The Film Daily (1919)

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ti ruary 1, 1919 Caprice and Hale to be Starred. June Caprice and Creighton Hale are to be starred for the new Albert Capellani company. Fox Affairs. Fox offices refuse to corroborate re ports that Robert Warwick is to be starred by Wm. Fox, and that the firm is after "Doug." Another De Mille Denial. Paramount has issued a denial from Cecil De Mille which reads— "I am one of the principal owners of Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. 1 could no more leave it than I could leave my head or heart. Keep this standing to show to any rumor bringers." CLASSIFIED. The classified columns of WID'S fill a long felt want. It is the markei place when buyer and seller — employei and employee or the small advertise can put his story before practically ey«ry live exhibitor in the country every day in the year, at nominal cos) Rate 50c per line. Cash with order WANTED TO BUY. Studio equipment for production covering all kinds of sets. Reception Hall, Library. Dining Room and Kitchen. Box 122, WID'S DAILY. HELP WANTED. Pianist, with good reference who is not afraid of work, for house in Pennsylvania Home arrangements. A. S. c|o WID'S DAILY. BOY WANTFO To deliver Wid's Daily an I make himself generally useful around the jifice. Excellent chance for advancement. Apply Business Manager WID"S DAILY. Organist with reference and knowledge of all popular melodies for out of town the ater, 60 miles from New York. Send all information with reference and salary tie sired. A. J. Weaver, c|o WID'S DAILY. POSITION WANTED. Operator wishes a position evenings only. Reliable and can furnish references. Can operate spotlight. G. S., care WID'S DAILY. Piano player at liberty wants steady job Best of references. Will go anywhere. D. T 'are of Wid's Daily. Operator who has worked Simplex & Powers Machines. Can give Al references A. .1. K., c|o WID'S DAILY. Young energetic man in the Motion Picture Industry with experience, who can furn'sh Al references, wishes a position as detail man or assistant to executive head. Address S. R. E. c|o WID'S DAILY. FOR SALE. MAILING LIST FOR SALE LIST OF MOTION PICTURE THEATERS •f the whole country. Any State or City. This list kept up to date by careful checking Also list of other branches of the Motion Picture Industry. C. A. K. clo WID'S DAILY. 71 W. 44th St.. N. Y. C. B^ Theater 750 seating capacity. AH new equipments. In Pennsylvania. Will arrange easy terms. Must sell to go West. R. G., Box 170, WID'S DAILY. In the Open Market Independent Field Changes. Nat Royster, formerly manager Special Feitures, Knoxville, is now salesman out of Atlanta, R. M. Simr!l, former General manager at Jacksonville and Atlanta now salesman out of Atlanta. Follow ng salesmen with New York Exchanges: E. SpiePerg and Jero ne Herzcg in Brooklyn, Lee Gainskerg, Harry Prince, northern New Jersey; S. P. Farber, in Conecticu: and S. Rose, upper New York State. "A Romance of the Air" will not be released until it has played s special engagement in one of the big houses in each territory. The film recently closed a four week'f run in the Tremont Temple Boston although booked for only two General release in New England now follows. Kansas City, — A. L. Kahn of tbe Emerald Film Service, Inc. has bought the interest of B. S. Dav.s. Pittsburgh — The S. & S. Film & Supply Co. Inc., who were located on the seventh flocr of the recently burned film buldings have established permanent headquarters on second floor of Triangle Building, 414 Penn avenue. W. W. Armstrong, engaged in the film business in the Pacific Northwest for several years, has bought "The Fall of the Barbary Coast" for British Columbia Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. San Francisco — The Tarn Film Co. whose place of business was destroyed by fire a short time ago, has secured quarters at m-113 Golden Gate ave.. Kansas City — The Standard Film Corp. has secured the 15 tworeel Tom Mix reissues for Kansas Missouri and southern Illinois. The S. and O. Film Exchange ha: moved frcm room nog 145 W. 46tl Street to t'e ninth flocr. Artcolor occupies the old quarters. "Wanted for Murder" will play ? week ?t the Newark, Newark, N. J. The Elks have bought the house for Thursday night. Seattle — Charlie Thall, who has been managing the De Luxe Film Co. for Mike Rosenberg, has gone to San Francisco, where he wil' engage in business for himself. Maurice Tourneur's "Woman" releasing in New York through In d( pendent Sales Corp., has' been booked for the Fox circuit beginning Monday. Champaign, 111.