The Film Daily (1919)

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^BRADSTREET f FILHDOM 7^recochized Authority i VII -V Thursday, February 6, 1919 Price 5 cents Gradwell Back Film Head Enthused Over Combination With United. i>rd Gradwell head of World just back from the Coast, dehe is more than pleased with is he has found them re: ig the new connection, before with United Pictures. "I belie said, "that the ideal method ligation is working with, exhibind I also belieye that we are to that with the United than we be otherwise. Exhibitor memif United are constantly growld are very happy indeed over limection. They talk about it as Histness, which is most gratifyid shows they are in accord with Sjrit of the idea." Gradwell would not discuss pron plans at the moment. jnnecticut Sunday Shows. tford. Conn. — Opposition is <ted from the Meriden Minis issociation to a bul -iitrodu ■■■ nator Bailey providing for the iig of moving picture houses he state between 5 and 10 <k Sunday evenings in towns ities of more than 10,000 intents. The bill provides that earers are to be placed under 1 of three citizens appointed mayor for a period of two No. IS ittle Ad Talks By Jack Alicoate HE Sun never sets on WID'S DAILY. Our subscribers are to be found in England, the Want, Alar.ka, far off Siberia, K-ica. Japan and China, fere's a reason. They read iKD'S because they find here :h genuine news of the ini'itry. Not press bunk. They ■^d the advertising pages beyise they are free from Brass ~l d copy. They believe in 'ID'S because it has a defii: purpose in view. That H printing news, and news >jy — while it is news. And tire's a thought? — Why tnot j|ce your advertising where twill be read — WIDS is read Elm cover to cover as well lifrom Long Island to the Ft East. PRESIDENTIAL TICKET (By Wire from Frederick L. Collins, McClure Pictures.) Washington — McAdoo's reported connection with the industry is entirely consistent with my conception of the dignity and importance of the business. Since securing contracts from Roosevelt and Gompers I am surprised at nothing. Fifteen thousand motion pictures theaters could elect a Presidential Ticket composed of McAdoo and Fairbanks. Perpetual Motion TOillFSait Mc AdooV Tips To Enter Film Business — Some Interesting Correspondence. Throughout the industry yesterday it was generally believed that the entrance of William G. McAdoo, former Secretary of the Treasury, into the film world, as counselor and business advisor of the "Big live," was due not only to his personal relationship with Douglas Fairbanks but to the tips which he was given relative to the industry through letters forwarded to him at the time he announced his resignation from the Cabinet. On Nov. 25 last. Universal Film sent him a communication in which they offered him the position of Director-General at $50.(00 a year, in which president Laemmle said : "The Industry needs a man of vision and resourcefulness, a man who can direct powerful forces into the channel that will lead to the greatest good. We think you are this man." On Dec. 9 Leonce Perret, of Perret Productions, in a communication to McAdoo said : "In my humble opinion the industry requires a man of your great vision. "Just now, during the coming reconstruction period, pending the solving of the great labor problem, the film industry can do much towards solving these problems. However at this moment the handwriting on the wall indicates a dangerous upheaval in this motion picture industry. There is indicated a conflict between the stars and the distributors of motion pictures. It has been rumored that certain of the biggest stars in films will affiliate to offset a threatened oppression and control of the industry' by certain distributors of motion pictures. "The guidance and assistance of a man with your genius for organization would not only be welcome, but is imperative." On the same day that McAdoo received Perret's letter he replied to the Ui iversal offer, in which, after thankin;, them he said : "I doubt my qualifications for the positi ■ d offe ;." He pointed out that he knew nothing of the making of pictures and suggested that if Mr. Laemmle'visited Washington he would he glad to talk the matter over with him. In renly Mr. Laemmle suggested that he (McAdoo) need know nothing of rnakinp of pictures as this was being done very satisfactorily and McAdoo's lack of familiarity with this branch of the industry would not be a handicap. "We." wrote Mr.. Laemmle. "are not big business men in this industry, nor is there a real business man or a (Continued on Page 4)