The Film Daily (1936)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Seventeen Years Old -1FDAILY /OL. 69, NO. 71 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 25. 1936 TEN CENTS Sheehan's Production Deal with Paramount Is Off PETTIJOHN, MYERS IN HOT ARGUMENT AT HEARING National Screen and Casanave Form Accessories Firm "asanave to Become VicePresident and General Manager of Firm Organization of National Screen Lccessories, in association with Jharles L. Casanave, who becomes ice-president and general manager f the new firm, was announced by National Screen Service Corp. yeserday. The new company will hanle specialty advertising accessories n a rental basis. National Screen Accessories will bart its operations with the pr d (Continued on Page 3) ITTERSON AND ZUKOR PLAN COAST CONFAB Plans for 1936-37 season product 'ill be discussed by John E. Otteran and Adolph Zukor at the Coast ext week with William LeBaron nd his associates, and Russell Hollan, New York head of the com (Continued on Page 7) teport Warners Talking Broadcast Ass'n Deal Warner music firms are undertood to be negotiating an agreelent for a period of years with the National Association of Broadcastrs through James A. Baldwin, diector of the NAB. At his Washngton office yesterday, Baldwin was aid to be in New York conferring {Continued on Page 10) How They Started Presenting Neil Agnew, vice-president of Paramount Pictures in charge of distribution. Agnew made his initial connection with the picture industry in 1920 as a booker for Paramount in Chicago. Reached present post via the division manager route. "Hap" Hadley is the man responsible for the art work W. R. Sheehan States Para. Production Deal Talks Are Off Pettengill Bill Session Turns Out Plenty Exciting By PRESCOTT DENNETT FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Washington — Heated arguments between Charles C. Pettijohn, Hays office general counsel, and Abram F. Myers, Allied general counsel, developed yesterday as the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Subcommittee continued its hearing on the Pettengill anti-block booking bill. Allegations concerning socalled immoral pictures precipitated the controversy. For a quarter of an hour, Pettijohn and Myers exchanged heated (Continued on Page 4) AUTHORSlNAtTACK ON STORY CHANGES !0th-Fox To Construct 8 More Sound Stages Eight new sound stages and a lew administration building are the :hief innovations proposed in a new :onstruction program which 20th Century-Fox will inaugurate next veek at it coast studios. The statement was made by Joseph M. (.Continued on Page 3) Nominate White Again As A.M.P.A. President Gordon White was selected for nomination for re-election as president of the A. M. P. A. yesterday at a meeting of the organization's committee on nominations. The committee also decided to propose the following: vice-president, Charles (Continued on Page 3) "I have discontinued negotiations with Paramount," stated Winfield R. Sheehan in New York yesterday. "No contract has been signed." The former Fox production head had been understood slated to join Paramount as a unit producer making a series of features. Sheehan departs from New York (Continued on Page 3) By GEORGE W . MEHRTENS FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Washington — Sharply denouncing the rights of moving picture producers to change not only the titles of their works but in many instances "cut to pieces" their literary efforts, representatives of the Authors' league testified before House Pat (Continued on Page 4) Health Dept. Inspection Causes Pittsburgh Wait Pittsburgh — Official inspection of the flood-stricken area by the city health department will delay the reopening of the undamaged downtown theaters for several days, Dr. (Continued on Pige 10) Assign Hake to 20th-Fox Home Office Exec Post Letters are pouring into this office telling us what a great book the 1936 Film Daily Year book is. — Advt. Transfer to the New York main office of C. V. Hake, who will fill an important executive capacity with Twentieth Century-Fox at the close of his duties as Japanese and Korean manager for the same company, (Continued on Page 3)