— C. H. Clark appointed manager of the Rialto, succeeding Charles Takacs. New equipment complete for studio. Right price for cash. Box 171, WID'S DAILY ""! TON Will. i^awros. -,,,<{ strip PA1LV Incorporations Albany, N. Y. — Ten new corporations formed to engage in the motion picture business were incorporated with Secretary of State Hugo the past week. The new enterpris-'s have a total capitalization of $324,500. The new firms are as follows: The Apollo Trading Corp., New York City. To conduct theaters and manufacture and exhibit motion pictures and photoplay films. Capital $100,000. Directors, E. M. Klein, Meyer Klein, and Alexander Werner. 817 West End ^venue, New York City. Ridge Amusement Corp., New York City. To operate theaters for the pre-entation of motion picture productions. Capital $500. Directors, Will am H. Daly, Char'es Freeman, and David Lazar, 52 Broadway, New York City. Novagraph Film Corp., New York City. Mot'on picture films and apparatus. Capital $25,000. Directors, B. H. Bernstein, Sherman S. S. Krellberg, and Rae Seixas, 1476 Bioadway, New York City. Eston Productions, Inc., New York City. To produce and exploit theatrical, vaudevile operatic and motion picture offer'ngs. Capital $40,000. Directors, Fred C. Barley, Harlan E. Cecil and George W. Campbell, 318 West 72nd St., New York City. Rialto Theater Corp., of Glens Falls, N. Y. Directors, George Bird, Frederick W. Mausert and Fred E. Colburn, Glens Falls, N. Y. Greenwich Operating Co., New York City. To own and manage theaters and provide for the production of plays, musical and motion picture attractions. Capital $1,000. Directors. Charles A. Davidson, Henry Herzbrun and Leon N. Haiblum, 60 Wall St., New YorkCity. Liberty Production Cor^., New York City. To produce motion picture and photoplay films. Capital $30,000. Directors, Matthew D. Cahan, James L. Burke and G. A Enright, 130 West 46th St.. New York City. Fiske Leaves the Mirror. Lyman O. Fiske, associated for many years with The Dramatic Mirror as business manager, has left that paper to take the management of the Packard, Photo Reference Library of the Packard Exchange now in use in the offices of the leading managers of New York. The Average Exchange can incr the income on old pictures by re* tating it with a new lobby displ: large percentage of the public seen the average good picture new Lobby Display will get return date. Write or see us. KRAUS MFG. CO 220 West 42nd St., N. Y. FR\NCISC0 ELIAS 0RE1GN FILM TITLES Are THE BE 220 West 42nd Street, New Yo Phone: "Bryant 9351 --'i SUN-LIGHT ARC CO.. I 218 West 48th St. New York TELEPHONE BRYANT 44«* J. JUSTICE HARMER. Prale LILLIAN WARD Artists' and Oirectors'Representa 1, Catering especially to Motion Pict 1. PUTNAM BUILDING 1493 Broadway Roon II WE HAVE IT 300 New Copies For Sale or n\ One and two reel comedies and drama Film & Supply Co. CHARLES N. JAWITZ, 145 W. 4! It New > ork Cny YOU NEED IT ond alt Uirtda o#" TKeobe Tic % lasts® <arao«sKes&rsaj» : 17.31 bpoaowav m. •*•.<: *| Take Out The ■ i"*m«n WE POS,T'VELY lulVii guaranteet° fr* *^V YOUR INSERTS GUNBY LAEORATORIE 145 W. 45th ST. PH. 8355 I STUDIO FOR RENT FULLY PosVTfTs PKoos: Bryant 572! Exhibitors Poster & Supj 209-213 WEST 48th NEW YORK CITY SUPPLIES Rothacker Film Mfg. Co resulted as follows : Watte Rothacker, President, David Jr., Vice-President, H. J. Aldi & Treas., John Hahn, Asst. .l J. G. Mammoser, Asst. Treas..