The Film Daily (1936)

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THE Monday, Apr. 6, 1936 S?^S Cambridge, (15 min.). S.M.P.E. Spring Convention Program Following is the official program for the Spring convention of the S. M. P. E. to be held at the Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, April 27 to 30, inclusive: MONDAY, APRIL 27th 9:00 A. M. — Registration. 10:00 A. M. to 12:00 P. M. — East Lounge: Business and Technical Session. Address of Welcome, H. G. Tasker, President (15 min.). Report of the Convention Committee, W. C. Kusizmann, Convention Vice-President (5 min.). Report of Membership Committee, E. R. Geib, Chairman (5 min.). Report of the Progress Committee, J. G. Frayne, Chairman (20 min.). "Organization and Work of the Film Library," John E. Abbott, Director, The Museum of Modern Art Film Library, New York, N. Y. (Demonstration) (25 min.). "The Application of Sound Motion Pictures to Criminal Identification," Col. H. N. Schwarzkopf, Superintendent, New Jersey State Police, Trenton, N. J. (Demonstration) (25 min.). 12:30 P. M. — South Room, Informal Get-Together Luncheon. For members and guests. Addresses by eminent speakers. 2:00 P. M. to 5:00 P. M. — East Lounge, Sound Session. Report of the Sound Committee, P. H. Evans, Chairman (1 hour). "Photoelectric Cells and Their Method of Operation," M. F. Jameson and T. E. Shea, Bell Telephone Laboratories. Inc., New York, N. Y. (Demonstration) (1 hour). "Harmonic Distortion in Variable-Density Recording," B. F. Miller, Warner Bros. Pictures Corp., Hollywood, Calif. (15 min.). "The Electron-Image Tube: A Means of Making Infrared Pictures Visible"; G. A. Morton, RCA Manufacturing Co., Inc., Camden, N. J. (20 min.). "Increased Resolution in Sound Recording and Frinting Through the Use of Ultraviolet Light"; G. L. Dimmick, RCA Manufacturing Co., Inc., Camden, N. J. (Demonstration) (25 min.). 8:00 P. M.— East Lounge; Film Program. Exhibition of recent outstanding feature and industrial motion pictures. Admittance by registration card only. TUESDAY, APRIL 28th 10:00 A. M. to 12:00 P. M. — East Lounge; Acoustics and Sound Equipment Session. "The Acoustic Design of Music Scoring Stages"; C. M. Mugler, Acoustical Engineering Co., Los Angeles, Calif. (Demonstration) (20 min.). "Acoustic Considerations in the Construction and Use of Sound Stages"; D. P. Loye, Electrical Research Products, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. (Demonstration) (20 min.). Report of the Standards Committee; E. K. Carver, Chairman. "A High-Quality Reproducing System for Small Theaters"; H. P. Pfannenstiehl, E. O. Scriven, and J. F. D. Hoge, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., New York. N .Y. (20 min.). "Recent Improvements in the Variable-Width Recording System"; B. Kreuzer, RCA Manufacturing Co., Inc., Camden, N. J. (20 min.). "Analysis of Sound Waves"; H. H. Hall. Cruft Laboratory, Harvard University Mass. (15 min.). 2:00 P. M. to 5:00 P. M. — East Lounge; Lighting Symposium. Report of the Projection Screen Brightness Committee; C. Tuttle, Chairman. Report of the Projection Practice Committee; H. Rubin, Chairman. (15 min.). "The Motion Picture Screen as a Lighting Problem"; M. Luckiosh and F. K. Moss, General Electric Co., Cleveland, Ohio. (25 min.). "Source Construction and Color of Light from Some Incandescent Lamps"; R. E. Farnham, and R. E. Worstell, General Electric Co.. Cleveland, Ohio. (20 min.). "Present Trends in the Application of the Carbon Arc to the Motion Picture Industry"; W. C. Kalb, National Carbon Co., Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. (20 min.). "Theory. Design, and Use of Photoelectric Exposure Meters"; A. T. Williams, Weston Electrical Instrument Corp., Newark, N. J. (20 min.). 