The Film Daily (1919)

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Tuesday. January 28, 1919 IHg)i^S 'ol. Ill Mo. 27 Tuesday, January 28 19)9 Price 5 Cents Copyright 1918, Wid"s Film and Film Folks. Inc. Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St New York, N. Y. by W1DS FILMS and FILM FOLKS. Inc. F C. ("VVid") Gunning, President and Treasurer: Lynde [>eniu. Editor. Joseph Oannenberg, Vice-President und Managuitt Editor: J. W. Alicoate. Secretary and Business Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918. at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3. 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, Outside of Greater New York, J1U.II0 one year ; t> months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign t20.U0. Subscribers should remit with order Address all communications to WIO'S DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. Telephone: Vanderbilt 4551-2 T*M& DAIE.V Cuts and Flashes William S. Adams, former Vitagraph cameraman is now with Blackton. Roy Marshall, Lasky assistant director, is back on the lot after a few months' vacation in the service. Nigel Barrie, well-known leading man is back in Los Angeles again after being in the Royal Air Force. Barne is supporting Alma Ruben's in "Diana of the Green Van." 1'ill Desmond has started his third Hampton production under the direction of Thomas Heffron. Friti Brunette supports Desmond in this picture which is called "Whitewashed Walls." Jack Pickford's leading lady in his initial First National production is Marguerite de la Motte and not Clara Horton. Miss La Motte was first slated to be "Doug's" lead, but she was loaned to the Pickford outfit. Fox Contracts With Lee Kiddies and Theda Bara May Not be Renewed. (Special to WW'S DAILY) Los Angeles — It is understood Thcda Bara will have her own company, following her contract with Fox, which expires within a few weeks. At present she is engaged in making a picture in Florida, under direction of J. Gordon Edards. T'-e contract of the Lee Kids has expired, and it is understood will not be renewed. While the Fox "ompany br>s made a brave stan'l ■n t'-e ma(T of prodrcing kid pictures, due to what they bel'eved to be a big demand, especially as mothers throughout tie country have been demanding their c^M 'ren he given pictures in which children ta'e rart. there has brcn a failme on the part of the general public to appreciate them. The Lee kids have been on the who'e the most | popular little ones in the business. Chaplin Reissues. Essanay will release through George Kleine-General Film four of the old Chaplin two reelers "Shanghaied" "Night in a Show" "The Bank" and "Police." First release February 15. "The Real Roosevelt." Gaumont has issued a 2 reel special of Theodore Roosevelt They call attention to the fact that in none of the scenes in "The Real Roosevelt" is Mr. Roosevelt impersonated by another, but that the portra'ts are of the real Roosevelt himself. Many of the picturesque epigrams with ivhich his vigorous vocabulary enriched our language, such as "Bully," "Mollycoddle," "Pussy-footer," "De-e-lighted," "Speak softly but carry a big Stick" "My hat's in the ring," etc., are illustrated, as well as a number of the great achievements of the Roosevelt Administration, including the Irrigation Act, the Panama Canal, Forest Reserves, Conservation of National Resources, making Germany back water, keeping another nation from fighting the United States, etc. Capt. Ray Perkins and Seaman Roy Turk have written a song called "The Heart of Humanity", dedicated to Dorothy Phillips. It will be introduced at the Broadway this week which is the last week of the film's run at that house. What's all this about "Al" Woods, corralling a lot of film stars? Just because you can run an aeroplane is no sign you can run a car. The other day Wallace MacDonald who used to be an aviator with the Canadian forces, was drivin' his car to the studio where he's playin' opposite Mae Marsh— and he ran right into a grocery truck and upset all the pies, tomatoes, onions and eggs in the street. There was one egg that wasn't broken and to save this he ran onto the sidewalk. When Gertie McCoy married Duncan McRae, I said, "I guess he'll be takin' you home to see his folks?" "Oh, no," said Gertie, "not to England." But you see 1 was right,' cause now now she's got a passport and she's goin' and what's more she isn't a bit sorry to leave us. It is said in Germany that Goethe's death was •hastened by his hearin' an American trvin' to pronounce his name. If old Bill could hear us strugglin' through "Hollerenzollen" he mi.erht he obliein' and do the same. It would certainly save a lot of time at that conference. Albert Ray writes, "I have certainly had my shares of sickness durine the last ox veeks. Firct I had ptomaine poisoning, then influ enza, then double pneumonia, then pleurisy— and I am on my feet again." Dear me! I hope he doesn't mean he has sold his shoes to pay the bills. Will Ritchey is another one of those good mechanics who after they take a car apart and put it together again still have plenty of parts left over to begin another car with. There's a sayin' about water seekin" somethin' or other — I forget just what — but it means that things get hack to what they ought to be if you give them time enough. John Bowers in playin' a rube again in "Sis Hopkins" brings back memories of the rube he played on the stage when he made his biggest hit. George D. Baker has had his beard and his appendix removed, the last operation costin' considerable more than the first. Josie Sedgwick wants a rest from playin' western girls, so in her next picture she's go:n to wear high heels, leathers and a Pekinese. I guess Mr. Lumiere thinks he might as well take movin' pictures as still ones. Maybe what "Dick" Rowlan about the combine was right? : Favors Sunday Sh* Indianapolis Mayor in Line — Li' ture Expected to Pass Satisfac Measure. (S fecial to WID'S DAILY Indianapolis, Ind. — Mayor C W. Jewett announces that he w require the enforcement of the I state law to proh bit the operat moving picture theaters on S provided the theaters do not opei 1 .30 o'clock in the afternoon, no other amusement is offered : the films and musical prof Vaudeville performances of ami are to be prohib'ted, the new 'f going into effect February 1. The mayor's statement was a to a petition addressed to him weeks ago by the Indianapolis ] terial Assoc'ation, in which the l ters requested that he bring abi once the closing of all commerci amusements on the Sabbath. His ment was issued after a series o ferences with the ministers an representatives of the local motio ture theaters and exchanges. In making his statement, 1 Jewett said he thought the ope of motion picture theaters on 9 is a community necessity insteac. desecration of the Sabbath, and gested that the state legislator act a law that will give each 1 munity full power to regulate the ation. In other words he is for 'hat will give the city admin:st» in the various cities the right I whether or not the motion p shows shall be permitted to open Sundav. Clears Way For Sunday Bil The Indiana state senate has to kill the Sunday motion pictnt of 1917. which was vetoed by G©V Goodrich after it had been pass both houses, and in doing so cl the way for a brand new mea legalizing Sunday shows after 2 o» in the afternoon, which probahhj be introduced soon in both how