The Film Daily (1936)

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THE Tuesday, Dec. 15, 1936 RKO Sales Soar Upward ! GN to Name No Successor Interstate Theaters Take to New Top, Says Depinet to Davidson, Says Prexy Graves Circuit on Jan Vol. 70. No. Ml Tues.. Dec 15. 1936 10 Cents JOHN W ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published dahy except Sundavs and Holidays at 1650 Broadwav. New York. \" V by Wid's Films and Film Folk. Inc. 1. W Alicoate. President. Editor and Publisher: Donald M. Mersereau. Secretary-Treasurer acd General Manager; Arthur W. Eddv. Associate Editor; Chester B. Bahn. Managing Editor. Entered a second cl -May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York. N Y., under the act of March J, 1879. Terms (Postage tree) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months. $5.00; 3 months. $3 00. Foreign $15.00. Subscriber should remit with orjer. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadwav. New York. X. Y. e, Circle 7-4736. 7-4737, 7-4738. 7-4739. Cable Ad!rr^: Filmdav. New York. Hollvwood. California— Ralph Wilk. 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — • \V. Fredman. The Film Renter. 127-133 iur St.. \V. I Berlin— Lichtbildbuehne. Friedrich-trasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle. La Cinematographic Francaise. Rue de la Cour des-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL RKO Radio sales this year are much better than they have ever been, it was said yesterday by Ned E. Depinet. head ef RKO Distributing Corp. Depinet said he was still working on his reply to the M.P.T.O.A. He expects to leave around Jan. 1 for the coast. No successor to Jim Davidson, assistant to the president of Grand National, will be appointed, stated Edward Alperson yesterday. The company's directorate meets late this week. Imperial to Complete Setup Within 60 Days With opening of eight Western and midwestern exchanges within 60 days, distributing setup of Imperial will be completed. Lou Berman leaves New York this week to visit key cities en route to the coast, completing distribution arrangements. Net Che.. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET High Low Close Am Seat. 24 23 > 2 24 Columbia Picts vtc 36'4 34'2 35 — Columbia Picts. pfd 42' 2 •»212 42'2 Con Fm Ind. 5*4 5'* 5U — '/4 Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 18'2 17% 17S8 — s8 East Kodak 1763., 175 175 — 1 V4 do pfd 164 163 164 1 Gen. Th Eq 2934 28'2 29" j 1 ' s Loews. Inc 64'2 637g 64'2 I do pfd. Paramount 22'8 22'8 22'/4 Paramount 1st pfd. 160 157'4 158 4 3 Paramount 2nd pfd. 21 '4 2058 20S8 Pathe Film 10?8 10>4 1038 — i4 RKO 8'2 8V* 8 1/4 '/8 20th Century-Fox 3734 37 3738 38 20th Century-Fox pfd. 4658 46 1/4 46S/g '8 Univ Pict pfd Warner Bros. 1838 175, 175/i do pfd. 67 1 2 67 67'/2 4 I VI NEW YORK BONO MARKET Keith A-0 6s46 Loew 6s41ww 101 '8 10(1 101 > 8 4 Vi Para. Bway 3s55 73 73 73 4 l/2 Para. Picts. 6s55 100'2 IOOV4 '00'/2 RKO 6s41 1 1 8 > 2 118' 4 II8V4 — V* Warners 6s39 10O'/4 9938 99'2 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Picts. vtc. Grand Natl Films 334 3'2 334 \A Sonotonc Corp. 2 1% 1% — i'g Technicolor 23 225, 225, Trans-Lux 45, 4'4 -15, TWA CUTS FARES Now Compare Low Cost Air Travel via TWA with Rail Rates Shortest, fastest, overnight coast-to-coast Non-stop between New York and Chicago TWA NEW YORK OFFICES 1503 Broadwav, 70 Eut 42nd Street Air Travel Dnk — Peon. Station Telephone: Mt'rrav Hill 6.1640 New Chicago House Chicago— Balaban and Katz and Sam Meyers, both of whom announced plans for new movie theaters on Devon Avenue, have agreed to build the new house at Devon and Maplewood Avenue and abandon the one at Devon and Campbell, projected by the B. & K. organization. The new house will seat 1,200. Work will start at once. U. A. Exchange May Move New Haven — United Artists local exchange will move to the present RKO quarters in the Film Building, if present negotiations are carried out. RKO awaits remodeling of the former Warner offices which will be ready in February. Uncle Sam Gives Low-Down Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Despite those industry press agented "telephone numbers" salaries, there were no 1934 taxable incomes in California in the million-dollar category, final income statistics announced by the Internal Revenue Bureau here disclose. Advance Takes Films Advance Film Exchange, Inc., has taken over distribution rights for I he following: "Parade