The Film Daily (1936)

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THE 5^2 DAILY Wednesday, Mar. 25, 1936 Vol. 69, No. 71 Wed., Mar. 25, 1936 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE : : Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Meriereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Courdes-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. 23V2 231/2 231/2 — % 36 351/2 351/2 — 1/2 451/2 45V2 451/2 — 21/4 63/8 6I/4 63/8 + Vs 18i/2 18 18 — 3/8 162 161 1/4 161 1/4 — % 165 165 165 473A 471/g 471/s — % 106% 106% 106% + % 93/4 9% 95/8 — % 74 74 74 — 1% 10% 10% 10% — % 10 9% 93/4 — 1/4 8 73/4 7% — % 29 28% 28% 36% 36% 36% 89 88 89 12% 121/4 121/4 — 3/8 541/2 53% 53% + 1/2 BOND MARKET Am. Seat Columbia Picts. vtc Columbia Picts. pfd Con. Fm. Ind Con. Fm. Ind. pfd East. Kodak do pfd Loew's, Inc do pfd Paramount Paramount 1st pfd.. Paramount 2nd pfd. Pathe Film RKO 20th Century-Fox. . . 20th Century-Fox pfd. Univ. Pict. pfd Warner Bros do pfd NEW YORK Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 . . 29i/2 29 29 — V4 Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 ctfs. 293,4 29 29 — Vi Keith A-0 6s46 ... 95V4 95 95 + % Loew 6s 41 ww 102 7-16 102 7-16 102 7-16 —1-16 Paramount Picts. 6s55 91% 90% 91 — 1/2 Par. B'way 3s55... 57i/2 57 57% + % Warner's 6s39 97 96 96y2 + % NEW YORK CURB MARKET Sonotone Corp 2% 2% 2% Technicolor 29% 283/4 283^ — % Trans-Lux 4% 4 4 David T. Katz Ray Enright Bertram Millhauser Edward F. Hurley El Brendel Coming and Going JOHN E. OTTERSON and ADOLPH ZUKOR leave New York Friday for Hollywood. JOSEPH BERNHARD returns to New York today after inspecting Warner theaters in the flooded areas of Pittsburgh and McKeesport. MORRIS HELPRIN, publicity director for United Artists, was in Philadelphia yesterday. PATRICK KNOWLES arrives in New York today on the Champlain en route to the Coast to act for Warner Bros. -First National. GUTHRIE McCLINTIC sails on the Manhattan today. JERRY MARKS of the J. H. HOFFBERG outfit leaves New York today for the Coast. SAM DEMBOW returns to New York Monday from a vacation in Florida. C. V. HAKE of Twentieth Century-Fox arrives in New York the first of May from Japan. JOSEPH M. SCHENCK sails from New York shortly for London. BETTE DAVIS arrives in New York this morning from Hollywood for a two weeks' stay. She will be the guest star on the Lux radio hour Monday night. S. BARRETT McCORMICK arrives in New York today from Hollywood. CLAUDE EZELL is in town from Dallas. ED SCHNITZER, Republic Eastern sales manager, leaves next week on a tour of the Southern exchanges and will be away two weeks. LEO DEVANEY, RKO Canadian district manager, is in New York. BARRETT KIESLING, of the M-G-M Coast studio publicity department, is in town. MARIO LUPORINI, United Artists representative in Italy, sails on the Champlain Friday on his return home. WINFIELD R. SHEEHAN, EDWIN BURKE, T. W. BUTCHER and GEZA HERCZIG leave New York tomorrow for the Coast. B. B. RAY leaves New York today returning to Hollywood via plane. NAT SALAND leaves New York today for a Coast trip, using the airplane route, and returning East in one week. GEORGE S. SCHAEFER returned to New York yesterday from Washington. Neb.-Iowa Exhibs Plan Spring Meet March 31 Omaha — Charles E. Williams, president of the Nebraska-Western Iowa M. P. T. O., has issued a call for the annual spring meeting of the local organization for Mar. 31 and April 1. An invitation has been made a blank one to all exhibitors in the Omaha territory. Williams will discuss the results of the Miami meeting of the national board of directors. The local board of directors will meet on the evening of March 31. Reorganization Plan Delayed Indications are that the first mortgage bondholders' committee for the Fox Brooklyn Theater and Building will ask additional time to work out a reorganization plan for the theater with Si Fabian, the present operator, when hearing on the reorganization proceedings is held Friday before Federal Judge William Bondy. Counsel for the committee and Fabian have been conferring steadily on a reorganization plan for several months but have not yet reached complete agreement. Pass Theater Bar Bill Albany — The Assembly has passed the Brownell bill amending the alcoholic beverage control law to permit theaters in New York City to sell liquor, and the measure now goes to the Senate. Theaters generally are not expected to avail themselves of privileges afforded by the bill in event of its becoming a law. Meeting on Legislation The New York legislative situation will be discussed by the I. T. O. A. at a meeting this afternoon at the Hotel Astor. 