The Film Daily (1919)

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&B&ADSTREET f FILMDOM 7^recochizei» Authority \ VII No. Friday, February 7, 1919 Price S cents New Policy (Releasing for Universal — Specj ials and Jewel Under New Arrangement. Universal announces a new releasjpolicy effective March 10. At I time the tirst Universal Spec[Attraction of a special star serfwill be released. One Special iraction of the Star Series will released each week hereafter ill the first series of 20 pictures >irc< A second series of Special factions featuring a set number will follow. e stars who will be featured he first series are Mae Murray, •y MacLaren, Monroe Salisbury, cilia Dean and Harry Carey, h star will make four pictures this *eries and the exhibitor be given the privilege of book thc entire series or just the (ires of certain stars, as he deNouc of the stars of the cial Attraction series will be bred in any Jewel productions rice versa. orothy Phillips will, hereafter inown only as a Jewel star and Jred Harris (Mrs. Chaste Chap will be seen only in e^ pr Sons. The policy of releasing el productions, which does not pfy a certain numb of releases ear, will be continued. {he Scarlet Shadow", with Mae ay, will bt the first Special. No. 16 little Ad Talks By Jack Alicoate i DVERTISING men are m\ only human beings after ^^ all. Regardless of all theories to the contrary |om the time when the memory of man runneth not to the Intrary they have been subject 0 the well meant but impracical suggestions of almost pery one in the office that tappened to catch the bosses' ancy. Let your advertising lanager work with you — not lr you. When once you have ). K.'d his campaign, let him "Jone and then hold him alone ^sponsible. Have confidence 1 him and his work will be eppier and more efficient and bur campaign will be more nccessful too. Lehrman Plans New Angles in Two Reel Comedy Production. (Special to WW'S DAILY) Los Angeles — Henry Lehrman, formerly vice-president and general manager of Sunshine Comedies, announces that he is going to make 12 two reel comedies yearly for release on the open markket. A studio is being built for his use in Hollywood. He plans to unearth new and elaborate angles in production. Announcement as to plan of release will be made shortly. Providence, R. I. — A bill has been introduced in the riouse permitting moving pictures to give Sunday performances. The Mildred Harris Contract. (Special to IVID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — It is reported here that Mildred Harris, Mrs. Charles Chaplin, does not expect to return to work for several months. In regard to her Universal contract, she implied that negotiations were under way to transfer her contract from Universal to the First National Exhibitors' Circuit, in which case when she went to work it would be for First National at the Chaplin studio. At Universal offices yesterday it was stated that Mrs. Chaplin is under contract with Universal and President Laemmle declared that he did not believe that First National was interested in having her make an effort to break the contract. "Roxy's" Idea Will Furnish Six Full Proems a Year According to Plans. The answer to the great Broadway mystery of "What is Rothapfel to do" has been answered. He is going to make not only pictures, nit programs for the better grade houses. An anno"ncement issued yesterday by the Rothapfel Pictures Corp. says that the policy contemplates the issuance of six "Rothapfel Programs" a year, each a complete entertainment including a dramatic feature picture, comely, ^eciic and news or magazine films, together with complete inusic.'il scores, lighting effects, incidental numbers, etc. That which Broadway and the picture industry have come to know as "The Rothapfel Idea" has been tied into a unit product for the national application of that idea. The announcement just made is the culmination of jl plan evolved by "Roxy'' during his recent tour of the United States just before his resignation from the managing directorship of the Rialto and Rivoli. The corporation will produce dramatic and other pictures under the personal supervision of Rothapfel and will also acquire in the open market such motion pictures as may be found especially suitable to the purposes of the programs. In a formal statement Frank Hall said : "The Rothapfel Pictures Corporation has been organized as a New York Corporation with its principal offices at T^O vVe?t jfirh St.. in New York City. Samuel L. Rothapfel is the President and other officers are Frank G. Hall, vice-president; Ashbel P. Fitch, treasurer and Wiliam Seabury, secretary. The concern is sound financially. "I have Tor years been starting my entertainment with what the picture producer sent me in the film cans," observed "Roxy". "Now I am starting a little farther back, all the way back to the beginning, right at the camera. I hope that I shall be able to work out a number of things that will prove of merit and value to the motion picture theaters, and therefore to the motion picture public." Lois Weber to Rest. (Special to IVID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — It is reported that fol owing the operation which Lois Weber will have in resetting her arm she will take a year's re t, trai cli::g in Europe and tl e t'r ent.