The Film Daily (1919)

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Wednesday, January 29, 1919 irft^i tusum^j&Liam DAILY HOUSE CHANGES M-cCook, Neb.— J. F. Tilleh has bought Temple from C. Wi Martin. Great Bend, Mo.— Don T. Palmer bought Elite from Wm. S. Nelson. Puyallup, Wash. — Mr. Blanchard, of Dream will shortly reopen the Stewart. Georgetown, Wash. — A. M. Lind has sold the Mission to John Woodhouse. Ballard, Wash.— A. C. Alden has sold Empress to Martin McClanahan. Mt. Carmel, Pa. — Moose Club will reopen Arcade under management of P. H. Kiley and W. Zotkiewiez. Carbondale. Pa.— Lew Mutule Victoria bought Lake Inn. Ipswich, S. D.— C. B. Reeves and F. B. Wickland purchased Opera House from M. A. Sodderland. CLASSIFIED. The classified columns of W1D> fill a long felt want. It is the markei place when buyer and seller — employei and employee or the small advertise! can put his story before practical!} every live exhibitor in the countr; every day in the year, at nominal cosi Rate 50c per line. Cash with order. WANTED TO BUY. Second hand Theater equipments. Higfaes' Cash Price — Box 55 this office. Second hand studio light (Cooper-Hewitt's > will pay cash. Must act at once. J. C, Bo> tO. do WID'S DAILY. Studio equipment for production covering all kinds of sets. Reception Hall, Library. Dining Room and Kitchen. Box 122, WID'S DAILY. HELP WANTED. Pianist, with good reference who is not afraid of work, for house in Pennsylvania. Home arrangements. A. S. c|o WID'S DAILY. BOY WANTFO To deliver Wid's Daily an I make himself generally useful around the jtfice. Excellent chance for arl>'arc<<ment. Apply Business Manager WID'S DAILY. Operator Wanted— Must be clean cut steady and willing to work; must be abl< to operate two Powers 6B machines and generating set ; must know the work from A te Z. Good steady job to the right man No booze fighter need apply. S. K. Leen Ruby theater, Jamestown, N. D. POSITION WANTED. Piano player at liberty wants steady job Best of references. Will go anywhere. D. T care of Wid's Daily. Operator who has worked Simplex & Powers Machines. Can give Al references. A. J. K., c|o WID'S DAILY. FOR SALE. MAILING LIST FOR SALE LIST OF MOTION PICTURE THEATERS •f the whole country. Any State or City. This list kept up to date by careful checking. Also list of other branches of the Motion Picture Industry. C. A. K. elo WID'S DAILY, 71 W. 44th St., N. Y. C. Indiana Notes Ushers at the Grand, Evansville, have gone on strike. The Orleans at Orleans, has been bought by a syndicate at Bedford, Ind. "The Fighting Roosevelts" is proving a big drawing card at the Circle, Indianapolis, this week. Stockholders of the Luna, Lafayette, elected C. H. Ritter president ; J. H. Johnson, vice-president ; C. A. Raub, secretary and H. H'. Johnson, treasurer. A. F. Brentlinger, manager of the Orpheum, Fort Wayne, and the Liberty, Terre Haute, has sold his home at Fort Wayne to C. E. Hartshorn of that place. Reports are current in Gary that a Chicago firm is to erect a handsome new motion picture theater there in the spring and Vernon U. Young, proprietor of the Orpheum and Broadway theaters, is to be the manager of the new house. Ministers of Evansville and other cities in Indiana have sent telegrams to state senators and representatives urging them to vote against any measuse that may be introduced in the legis'afre to legalize Sunday motion picture shows. CLOSE-UPS by COMLY G. P. Harleman, the well known Rip Van Winkle, is being paged by Billy Carr and other friends. Fred Palmer, who put the tear in Toreadore, threatens to revive that famous gang of infamous writing celebrities. Get'em together again Fred. Claire Du Brey, now with the J. D. Hampton productions is supporting a new coupe. She looks just as well under it as in it. Old Home Week note: Henry Otto singing through the megaphone to May Allison, la petite. Sounds natural. Metro brings them together again. Good. Haven, Harry, the inventor of the soft collar to be worn with dress suits, opines that Smith is an illustrious name. Ask him. Jacob Hilkene, head of the Indianapolis fire prevention bureau, explained in detail to the members of the Board of Motion Picture Exchange Managers, at a meeting at the Chamber of Commerce the requirements of the fire and panic laws in regard to exchanges. Grace La Rue Won't Film. Los Angeles.