The Film Daily (1936)

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THE -Z&>« DAILY Wednesday, Mar. 11,1936 Para. Studio Contracts Up for Action March 26 Vol. 69. No. 59 Wed. Mar. 11, 1936 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. by W'id's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. \V. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager Arthur \V. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don " Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., \V. I. Berlin— Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK Am. Seat Columbia Picts. vtc. Columbia Picts. pfd.. Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. . East. Kodak Loew's, Inc Paramount Paramount 1st pfd. Paramount 2nd pfd. P^the Film RKO 20th Century-Fox 20th Century-Fox pfd. Univ. Pict. pfd Warner Bros NEW YORK Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 ctfs. Lcew 6s 41 ww 102 21-32 Paramount Ticts. 6s55 RKO 6s41 Warner's 6s39 NEW YORK Sonofone Corp Technicolor Trans-Lux STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. 243/4 243/g 24i/2 + l/8 371/4 365/8 371/4 + 1/4 473/4 47i/2 473/4 63^ 5% 61/4 + 1/4 19 I8I/4 1834 + 1/2 164 163 164 + 1 49 48 1/4 49 + 1/2 93/8 9i/8 91/4 + i/g 71 70'/2 71 -4 Vi lOl's 10 lO'/s 7% 75/g 7% + Vs 8V8 77/g 8 30 29% 30 38l/4 373/4 38 777/s 777/8 777/5 _ 2i/8 12 115/g 117/8 + 1/8 BOND MARKET 29 2734 28 1/2 — 1 28l/2 271/2 28 102 21-32 102 21-32 8834 88 88 — 34 76 76 76 9034 89 903/4 + 3/4 CURB MARKET 27/g 23/4 27/g + l/8 32 30Vg 32 + 2l/4 4'/4 4l/g 4i/g William Jaffee Raoul Walsh Ralph A. Kohn Don M. Alexander Ratification of several major studio contracts is expected to come up for consideration when the Paramount board of directors meets on March 26 for a regular session. Agreements to be okayed include deals with Ernst Lubitsch, who has assumed the status of a unit producer, and Winfield R. Sheehan. Paramount yesterday denied that Lubitsch, who has gone abroad for a vacation, has severed his connection with its production activities. Paramount's executive committee meeting Friday will consider several important matters, it is understood. Cinecolor Expanding West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — Lining up new financing, Cinecolor Corp. is planning to inaugurate an expansion program based on expectations that its business will increase 60 per cent during the present year. Construction of a new laboratory is contemplated. No Grounds to Halt "Annie" Omaha — Legal action to halt the showing of "Klondike Annie" here failed to materialize. C. Ray McKay, welfare board superintendent, declared he could find no legal grounds for halting the film since it was only mildly objectionable. "Fauntleroy" Holds in 2 Spots "Little Lord Fauntleroy," the David Selznick production starring Freddie Bartholomew and Dolores Costello Barrymore, will hold over at the State, Miami, and the Erlanger, Philadelphia, the first two spots to play the United Artists release. 21 More Music Suits Warner music firms have filed 21 more music suits, making a total of 97, against radio stations for alleged copyright infringement. Stations licensed to use Warner music now total 239. 82 Players Under Warner Contract West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — As a result of the heavy production schedule under way, there are now 18 stars and 54 featured players, as well as 19 directors, under contract to Warner First National-Cosmopolitan. Third Week for Pinky Tomlin Pinky Tomlin, songwriter and screen player, has been definitely set to hold over for a third week of personal appearances at the Roxy. "Scotland Mystery" for Globe "Scotland Yard Mystery," B.I.P. production starring George Curzon, opens Saturday at the Globe. Silly Symphony for Roxy "Musicland," Walt Disney Silly Symphony in Technicolor, will be on the bill at the Roxy starting Friday. More Theater Activity In South-West Texas {Continued from Page 1) Smithville now nearing completion. Remodeling also has taken a sharp upturn. Among repair jobs under way are: Gidney Talley's Rialto, Pearsall; Wanda Hall's Alamo Hgts., San Antonio; Sam Schwartz's second house, Eagle Pass, and H. W. Hall's New Rialto, Beeville, and others. Arthur Kelly to Make Tour Arthur W. Kelly, United Artists vice-president in charge of foreign sales, leaves Saturday for a tour of U. A. exchanges in Mexico, Panama, Havana and Central America. He is expected to be gone a month. Walter Gould, U. A. representative in South America, is expected to accompany him. GB Releasing 4 Specials