The Film Daily (1919)

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Saturday, January n, igig CLASSIFIED. The classified columns of WID'S fill a long felt want. It is the market place when buyer and seller — employer and employee or the small advertiser can put his story before practically every live exhibitor in the country every day in the year, at nominal cost. Rate 50c per line. Cash with order. THEATERS FOR SALE OR LEASE. Eight hundred seat modern house in Bronx. Will lease for long term. House now showing nice profit. Good reason for selling— Box 1 this office. Theater for Sale— I know of a splendid theater proposition in town of 3,000 ; house equipped for theater, vaudeville and pictures : only house in town ; it's a good one ! James V. Bryson, 719 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis. WANTED TO BUY. Second hand Theater equipments. Highest Cash Price — Box 55 this office. HELP WANTED. Operator must be steady and efficient^in New York State— $22.00 weekly. Address Box 102— this office. Operator Wanted— Must be clean cut, steady and willing to work ; must be able to operate two Powers 6B machines and generating set; must know the work from A to %. Good steady job to the right man. No booze fighter need ipply. S. K. Leen, Ruby theater, Jamestown, N. D. Manager for 600 seat house in New Jersey— talary and home arrangement. Tell all in first letter. Box 105 this office. Manager of experience for modern picture theater in Iowa City, of 20,000 will consider "teasing house to reliable party. Address A. W. J. c/o WID'S DAILY. Hoffman with Pioneer Replaces Nathan Hirsch, Former President. M. H. Hoffman has assumed the presidency of the Pioneer Film Corp., the place held by Nathan Hirsch. At present Mr. Hoffman is styled "general manager" but it is believed a meeting of the officers will be held soon to name him as president. Mr. Hoffman who until now maintained his own exchange at 729 Seventh Avenue will give that office up and move over to the Pioneer offices. This change means that in addition to the present features held by Pioneer which include "Wives of Men," "The Prodigal Wife," "Little Orphant Annie" and "The Still Alarm," the films controlled by Hoffman will now be handled from the Pioneer offices. Hoffman distributes in New York and Northern New Jersey. He handles the Gaumont News and Graph'c, "After the War," "The Craving" and "Suspicion." The other officers of Pioneer are Morris Rose, vice-president and Louis Haas, secretary and treasurer. DAILY No Decision Yet. Washington — The Federal Trade Commission has as yet rendered no decisions in connection with the complaints filed against the Royal Cinema Corp., Joseph Simmonds or the Lasso Pictures Co. involving the allegations of change of title of certain productions. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. For Sale— Used Powers 6A : also compense •re at a bargain : new outfit would cost at least $400. Address James V. Bryson, 719 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis. Moving Picture Outfits— We buy, sell or exchange anything in stereoptieon or motion picture machines, gas machines, films, songs or lecture sets. Get our bargain list of new and ased outfits. Agents for Powers, Edison, Simplex, Motiograph, etc. Established 1882. National Equipment Company, 417 West Michigan Street, Duluth, Minn. Shauer to go Abroad. Emile Shauer, assistant treasurer of Famous Players-Lasky is to leave for England on the S. S. "Adriatic" on Jan. 25. Mr. Shauer intends touring some of the continental countries in the interest of the F. P.-L. export trade. While abroad, Mr. Shauer will try to see his son who is with the American Army of Occupation in Germany. POSITION WANTED. Piano player at liberty wants steady job. Best of references. Will go anywhere. D. T. care Wid's Daily. FREE TO SERVICE MEN Men returning from the service are invited to use WID'S Situation Wanted columns. Your uniform entitles you to this service without charge. and all kinds of Theatre Tickets USED UNIVERSALLY 1731 BROADWAY N Y CITY De Haven in TwoReelers Parsons Signs Star and Family For 13 Productions and Returns to Coast. "Smiling Bill" Parsons has contracted with Carter De Haven, whereby De Haven, his wife, Flora Parker, and their two children will appear in a series of thirteen two-reel comedies dealing with domestic life. The consummation of this transaction at the offices of Robertson-Cole yesterday was one of the things that brought Parsons east. The comedies