The Film Daily (1936)

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Thursday, Apr. 2, 1936 FILM INCOME IS UP DESPITE THE FLOODS (Continued from Page 1) floods, houses which have reopened generally report that business is a great deal better than it has been and attribute the increase to the fact that their patrons are now hungry for entertainment after abstinence due to the shutdown. Joseph Bernhard, general manager of Warner Theaters, a few days ago estimated that flood losses would be recovered within three months due to increased employment. Two Columnists Join Fox Movietone Commentators (Continued from Page 1) precincts, according to an announcement yesterday by Truman Talley. Sullivan and Fidler join the staff which includes Lowell Thomas, Lew Lehr, Vyvyan Donner, Louise Vance and Ed Thorgersen. Republic Foreign Dept. Moves Republic's foreign department has moved from the RKO building to [ 1776 Broadway on the 22nd floor. Norton V. Richey is general manager with Morris Goodman, sales manager. Bateman Republic Manager Francis Bateman has been named branch manager of the Los Angeles exchange of Republic Pictures, replacing Howard Stubbins who recently resigned. Complete Chicago Buy The Chicago exchange of Republic Pictures has completed a serial deal with the Illinois-Indiana Theaters Circuit comprising eleven theaters. Form Television Company The formation of Television and Projector Corp., which will "manufacture, develop and market television receiving sets, was announced yesterday by Elias T. Stone, president. Public marketing of 200,000 shares of $1.00 par value was said to be expected shortly. 1 APRIL 2 Charles B. Paine Arthur Hirsch Joseph W. Girard ▼ ▼ T • • • HIGHLIGHTING the A.M.P.A. weekly meeting today at the Astor family's place will be a report from the committee on nominations in connection with the annual election, soon to be held A guest of honor will be Roger Pryor, who has appeared in various pix and is the son of the celebrated band leader, Arthur Pryor Also William Edmunds, character actor currently at work in "Moon Over Mulberry Street," a Neon Lane attraction ... • John Murray Anderson, who usta put on eye-appealing stage presentations in hllum houses, has been signed to produce the extravaganzas at the Texas Frontier Centennial this coming hot weather ▼ ▼ ▼ • • • RCA PHOTOPHONE'S new ultra-violet sound-film recording system will be demonstrated during a talk on "Recent Improvements in Sound Reproduction" at the Center theater tomorrow morning before the National Conference of Music Educators James Frank, Jr., sales exec, will do the talking ... • It's moving day again for Al Rosen, late of Hollywood, London and other points He's switching "One Good Year" from the Fulton theater to the Ambassador Monday ... • R. H. Burnside, former Paramount stage show producer, and Abner Rosenberg, attorney, are going in for Gilbert and Sullivan through the New Savoy Opera Co T ▼ T • • • EDDIE VOGT, vaudevillian, has been set to act as m. c. for the Major Bowes Radio amateur unit which opens tomorrow at the Roxy ... • The Glorified Ziegfeld Girls' Club, which is not averse to publicity, it seems, will hold a public meeting and cocktail party in the Patrician Lounge of the Ziegfeld theater tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 o'clock The pulchritudinous presence of all former Ziggy girls is requested ... • Museum of Modern Art Film Library holds its fourth program Tuesday and Wednesday in the auditorium at Dalton School. Pictures illustrating the German influence in production will be shown T T T • • • TIMES SQUARE Squints: Irene Thirer, m. p. editor of The New York Post and one of the best of the cinematic commentators, launching and interviewing Raymond Massey who, incidentally gives an outstanding and down-to-earth performance in the Max Gordon show, "Ethan Frome" Arthur and Dave Loew, plus Mort Spring, in daily luncheon talks at Sardi's ... • George Schaefer and his selling aide, Harry Gould, in a huddle at the Tavern Ned Depinet and Charlie Casanave ditto at "21". . . and Truman Talley, Ed Thorgersen, Lew Lehr and other members of the Fox Movietone News outfit concerned with food and conversation at the Tavern. T ▼ T • • • MISS VYVYAN DONNER, Fox Movietone fashionists, told how it's done yesterday when she addressed an audience of boys and girls at the Hudson Guild Neighborhood House ... • Marion Talley, Republic contract player and who also has something of a rep for warbling in the Metropolitan, will begin a series of broadcasts tonight from L. A. over NBC ... • Literally surrounded by stories (in fact, he has 30 of 'em), Nat Levine has returned to the Republic Coast studio and is now hard at work shaping up his program for 1936 37 Nat will only spend a few days at the plant as he plans to check out tomorrow or Saturday for a two weeks' trip to Honolulu And even on his vacation he plans to read scripts ▼ ▼ T • • • IT HAS just come to light in this fashion That when the motion picture critics of the New York dailies recently threw a party at the Ritz Carlton, the bill was sent to the Drama Critics' Circle by mistake You can bet that last dollar of yours that the bill was promptly re-addressed to the proper party ... • An Eighth Ave. dime house has had its marquee sign telling its public that Charlie Chaplin of "Modern Times" appears in its current attraction which happens to be an old reissue PATHE INTERESTS TO GO TO NEW COMPANY (Continued from Page 1) distribution and financing of films, and the new interests coming into the company will bring in $1,000,000 of new capital, it was said yesterday by Robt. W. Atkins, executive vice-president of Pathe. Atkins said that the contracts for the new management and the new financing would probably be signed in the next few days. Atkins disclosed that Time, Inc., has no financial interest in any of the Pathe companies but has an oplion extending over a year to acquire a block of stock of First International Corp. Whether this option will extend to the stock of the new Pathe subsidiary, is a matter now being worked out, Atkins said. The new company is expected to handle production and motion picture features as well. Pathe has not yet closed to handle the Chesterfield-Invincible product next season, Atkins said. Pathe Net $213,358 For Past 4|/2 Months « « « » » » (Continued from Page 1) 1935, according to the company's annual statement. Profit from laboratory operations was $66,362 and dividends from Dupont Film Corp. totaled $210,000 including an extra dividend of $175,000. Cash on hand of $480,986 is shown and total assets of $4,513,831, including the investment in 35 per cent of Dupont Film Co. capital stock, which is carried on the books at $2,857,143. Unliquidated advances to outside producers on released productions total $270,456. New Supply Dealers Ass'n To Operate in Ten Days Associated Theater Supply Dealers Ass'n, new national supply dealers organization, will begin functioning with the return of George De Kruif, its executive secretary to New York, from Grand Rapids in about 10 days, it was said yesterday by Rudolph Eisenberg, counsel for the association. Eisenberg declined to say how many members the new association had, but said that it had a good-sized membership list. Gets Exhib Contact Post Wash. Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Mrs. Ada S. Klock has been retained by District of Columbia MfTOA in advisory capacity in relation to public service and educational work by the theaters, according to announcement yesterday. She will suggest to managers the best type of community bookings, and will advise theaters as to participation in community affairs.