Soon In addition to "Rhodes," now playing advance engagements, GB will shortly release "Secret Agent," with Peter Lorre and Madeleine Carroll; "It's Love Again," with Jessie Matthews, and "East Meets West," all designated as specials, according to George W. Weeks, general sales manager. Maryland Tax Bill Killed Baltimore — A bill providing for a 1 per cent consumers' tax, including admissions, met immediate defeat in the state senate. Leaders are now seeking other means of raising relief funds and some have suggested special taxes, including an impost on admissions. The General Assembly is in special session. William T. Lackey to Marry West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — William T. Lackey, associate producer at Paramount, and Bonnie Blackwood, formerly on the Broadway stage and more recently in pictures, have announced their engagement. Wm. S. Hart to Appear at Exhibit William S. Hart, silent Western star, will appear today at McCreery's in connection with the 16mm. showings of oldtime films being presented by the store as an exploitation feature. Pictures used are from the Stone Film Library. Joe Brandt After Warner Theater Joe Brandt and associates are understood to be negotiating for the Warner theater, Broadway at 51st St., for the showing of Italian pictures. Brandt heads Nuova Mondo, which plans to distribute Italian films in this country. M-G-M Pep Club Ball March 27 M-G M Pep Club Motion Picture Ball will be held March 27 on the Hotel Astor Roof. Maurice Silverstein is handling tickets, which are $5 a person. Supper, dancing and entertainment are included. Whitemore to Assist Thomas Kem Whitemore has been made assistant to William Thomas, new Columbia studio publicity director. Coming and Going JACK WHITING, actor, and MRS. WHITING, the mother of Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., sail tonight from New York on the Aquitania for England HASSARD SHORT, theatrical producer, and LOUISE MICHAEL, film player, also are on the passenger list of the Aquitania sailing tonight. MELVILLE COOPER leaves New York tomorrow for Hollywood under contract to M-G-M. JACK CURTIS sails today on the Aquitania for London to confer on bringing the British musical comedy, "Yes, Madam?", to Broadway. JULIUS HAGEN, head of Twickenham Productions, will arrive here next month from London to negotiate a distributing deal with an American company, FILM DAILY is informed. WILLIAM C. PHILLIPS, Paramount's resident attorney in Berlin, has returned to New York following a visit to the company's studio in Hollywood. He sails back to Germany today on the Washington ROBERT GRAHAM, assistant manager in Paramount's Mexico City office, has returned to New York to await his next assignment. LOU ANGER is in New York from the Coast. SIDNEY R. KENT returns to New York late this week from Washington. R. L. McCOY is due in New York Thursday from Dallas. JOHN D. CLARK has returned to New York from Hollywood. SOL A. ROSENBLATT, who went to Washington yesterday, returns to New York tomorrow. JACK COHN arrives at the Coast on Monday by boat from New York. ABE SCHNEIDER leaves New York on Friday for Hollywood. G. W. PABST, German director, is in New York from the Coast. MERVYN LE ROY and MRS. LE ROY, JAKE WILK, accompanied by MRS. WILK are en route to New York. The Le Roys on their arrival plan a vacation trip to Europe. Goldwyn Writers Busy West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Samuel Goldwyn's writing staff is at work on the entire eight pictures he is to make for United Artists next season, and four of the scripts will be ready to go in work when the producer returns from Europe next month. Jane Murfin is putting final touches on "Come and Get It" which will be the first to start, with Edward Arnold and Virginia Bruce heading the cast. W. P. Lipscomb is adapting "Hurricane", Sidney Howard is vorking on "Dodsworth" in New York and Sam and Bella Spewack are doing "The Princess and the Pauper". Robert Perkins Recovered Robert Perkins of Warners is back at his office after being confined to his home by a severe cold. Amateur Warning What may be a warning that the amateur entertainment craze has reached its peak and has exhausted the patience of some patrons who pay professional admissions took place at the Brooklyn Fox Theater on Monday night, when a bunch of balcony patrons hurled a barrage of vegetables at the tyro performers. The riot necessitated calling in the police, who arrested eight of the offenders — the vegetable slingers, not the actors.