8:00 P. M. — East Lounge; Special Sound Demonstration. "A Symposium on Essential Improvements Achieved in Sound-Film Recording and Reproduction in Adapting Conventional Methods to the High-Quality Requirements of Motion Pictures"; D. Shearer, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Culver City, Calif.; with the cooperation of the RCA Manufacturing Co., Inc., Camden, N. J. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29th 10:00 A. M. to 12:00 P. M. — East Lounge; Laboratory and Projection Session. Report of ths Committee on Preservation of Film; J. G. Bradley, Chairman. (15 min.). Report of the Color Committee; J. A. Ball, Chairman. (10 min.). "A Film Emulsion for Making Direct Duplicates in a Single Step"; W. Barth and F. Schoeck, Agfa Ansco Corp.. Binghamton, N. Y. (20 min.). "Projection and Projectors"; A. J. Holman, East Orange, N. J. (20 min.). "Some Properties of Motion Picture Film"; A. H. Nuckolls and A. F. Matson, Underwriters' Laboratories, Chicago, III. (20 min.). "A 13.6-Mm. Super-High-Intensity Carbon"; D. B. Joy, National Carbon Co., Inc., Fostoria, Ohio. (15 min.). "Action Is Needed"; F. H. Richardson, Motion Picture Herald, New York, N. Y. (10 min.). 2:00 P. M. to 5:00 P. M. — Visits to the Underwriters' Laboratories and other points of industrial interest. 7:30 P. M. — Ball Room; Semi-Annual Banquet. Addresses by eminent members of the industry, names to be announced later. Dancing and entertainment. THURSDAY, ArRIL 30th 10:00 A. M. to 12:00 P. M.— East Lounge; Slide-Film Symposium. "The Development of Slide-Film Stereopticons"; Miss Marie Witham, Society for Visual Instruction, Chicago, III. (15 min.). "Slide-Films for Use in the Extension Division of the U. S. Department of Agriculture"; C. H. Hanson, Extension Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. (Demonstration) (20 min.). "Visual Education and Slide-Films"; J. B. MacHarg, Lawrence College, Appleton, Wis. (Demonstration) (20 min.). "The Advantages of the Talking Slide-Film as a Machine for Selling"; L. M. Francisco, Wilding Pictures Productions, Inc., Chicago, III. (20 min.). "A Sound Slide-Film Projector"; F. Freimann, Electro-Acoustic Products Co., Fort Wayne. Ind. (Demonstration) (15 min.). Report of the Committee on Non-Theatrical Equipment; R. F. Mitchell, Chairman. (15 min.). "The Business Screen — Some Demands Made Upon It"; W. F. Kruse, Bell & Howell Co., Chicago, III. (15 min.). 2:00 P. M. to 5:00 P. M. — East Lounge; Apparatus and Equipment Session. "Photographic Race-Timing Equipment"; F. Tuttle and C. H. Green, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. (15 min.). "Use of Motion Pictures in an Accurate System for Timing and Judging Horse Races"; E. M. Honan, Electrical Research Products, Inc., Hollywood, Calif. (Demonstration) (15 min.). "Demonstration of 16-Mm., 1000-W Filmosound Projector"; R. F. Mitchell and W. L. Herd, Bell & Howell Co., Chicago, III. (15 min.). "Copper Oxide Rectifier for Motion Picture Arc Supply"; (Part A) I. R house Electrical & Manufacturing Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa., (Part B) C. E. Electric Co., West Lynn, Mass. (20 min.). H. F. Olson, RCA Manufacturing Co DAILY 19 Smith, WestingHamann, General Inc., Cam F. J. Loomis and E. W. Reynolds, RCA Manufac "A New Monitoring Telephone Receiver den, N. J. (20 min.). "A New Rotary Stabilizer Sound Head' turing Co., Inc., Camden, N. J. (15 mm.). "A Universal Ribbon Microphone"; H. Folson, RCA Manufacturing Co., Inc., Camden, N. J (15 min.). "The Magazine Cine-Kodak"; O. Wittel, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. 10 min.) "The Pull-Down Movement"; A. S. Newman, London, England. en< Li for a t Jiousani policemen Seni for tlaem ricjlrt away* Jkstjryman.fodonegie 'Will DO PLENTY AT THE BOXOFFICE" —Hollywaod Reporter <Wtf/i> Chester MORRIS * Helen MORGAN Distributed by REPUBLIC PICTURES