. Rachman has been denied clemency by the state pardon board which recently heard his plea after he had served three years of a 15-year sentence for the shooting of Harry and Sam Goldberg, Omaha theater operators and his business associates. The board gave no reason other than that it is too early for Rachman to expect clemency. "Garden Murder" at Rialto Friday M-G-M's "The Garden Murder Case," with Edmund Lowe and Virginia Bruce, opens with a Friday night preview at the Rialto Theater. "Pine" Starts Second Week "Trail of the Lonesome Pine," Walter Wanger production for Paramount, starts its second week today at the New York Paramount. Stanley Smith for Stock Company Stanley Smith will he a member of the stock company being formed by Chamberlain Brown for the National Theater. "Fleet" Holding at Music Hall RKO's "Follow the Fleet," with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, goes into its second week at the Radio City Music Hall tomorrow. "Walking Dead" Opens Saturday Warners' Boris Karloff vehicle, "The Walking Dead," opens Saturday at the New York Strand. Ralph Bellamy Starts Personals Ralph Bellamy, recently engaged by Fanchon & Marco for personal appearances, opens at the Palace Theater, Chicago, on Friday. Coming and Going RALPH KOHN, who is now in the east, returns to the coast within a few days. EDWARD CHILDS CARPENTER, who sails for Bermuda on Saturday aboard the Monarch of Bermuda, will complete a new play while there. WILLIAM WYLER, who will direct "Dodsworth" for Samuel Goldwyn, is on an eastern trip. ARCH SELWYN, now recuperating at Palm Springs, Cal., is expected in New York the latter part of next month. OMAR KIAM, Hollywood costume designer associated with the Sam Goldwyn studios, has arrived in New York for a short vacation. JACOB WILK of Warners has left New York for the coast. BORIS MORROS of the Paramount production staff in Hollywood arrives in New York on Friday to confer with Russell Hotman and Oscar Serlin on production matters. JOCK LAWRENCE, publicity director for Samuel Goldwyn, is scheduled to leave the coast today for New York. A. K. MILLS, "March of Time" publicity director, has returned from several weeks spent in Nassau and Florida. WALTER VINCENT and MRS. VINCENT leave Saturday for Miami. JACK COHN leaves Saturday for Hollywood. MIRIAM HOPKINS, who was on her way te New York by boat from the coast after finishing work in Samuel Goldwyn's "These Three," did an about face in Guatemala and returned to Hollywood to prepare for her role in Goldwyn's "The Princess and the Pauper." WILLIAM CAMERON MENZIES, who directed 'Things to Come," the Alexander Korda production for United Artists, is sailing this week from England on the Berengaria for New York, bringing a print of the film. JOSEPH PASTERNACK and HENRY KOSTER have left New York for Hollywood. ROSALIND MARQUIS, "blues" singer signed for featured screen roles by Warners, left for the coast yesterday. MARIO LUPORINI leaves New York in 20 days for a Coast trip prior to returning to Italy. LEOPOLD FRIEDMAN has returned to New York from the Coast. J. K. CUNNINGHAM is in town. WALTER GOULD, United Artists foreign department executive, arrived in New York yesterday. Models Forming Equity Group Formation of Models' Equity Ass'n, modeled along the lines of Actors' Equity, will be taken up by models of this city at a meeting to be held the afternoon of March 8 in the Hotel Lexington. The aim is to stabilize working conditions. 2 Big Grossers for Para. Early box-office returns on "Klondike Annie," Mae West vehicle, and "Trail of the Lonesome Pine," Technicolor production made by Walter Wanger, indicate that Paramount has two big grossers in these releases. In 11 cities where "Annie" has opened following the Miami premiere, receipts have been from 20 per cent to 80 per cent above average, with a number of long-time records established. Spots include Hartford, Springfield, Mass, New Haven, Denver, Kansas City, Salt Lake City, St Louis, Buffalo, Nashville, New Orleans and Oklahoma City. "Pine," besides setting a record at the New York Paramount, has been held over for five and a half days in Miami Beach and also set a two-year record in Miami.