The Film Daily (1919)

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Tuesday. May 20, 1919 tf FH.MPOM ■ ■ IMV W^^ , Jf/ ^JlflllY i Vol. VHI No. 48 Tuesday, May 20, 1919 Price 5 Cents Copyright 1919, Wid's Film and Film Folks, Inc. Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. P. C. ("Wid") Cunning, President and Treas urer, Lyrrde Denig, Editor; Ben 11. Gritnm Associate Editor; Joseph Dannenburg, Vice President and Managing Editor; J. W. AH •coate, Secretary and Business Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918t at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, Outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, VO.OO. Subscribers should remit with order Address all communications to WID'S DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. Telephone: Yanderbilt 4551-4552-5558 Los Angeles Office: 605-606-607 Wright & Callender Bldg., Telephone Broadway 3 Hollywood, Cal., Office: 217-218 Hollywood National Cank Bldg., 6404 Hollywood Blvd., Telephone, Hollywood 1603. New Theaters Philadelphia, Pa.— The Hoffman Co. has sent out plans for alterations and additions for house at 1018 Market St. for the Stanley Co. Buffalo, N. Y. — A fireproof theater will be erected at 26 and 28 Triangle St., Jas. S. Savage interested Cost $60,000. Phila., Pa. — A theater will be erected on Frankford Ave. and Oxford St., for Wm. Freihofer. Plans for a house at Germantown and Lehigh Ave also being prepared. Along about the year 1950 "The Heart of Humanity" may slow down a little — but not until then — not so you'd notice it. iM% DAILY Cuts And Flashes Third of Johnny Dooley comedies est of "Whom the Gods Would will be completed this week. Destroy." Lambert Hillyer directed "Bill" Hart in "Square-Deal Anderson." Out of a total of 139 theaters in Detroit "Shoulder Arms" has already played 126. Madge Kennedy will shortly begin to work on "The Wrong Door. Clarence G. Badger will direct. Thomas Meighan will have a leadinn part in "Peg O' My Heart" with Wanda Hawley. Barbara Castleton will also be in the cast. Harry Reichenbach Is Sack in New York after a week's trip to some of the Eastern exchanges in the inter United's i'-ians A Los Angeles newspaper quotes Wm. Alexander, Western manager fur United as saying that the head offices of United would be moved to that city at once. Regarding which Lee Ochs said yesterday that it was news to him. At the annual banquet of the American Newspaper Publishers Association recently, Augustus Thomas in a speech defended the cup that cheers while it need not necessarily inebriate. He said that temperance had nothin' whatever to do with prohibition. Douglas Fairbanks has his own private opinion of his Japanese cook. Said opinion is not for publication. Doug caught the largest fish that had been seen in his locality in six years, sent it home for mounting, and the cook cut the head and tail off. European Distribution (Continued from page I) releases of practically all the program companies since 1914. These pictures are going to be shown in Germany and Austria and involves what is no doubt the largest sum of money ever invested in an export deal. To most exporters, the knowledge of the operations of these men is no secret. The only drawback to open declaration is the signing of the peace terms at Versailles. New Billy West Series Chicago. — Frederick J. Ireland, of the Emerald M. P. Co., is presenting Billy West in a new series of two reelers. The nonchalance with which Silver t i p , a Sioux Indian extracted with ' his bare fingers a fang from 'a rattlesnake caused great excitement and wonder among the company filming! "The Westerners." Mildred Manning exclaimed, "How wonderful!" But Silvertip didn't "Savvy" the praise. He just said, "Huh, me used to cat 'em." Prize Winners Pittsburg, Pa. — Fred G. Sliter and his local crew captured the Wm. J. Clark trophy, a silver cup, for making the best showing during April of the Exhibitors' Mutual exchanges. They also won the $100 cash prize offered by Robertson-Cole Co. for making the best increase over March of any of the exchanges. New London, Conn. — M. Pouzzner and Samuel Campner, managers of the Empire, have secured the Gem at Willmantic. This Week on Broadway" At the Rialto: "Northern Norway" "It is a scenic too, at the Rialto that wins interest out of proportion to its brevity. This is 'Northern Norway' from the DeLuxe Library of the Educational Films Corporation, and offers attractive glimpses of the country and its people."— N. Y. Times. At the Rivoli: "^A Run For His Money" "Judge Rumhauser" in an International Cartoon V ■*/ Talk about politics, Felix F Goldwyn, is instituting a n« tem of "lobbying." Case Hangs Fire (Continued from pag of Isaac Slutzker and Alfn. Harsten, manager. Th< latter two came up on the 14t was postponed pending the de ' by the Federal Court as to wl the film can be exhibited in York. The calender calls for a ! ing before Magistrate Blau i 126th St. Court tomorro expected that decision will b] served pending Federal action Magistrate Reynolds in the A St. Court in Brookh n postponed the hearing in the i until May 27. The he; Federal Court on the questii showing "Fit to Win" for a hearing May 26. South Bend, Ind. — Theatn 2.500 now being built. Bla Theater Corp. interested. Miama, Ariz. — Charles A. G< will build. "Everybody's Business" Grace Cunari Starring in "ELMO The Mighty A SERIAL IN 8 PART To Be Released By UNIVERSAL