The Film Daily (1936)

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THE SEES FLOOD LOSSES RECOUPED IN 3 MOS. (.Continued from Page 1) creased spending powers to the affected cities." Bernhard, who recently visited the stricken areas on a tour of inspection of his theaters, stated that the Stanley and Penn theaters in Pittsburgh are tentatively scheduled for reopening Wednesday and the Warner and Davis are resuming immediately. Commenting on damage caused by the flood, he said that "actual physical damage to property and theater machinery was slight." Over 700 Will Attend Schaefer Event Tonight (Continued from Page 1) United Artists, at the Hotel Astor. Reservations have already been made for the following: Austin C. Keough, Louis Phillips, W. G. Van Schmus, Leon Leonidoff, Russell Markert, A. H. Blank, N. L. Nathanson, George Trendall, George Walsh, Sidney R. Kent, Charles Pettijohn, Nathan Burkan, Edward Raftery, Louis Nizer, Hai-ry D. Buckley, Paul Lazarus, Harry Gold, Monroe Greenthai, Simon Fabian, B. S. Moss, M. A. Schlessinger, George Skouras, R. H. Cochrane, P. D. Cochrane, Cheever Cowdin, Charles B. Paine, Myer Schine, N. L. Manheim, Willard McKay, Ned Depinet, Jules Levy, Barrett McCormack, A. W. Smith, Gradwell Sears, Clayton Bond, Joe Bernard, Mort Blumenstock, Willard Patterson, Al Lichtman, Joe Vogel, W. F. Rogers, Howard Dietz, W. R. Ferguson, Si Seadler, T. F. Connors, E. M. Saunders, F. C. Quimby, W. A. Scully, A. Montague, Nate Spingold. 20th-Fox Branch Heads Changed in Two Spots {Continued from Page 1) Hilgers, who resigned to go into exhibition. In Memphis, Robert Bandy succeeds ad sales manager Glen Calvert, who has switched to the GB office in the same city as the successor of S. A. Arnold. W. L. Rutland, former shipping department assistant, succeeds Bandy as Atlanta assistant ad sales manager. Daniel M. Coursey replaces Rutland. Rebuilding Ventnor Theater Ventnor, N. J. — Rebuilding of the Ventnor theater, which was destroyed Friday by fire of unknown origin, causing damage estimated at $125,000, will be started this week, according to Mortimer Lewis, president of the Lewis-Wielland circuit. Completion is expected by summer. ■Z2H DAILY Monday, Mar. 30, 1936 ▼ ▼ T • • • JOHN D. CLARK has the idea that "Under Two Flags," 20th Century-Fox contribution to the theater, is going to be the greatest box-office picture of the year Ask him about the cast and he goes into a typhoon of superlatives and he knows values, this feller Incidentally, 20th Century-Fox plans a high powered campaign in four national magazines, fan papers and 250 daily newspapers to help put "Under Two Flags" across the b. o. line ▼ ▼ T • • • A COUPLE of lads dropped into our office the other day with a gadget that looked like a watch only it wasn't It lacked hour hands and hour markings on its face Instead there were a lot of little numbers and a couple of hands that rotate at the push of a button In other words, a sort of a stop-watch thingamajig It tells how much film is being run and at the same time, gives you, at a glance, the time for the music to go with it It's calibrated in seconds, minutes and feet This li'l instrument should be a big help in cutting, timing, editing and cueing pictures After looking it over, a wisecracker (that is, he thinks he's a wisecracker) observed: "Oh, boy, if it could only cook" ▼ ▼ T • • • RALPH ROLAN, vice-prexy in charge of ads for "The March of Time," tells one about a Mid-Western theater which omitted the popular film from a performance And the patrons flocked to the manager with such protests as to persuade him to announce that "The March of Time" had been left out of the program through an error and would be shown immediately , . Also, quotes Ralph, a Fox Midwest Theaters manager telephones his regular patrons when the picture is playing his house ▼ T T • • • ACCLAIM for "The Life of Louis Pasteur" still continues to pour into the Warner-First National offices, thus making happy Charlie Einf eld Endorsements, he points out in recapitulation, include ones from President Roosevelt and Senator McKellar of Tennessee ... • Lenauer International Films will have three pictures of its first season's releases running simultaneously on Broadway during thisweek The three are "Crime et Chatiment" at the Cinema de Paris, "The Mystic Mountain" at the 55th St. Playhouse and "Carnival and Love" at the Casino Theater ▼ ▼ T • • • ED LOWRY, Armida and Mark Plant will appear on the premiere bill at the Broadway ShoWindow on April 12 when Gus Edwards offers his latest venture ... • Jerome J. Cohen, who deals in insurance and such, on Saturday moved his offices from the RKO to the Paramount building ... • Mickey Mouse, in person, is slated to appear under sponsorship of Fanchon & Marco at the current San Diego Fair in a Mickey Mouse circus, which will tour the country Walt Disney has agreed to allow Mickey and his cartoon pals to join the circus biz, in replica, of course After the San Diego appearance, the Mickey Mouse circuit will play Fort Worth at the Texas Frontier Exposition and eventually reach the World's Fair in New York in 1939 ▼ ▼ T • • • BANK AND thermometer novelties, bearing the names and likeness of "Scrappy," animated cartoon star on the Columbia roster, will be manufactured by Zell Products Co. Jack Harrower of the Film Daily staff, a patient at a Yonkers hospital following an operation, over the week-end was reported as showing further improvement « « « » » » APPEAL WILL DELAY ST. LOUIS CASE TRIAL (Continued from Page 1) Judge Joseph W. Molyneaux of Minneapolis here on January 29 which permitted the Government to dismiss without prejudice its civil anti-trust case against the companies. Attorneys for the defendants filed an assignment of errors which charged Judge Molyneaux erred when he allowed the motion to dismiss and also erred at the opening of the civil case when he failed to hold the issues res adjudicata because of the not guilty verdict in the criminal case on Nov. 11 last. Harry C. Blanton, United States district attorney, opposed the appeal on the grounds that since the civil case has not been decided on its merits, Judge Molyneaux' ruling were not appealable. Legit. Producers Meet Today on Pact Change (Continued from Page 1) secretary of the League of Nev York Theaters, said Saturday that the new Guild proposal to divide proceeds of the sale of film rights to plays on a 60-40 basis, the larger percentage going to the playwrights, was an improvement over the previous Guild plan. It is learned, however, that the new managers' contract provided for a 50-50 split, as in the past. Brock Pemberton commented that while the Guild had cut down on the amount of its demands from the sale of film rights it had equalized this concession by requesting a 60-40 split on amateur, stock and other rights. Pemberton said that he was against the Guild contract because it was not a negotiated contract and established a bad precedent. Re-Electing Hays Ass'n Officials at Meet Today All officers of the Hays association are understood slated for reelection at the annual meeting of the organization in New York, today. A highlight of the session will be the annual report of Will H. Hays. Goodwin Joins F. D. at Buffalo Charles E. Goodwin, who was affiliated with Universal as a salesman for nine years, and was connected with Educational Pictures in the same capacity for four, has joined First Division's Buffalo exchange as salesman in that territory. Set Two Hungarian Pix Danubia has acquired two more Hungarian features for American distribution. They are "Baratsagos Arcot Kerek," ("Keep Smiling"), already on the market, and "Legy Jo Mindhalalig" ("Be Good Until Death"), set for early May.