of the Past," "Twenty-Five Years Ago", "Trailing the Sea Horse", 13 new "Rambling Reporters", and "The Story of the U. S. Coast Guards". Sue for Fire Insurance Bucyrus, O. — Suit has been filed in common pleas court by Otta and Eva Vollrath against the Richland County Mutual Insurance Co. for the collection of $5,000 alleged to be due on a fire insurance policy on the burned Vollrath Opera House building, which burned last January, 1936. Margolies With GB Albert Margolies is leaving the United Artists publicity department to join GB in a similar capacity early next month. Coming and Going CHRIS DUNPHY of Paramount arrived in New York yesterday from Hollywood. JACK LAIT returned to New York yesterday from the Coast. ISIDORE and MAURICE OSTRER, who arrived in New York yesterday from Hollywood, plan to sail for England after the holidays. W. RAY JOHNSTON returned to New York yesterday from Philadelphia and other stopovers en route from the Coast. NICHOLAS M. SCHENCK is expected back in New York Monday or Tuesday from Hollywood. WILLIAM R. FERGUSON. M-G-M's exploitation chief, is in Detroit. HARRY BURNS, who just completed a deal with Republic, left for the Coast Sunday night via TWA. MARY PICKFORD arrived in New York yesterday from the Coast to join her fiance, Charles (Buddy) Rogers. Accompanying her is her niece GWYNNE PICKFORD. daughter of the late Lottie Pickford. ALICE WHITE is stopping at the Warwick before leaving for the Coast. MAX REINHARDT arrived in New York from Hollywood over week-end to direct rehearsals of Franz Werfel's, "The Eternal Road," scheduled to open in early January at Manhattan Opera House. JOSEPH MANKIEWICZ. Metro-Goldwyn-May er producer, left New York for the West Coast yesterday. MACK D. WEINBERGER. General Sales Manager of General Pictures Corporation, has returned from Boston. HAL HORNE arrived in New York yesterday from Hollywood in search of talent for "Vogues of 1937," Walter Wanger production for United Artists. BILL PINE, who has returned to New York from Miami, leaves tomorrow for Toronto and Detroit en route to the Coast. LOU BERMAN leaves New York this week for a trip to Hollywood. JOHN D. CLARK has returned to New York from Florida. SIDNEY R. KENT is scheduled to leave the Coast today returning to New York. SPENCER TRACY has returned to the Coast from New York. BARTLETT CORMACK arrives in New York today from Hollywood to work on production of his next play, "Hey, Diddle. Diddle." MARSHA HUNT, arrives in New York at noon today for a vacation. The young actress has just concluded a p. a. tour of Chicago, Buffalo, Albany, Philadelphia and Washington' D. C. GEORGE BURNS and GRACIE ALLEN are planning to leave Hollywood on Christmas night to spend the New Year holidays in New York. George's brother, Bill, and HARVEY HELM, writer, will accompany. Boston— Interstate Theaters, Inc has taken over the A. M. Graves < circuit in New Hampshire and Vermont, the transfer to take effect Jan. 1. Six theaters are involved:— Lyric, White River Junction, Vt.; Rialto, Lancaster, N. H.; Plymouth, Plymouth, N. H.; Sharkohn Theater, Lincoln, N. H.; Bristol, Bristol, N. H.; and the Corliss, North Woodstock. Benjamin Spitz Dead Kansas City, Mo. — Benjamin Spitz, father of Mrs. Lawrence Leh man, wife of the manager of the Mainstreet Theater, died here yesterday at Menorah Hospital. Mr. Spitz is survived by the widow and another daughter, Miss Nanette Spitz. Burial was this morning at Elmwood cemetery. Italian Film Is Set "Lagrime e Sorrisi", new Italian dialogue film released in the United States by World Pictures Corporation, will have its U. S. premiere showing at the Miami Theater, starting Wednesday. Republic Stock Plan Off Deal for a public stock flotation for Republic Pictures, under negotiation between H. J. Yates and a downtown investment firm is off, The Film Daily learns. Rogers Replaces Sherman New Haven — Ben Rogers assumes the managership of the New Haven GB office this week, replacing Philip Sherman, who has resigned. Rogers comes directly from the Boston GB office, and was previously associated with Selznick. "SPECIAL AGENT K7" RADIO'S BIGGEST Story Teller and CRIMINOLOGIST— plus "ROAD-SHOW ATTRACTIONS" FIRST RELEASE JANUARY FIFTEENTH 5 Years on the Air! (Lucky Strike Program) 6 CRIME AND COURAGE JU FEATURES W Personally written by George F. Zimmer ("K 7'') Released thru Best Independent Exchanges Everywhere Produced by C. C. BURR 4376 Sunset Drive Hollywood, Calif.