The Film Daily (1936)

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Wednesday, Mar. 25, 1936 rY, R. SHEEHAN'S DEAL WITH PARAMOUNT OFF (.Continued from Page 1) omorrow for Hollywood to set up lew production plans. He will be iccompanied by Edwin Burke, T. W. Butcher and Geza Herczig. [nterstate Managing More Texas Theaters Fort Worth — Interstate Circuit, inc., owner of the Parkway, and I. 3. Adelman, owner of the Tivoli lave entered into a partnership igreement whereby those two theiters will be owned half by Interitate and half by Adelman, accordng to R. J. O'Donnell, general maniger of the circuit. A similar 50-50 pooling arrangenent was entered into by Adelman or his Delman in Houston and Inerstate for the circuit's Tower in louston. Management of all four heaters will be in the hands of Inerstate circuit. Marseline K. Moore, vho became manager of the Tivoli i month ago, will continue to manige that theater, and Lowell Bodibrd will continue as manager of he Parkway. Stage Flood Relief Show Canton, Ohio — Loew's, the Palace tnd Alhambra theaters, Canton's hree major first run houses, united or a benefit show at Loew's yesterlay at 11:30 P. M.. all the proceeds o go to the Red Cross for use in reieving suffering among the flood 'ictims. Seek Cartoon Animators Search for cartoon animators to vork for Walt Disney Productions las brought to New York Carter Ludlow, George Drake and Don Jraham, executives of the company. ?hey are interviewing applicants at leadquarters in the RKO Building, kdiere they intend to operate for two nonths. Premiere at 55th St. Monday, the 55th Street Playhouse vill present the American premiere if "The Mystic Mountain." The diaogue is in French with superimiosed English titles. FACTS ABOUT FILMS Attendance at Greater Berlin's nearly 400 cinemas during 1935 was 53,887,600, a drop of approximately 6,500,000 from 1934. Box office receipts, however, were up 3,250,000 marks. 15, s We ria/fJ l1»^ ^zVhnuu u nA/\s w DAILY IMMLY • • • ALL THOSE well-intentioned efforts to stem the tide of movie-struck young folk towards Hollywood are going for naught if they read what Mr. Sidney Howard has to say about stardom rewards of the Fillum Capital Howard, who ought to know something about the Gold Coast as he's been there time and time again as a working writer, painted an alluring picture of the situation the other day in addressing the graduating class of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts Said Howard, in portion, in referring to Hollywood: "It offers you many things besides money You go home at night, sit in your Spanish patio and look at your swimming pool, a Dusenberg standing in front of the garage." Oooh! ▼ ▼ T • • • MR. HOWARD, so it seems, hasn't a great deal of respect for the acting talents of screen players for example: "I know how acting is done in Hollywood It isn't done in front of the camera It is done in the cutting room." Well, regardless of how it's done, there are still S0,000,000 admissions paid to theaters each week by persons who apparently like it . . . • Emerson Yorke, who usta head the casting goings-on at the Paramount Astoria studio, has completed "On the Spot," an industrial, through Automotion Pictures ... • Ed Finney is calling out the Marines That is to say, Republic will play host to Marine regular and reserve officers at a showing of "The Leathernecks Have Landed" tonight at the Globe ▼ ▼ T • • • LITERARY CRITICS and friends of Irvin S. Cobb watched his cinematic conduct last night in "Everybody's Old Man" at a preview at the Center ... • Pickford-Lasky Productions is now describing Francis Lederer as "the romantic Czech," no less All part of that propaganda campaign to make femme hearts go flutter flutter ▼ ▼ T • • • DURING THE past three days Roxy theater patrons have contributed $2,039.50 to the American Red Cross for flood relief Additional donations are being accepted by this de luxer and will be forwarded to the great relief organization ... • Victor McLaglen, Margot Grahame and Heather Angel will work in a condensed version of "The Informer," in CBS network airing Friday night at 9 o'clock This is the Radio pix which copped a variety of honors via the Academy of M. P. Arts and Sciences and the Film Daily's Ten Best poll remember ? ▼ ▼ T • • • M. A. LIGHTMAN, was looking 'em over at a Miami track not so long ago when up came a tout with the w. k. inside, sure-fire info Although skeptical, M. A. took a chance on a horse in the first race and collected okay The tipster inveigled him into another and higher bet — and M. A. won Once more the tout persuaded him to place a bet, this time still higher, and again Lightman's horse danced in ahead "Now," said the Guy That Knew Horses, "the next race is your big chance to clean up" And M. A. was about to place his top-money when along came a sheriff and carted off the tout to the jail-house M. A. is still wondering what horse the tipster had in mind T T T • • • TALENT definitely set to appear at the George Schaefer dinner Monday night at the Astor includes Bert Lahr, Willie and Eugene Howard, Frank Parker and Rachel Carlay Handling the tickets are Austin C. Keough, Harry D. Buckley, Joe Vogel, George Skouras, Willard S. McKay, Edward Kuykendall, Charles Pettijohn, Edward McEvoy, Joe Bernhard, A. W. Smith, Gradwell Sears, Abe Montague, William Rodgers and Moe Streimer Wotta selling force Jack Harrower of The Film Daily staff, who underwent an operation at the Yonkers General Hospital Monday, was reported improving yesterday « « « » » » NAT! SCREEN IN NEW ACCESSORIES FIRM (Continued from Page 1) uct of American Display Co. of which Casanave is vice-president and general manager. He has been working on problems of national distribution of accessories during the past two years, it was stated. "National Screen Accessories Inc. has available all of the facilities of National Screen Service, including its entire personnel," said the announcement. 20th Fox to Construct 8 More Sound Stages (Continued from Page 11 Schenck, in New York for a conference with Sidney R. Kent, before sailing for the company's European sales convention in London shortly. A new water supply system, expected to be one of the largest privately owned plants on the coast, a three-story building and new film vaults are also included in the building plans. Nominate White Again As A.M.P.A. President (Continued from Page 1) Leonard; secretary, Ralph Lund; treasurer, Herbert Berg; board of directors, George Gerhard, Rutgers Nielson, Milton Silver, Paul Benjamin and Marvin Kirsch, in addition to officers to be selected when the election takes place late in April. Assign Hake to 20th-Fox Home Office Exec Post (Continued from Page 1) was announced yesterday by W. J. Hutchinson, foreign manager, according to London cable. Hake is expected in New York about May 1, when he is to assume organization and conduction of the 1936 "Overseas Kent Drive." Hake has represented Twentieth Century-Fox and its predecessor, Fox Film, in Japan since 1928, following experience with First National and FBO. "Milky Way" at N. Y. Para. "The Milky Way" will open at the N. Y. Paramount tomorrow. SHOWMAN'S REMINDER Check fire extinguishing apparatus and hold staff fire drill at stated intervals.