which will be of the Drew' type are to be produced at the National studios at Hollywood under Parson's direct supervision. The brand name will be "Feature Comedies" and release will be through Exhibitors' Mutual. The first on'.' in March. De Haven has appeared in films before for Universal. He has been in vaudeville, but is now on his way to the Coast with his family. Parsons is also en route to Los Angeles. This is Good" Salvation Army Puts One Across in Real Fashion. Los Angeles — Talk about your war work. The Salvation Army has put one over. Here it is ! On the Lasky lot some scenes were being taken that savored of a war atmosphere. In order to secure authentic details and so on, some real Salvation Army folks were used, sprinkled in and out among the trenches carrying on their duties as they would on the field of battle. Some very interesting scenes were shot. But there came a lull in the proceedings, while the director was looking over his script and the stagehands were preparing a set. And instead of loitering about the stage or grounds, the members of the Salvation Army put in the time holding a real meeting, with the players of the company in respectful attendance. After the usual exercises, the members of the army sold copies of the "War Cry," their official organ, and reaped a harvest of nickels and dimes. "Flu" Notes Cambridge, Mass. — The Mayor has ordered the motion picture theaters closed to children under 16, during the next week on account of the influenza here. Frankfort, Ky. — Injunction suit has been brought by Dr. John G. South, president of the State Board of Health, to restrain D. D. Smith of this city from opening his picture house which was ordered closed on account of the influenza. Three Oaks, Mich. — Frank E. Lee's picture theater, which was closed on account of the influenza ,is again open. Springfield, Mass. — Citizens of West Springfield have asked that the picture houses be closed on account of the increasing number of cases of influenza. New Theaters Greenville, S. C— Edward C. Curtis and Robert Wilson have plans by J. C. Gresham for two-story brick building on Spring street, to include theater. Los Angeles. — To be erected by J. D. Grauman, owner of Grauman. To have seating capacity of 3,500. Fort Worth. Texas. — To be erected by Citizens Amusement Co. Seating capacity 1,800. Newcastle, Pa. — West Penn Photo Play Co., to erect picture theater on Washington street. Brink Sells Interest. H. A. Brink of Grand Rapids, Mich., has sold h's interest in the Distributors' Mutual Film corporation and the Affiliated Distributors' corporation to L. A. Cornelius of the same city. Fort Worth — A new theater to seat 1,800 has been built by the Citizens Amusement Co., on the site of the old Odeon. Hartville, Mo. — Clarence Lilly to build new theater. Cleveland — Euclid theater with a seating capacity of 1,600, to be constructed. Albany — Reported that Henry M. Kramrath will build picture house to cost $170,000, with a seating capacity of 1,800. SUN-LIGHT ARC CO., Inc. 218 West 48ih St. New York TELEPHONE BRYANT 4468 j. JUSTICE HARMER, Prcidcnt LILLIAN WARD Artists' and Directors' Representative. Catering especially to Motion Pictures. PUTNAM BUILDING 1493 Broadway Room 301 WE CAN FRAME UP YOUR INSERTS GUNBY BROS.. Inc. 145 West 45th Street, New York City Studio for Rent Fully Fquicped Phone 8355 Bryant FRANCISCO ELIAS OREIGN FILM TITLES Are THE BEST 220 West 42nd Street, New York Phone: 'Bryant 9351 MARY FORREST Controlling richts to 'eading Broadway plays ami the very lat. st novels and original stories. FULTON THEATRE BLDG., 46 & Broadway Producers of State Rights pictures can secure a service from us that is indespensible to the Exchanges handling the feature. We furnish high class Lobby displays without any expenditure or risk to the producer. We have a catalogue for the Theater Owner that is theirs for the asking. KRAUS MFG. CO. 320 West 42nd St. N. T. Posters Ptone: Bryant 5725 photos Exhibitors Pester & Supply Co. 209-213 WEST 48th ST.. NEW YORK CITY SUPPLIES SLIDES —Maybe Stone has it Here's a "Film Library" of Special Scenes When you want to "Flash Tn" a Fire, Explosion, Rough Water, Wreck, Collision, Submarine, Zeppelin, Sunset, Ship Arriving or Departing, Naval, Guns Firing, Shots Striking, War Stuff or Foreign or U. Bi Action, Travel Scenes anywhere in the World, Scientific, Industrial, Insect, Animal or Bird Life, Magic, Colored or Non-Flam, •MAYBE STONE HAS IT" .. 145 W. 45th St. Bryant 2711 New York