8 More Music Suits Total of eight suits charging copyright infringement have been filed by Warner music firms against WMCA and seven other local hotels. Dave Griffiths Head of English Renters Society FOX-B. D. COMPLETE DEAL IN AUSTRALIA Sydney — Formation of a special joint sales organization has been completed by Fox and British Dominions Films in Australia under a deal which has been consummated by Stanley Frick and Ernest Turnbull. "The move is in no sense a merger or amalgamation, as both Fox and British Dominions retail their separate and complete identities," says the announcement. Warners Set 72 More Dates On Latest Al Jolson Film London (By Cable) — Dave Griffiths, managing director of First National Pictures, headquartering in London, has been named president of the Renters' Society. GB has rejoined the society. Women Oppose Censor Bill Trenton — Charging that censorship of motion pictures achieves the reverse objective, the Finer Films Federation of New Jersey is campaigning against the Prall Censorship Bill now before the state legislature. Sponsored by State Senator Horace G. Prall, the bill provides for the appointment of three censors at a total salary of $13,800 and authorizes establishment of a corps of investigators. Buys India Cinecolor Rights West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Rights to the Cinecolor process for India have been bought by Imperial Films through Wolf Henius, who is here familiarizing himself with the mechanics. Imperial will erect a special laboratory on Henius' return to India. Test Talkies on Train First test performances of talking pictures on a passenger train have been made on the Union Pacific run between Denver and Chicago. The company plans to present^ nightly film programs during long jumps. Nick Woods Dead New Rochelle — Nick Woods, stage and screen player, died here Monday at the age of 78. Woods, whose name in private life was Nicholas Schaberger, was active in the theater for 36 years. New M-G-M Considine Deal M-G-M has signed a new threeyear contract with John W. Considine, Jr. for his services as a producer. With the addition of 72 new dates, the Easter week engagements on Warner Bros.' "The Singing Kid," starring Al Jolson, now total 279. Hughes After Air Record Newark — Howard Hughes, film producer with a non-stop cross-country air record, was yesterday awaiting favorable weather conditions for a crack at the non-stop record for a Newark-Miami flight. The present record time of five hours, one minute, 39 seconds is accredited to the late Jimmy Weddell, commercial aviator. Hughes is expected to once more use the borrowed plane with which he recently set the trans-continental record of nine hours, 27 minutes, 10 seconds in a surprise flight. GB Releasing Educationals Several series of educational films made by GB will be distributed by the company's non-theatrical department, according to an announcement yesterday by Arthur A. Lee. The films, largely one-reelers, dealing with geography, science and kindred \ subjects, will be distributed under supervision of William Berry, head of the non-theatrical department. Get 16mm. Rights Products of three major companies will be released on 16mm. film as a result of negotiations between Orton H. Hicks Films, Inc., and Paramount, Universal and Gaumont-British. The Hicks organization was formerly known as Home Film Libraries. Hoffberg Opening Coast Office J. H. Hoffberg will establish a Coast office in either Los Angeles or Hollywood and has appointed Jerry Marks to take charge. Marks leaves with his family today to make further arrangements. Author-Producer Dies London (By Cable) — Oscar Asche, author and producer of stage musicals adapted to the screen, died here on Monday at the age of 64. He was best known for the stage version of "Chu Chin Chow." Columbia Release Set Columbia's "Pride of the Marines" will be nationally released on April 2nd.