The Film Daily (1919)

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BM3 DAILY Friday, June 27, 191! Ford Going Abroad Hugh Ford has started work on the Coast on "In Mizzoura," his final Western Lasky production, starring Robert Warwick. Following the completion of this picture he will leave for England to direct a special feature under Lasky's new European plan. He will take with him his assistant, Joseph Boyle, and his cameraman, William Marshall. New State Right Company Film Specials, a new state right company with offices at 126 W. 46th St., will release a series of re-issues on the state right plan. Their first offering is Tom Moore in "Brown of Harvard." The production has been retitled and new paper issued. Latz With Realart , Rcalart Pictures has appointed Bert R. Latz manager of its Denver exchange. For the past few days Latz has been in consultation with Arthur S. Kane, but he has left New York to assume his new duties in the West. On his way to Denver he spent yesterday in St. Louis with J. S. Woody, General Sales Manager. Latz has many friends among exhibitors in Denver territory who will welcome his return there. His temporary headquarters will be at the Albany Hotel. Latz was formerly with Universal. 17 Offices (Continued from page 1) would be the same as in the United States. Announcement was also made that as a beginning, United would open 17 "Distributing Depots.' Cresson E. Smith will be in charge of Chicago, Walter S. Rand of Los Angeles, Louis W. Thompson in Seattle, Harry D. Buckley in Kansas City, and more appointments will be made within the next 10 days. The announcement that the Big Four would open their own exchange in Canada settled the rumors in circulation for some time past as to which of the existing chains or exchanges might secure the bookings. 4 New Independents (Continued from page 1) Owen and Anna Q. Nillson have been working in Famous Players and Ince productions. At Famous Players it was stated that no information was on hand relative to the plans of the independent companies the stars of which had from time to time appeared in their productions. Stone's Release Official announcement was forthcoming yesterday that the Lewis Stone production "Man's Desire" would be released by Robertson Cole. This was noted in Wid's Daily several days ago. Combine Reported Of Famous Players and Goldwyn — Denials from Each (Special to WW'S DAILY) Los Angeles — There is a very persistent report being circulated here that the newest big amalgamation in the motion picture industry will concern among other companies, the Famous Players-Lasky Corp. and Goldwyn. The extensive elaboration of production at the Lasky studio to provide for the new system of sales has given stimulance to the rumors that the Culver City plant of Goldwyn will also before long, work in cooperation with the Lasky plant. None of the Goldwyn officials are in California at the present time. When the report from Los Angeles was shown to officials at Famous Players-Lasky a very emphatic denial of the report of the contemplated amalgamation of Paramount, Artcraft and Goldwyn was made. Adolph Zukor declared the company had no plans whatever to bring about a further consolidation of producing interests. Every official of the company declared that the Famous Players-Lasky was on its own for all time. Samuel Goldwyn of Goldwyn Pictures said: "The statement is made of the whole cloth. There is absolutely nothing in it." Interesting Views Of American Film Men Just Ba from Abroad Regarding Threat ened Boycott of Famous Some interesting views relative conditions abroad were given yest day by American film men recent back from the other side. These were particularly woi while in view of the boycott thre ened by English and Irish exhibitc| of Famous Players productions, noted in yesterday's issue. An effort to secure a statcme' from Wm. A. Brady, president the National Asso., also just ba; from abroad, proved futile. Bra was working at a rehearsal all da; Walter Hoff Seely, recently w Robertson Cole, who is familiar current happenings abroad,, sa however: "The action of the British exhi tors in boycotting a brand of Amej can pictures because of the propos American invasion of the theai field in the United Kingdom was be expected; not that they ha threatened this course, for like t (Continued on Page 10) Bothwell Browne Here When "Yankee Doodle in Bcrli opens at the Broadway next wef! Bothwell Browne, the hero of t comedy, will appear in perse Browne will do a feature dance a will be aided by the Sennctt bathi: beauties. GRIFFITH SERVICE D. W. GRIFFITH SERVICE has been established in New York City for the release of two tremendous Griffith productions. "THE FALL OF BABYLON," a mighty spectacle, alive with Love and Laughter, with Feasting and Wine, with Romance and Madness, and with 7,500 horses appearing in the great chariot scenes. Most costly production ever made. "THE MOTHER AND THE LAW," a tremendous story wherein the tears that flow through a pas= sionate battle with life are kissed away by faith and love, with happiness triumphant. Both of these productions to be included in the D. W. Griffith repertory season at the Geo. M. Cohan Theatre, New York, with all the publicity resulting from the Metropolitan showings. For time and terms address D. W. GRIFFITH SERVICE, Suite 401, Longacre Bldg., 1480 Broadway, New York City. (Albert L. Grey, Gen. Mgr.) PIONEER STATE RIGHT OFFERINGS THE BOOMERANG with Henry B. Walthall THE SINS OF THE CHILDREN with Alma Hanlon and Stuart Holmes VIRTUOUS SINNERS with Wanda Hawley THE GIRL FROM NOWHERE with Cleo Madison and Wilfred Lucas SUSPICION with Grace Davidson PIONEER FILM CORPORATION 126 West 46th Street New York