— Due to the fact that her Orpheum contract will not permit her to do any picture work, Grace La Rue has been obliged to give up her dreams in that direction. Rumor note:— It is announced that Jane and Katherine Lee, the juvenile stars, are to amalgamate with Henry Lehrman, the intent being to inject some kidding in the Lehrman comedies. Exhibitors as Social Hounds. The New York local of the State Exhibitors League plan a social dub. That much was decided at a meeting yesterday. Lee Ochs appointed a committee of five to make tentative plans for such an organization and a committee of three to arrange for a ball which will be given the second week of March. Takes Over Sales Rights. Mrs. M. L. Fulton has taken over the sales rights of "Belgium, Kingdom of Grief" and reports that the following territory is open: New England, New York, New Jersey Michigan, Pennslyvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Dist. of Columbia, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas. Mrs. Fulton is located at the Hotel Algonquin. The picture is being sold on State Rights basis. Griffith, David Wark, it is rumored is in his next, going to analyze the soul of the Bolsheviki and critically tear it to pieces. Never thought that "Bull" could be photographed, but we. guess it is alright as he has gotten away with harder tasks. Off to Saranac Lake. Leonce Perret, Creighton Hale, Yvonne Delva, and Fraunie French have left for Saranac Lake to do exteriors for "The 13th Chair." Remainder of the company will leave this week. COlirO^nH STRIP ASKiPfUHPimrmm WELDONWlLllAMS & LICK rofTsmw.iKK' The Operators' Situation. Chicago — Although threatening to quit work 400 operators in various moving picture theaters throughout the city are at work. They demanded a minimum wage scale of 90 cents an hour or would go on strike if this was not granted immediately. Judge Charles M. Foel, on motion of Lewis F. Jacobson, attorney for the Allied Amusements Association, granted a temporary injunction against the members of Local No. 110. requiring them to keen an agreement entered into last October, and which has four more years to run, while an investigation of their demands are being made. According to Attorney Jacobson the demands of the operators are excessive and would result in many theaters being compelled to close. j^/Cpo/j^ru^ The Average Exchange can incii the income on old pictures bv rehal tating it with a new lobby display Inrge percentage of the public has' •ten the average (food picture and new Lobby Display will Ket man,' return date. Vn rite or see us. KRAUS MFG. CO. 220 West 42nd St., N. Y. m'mmmm mams o»& all A/Vtc/s of Theobe Titj, \ 1Z3.I I BRQAOWAV |><. v. CX Take Out The WE POSITIVELY JUMP GUARANTEE TO FRAN VOUR INSERTS GUNBY LAEORATORIES 145 W. 45tu ST. P". B355BR' STUDIO FOR rcNt FULLY ' QUII FRANCISCO ELIAS OREIGN FILM TITLES Are THE BE: 220 West 42nd Street, New Yo Phone: "Bryant 9351 SUN-LIGHT ARC CO., I 218 Wes 48th St. New York TELEPHONE BRYANT 4468 J. JUSTICE HARMER. Pralt, LILLIAN WARD! Artists' and Directors' Represent! Catering especially to Motion Pict PUTNAM BUILDING 1493 Broadway Ro< PHONE BHYANT 7392 BRODA & MEYE 'HAND LETT F. R E D T 1 Til ILLUSTRATIONS 220 WEST 42nd STRE ROOM 2004 NEW YORI Exhibitors Poster & Suppl}f 209-213 WEST 48th Si NEW YORK CITY . SUPPLIES 61