The film daily year book of motion pictures (1930)

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MURRAY, B. FRANKLIN (1928) The Dreaded Bandit; (1929) Reward of Faith. Mountain Lovers. MYTON. FRED (1929) Smoke Bellew, Great Divide, Isle of Lost Ships. NEITZ, ALVIN (1928) Silent Sentinel. NEWMARK, LUCILLE (1928) Cardboard Lover; (1929) Single Man, Sioux Blood. Untamed. Wise Girls. NICHOLS, ANNE (1929) Abie's Irish Rose. NOCE. HAROLD (1929) Red Majesty. O'HARA, JOE (1928) Where the West Begins. OTIS, H. B. (1929) Unknown Rider. PAUL, HEINZ (1929)U-Boat 9 PEREZ, PAUL (1928) Out with the Tide. Green Grass Widows, Ladies of the Night Club, Chinatown Charlie, Grain of Dust, Marriage by Contract, Wright Idea, Floating College, Gun Runner, Sunset Legion, Bushranger. Capt. Swagger; (1929) Broadway Fever, His Captive Woman, Children of the Ritz, Why Be Good ? Love and the Devil, Weary River, Saturday's Children, Man and the Moment. Prisoners, Careers, Great Divide, Isle of Lost Ships, The Souall. Broadwav Babies. PERTWEE, ROLAND (1928) South Sea Bubble. PLANETTE. JEAN (1928) Polly of the Movies, Ragtime. POWELL, VIOLET (1929) Kitty. POWERS. FRANCES (1929) Stark Mad, from Headquarters. POUREE, M. (1928) Prodigals of Monte Carlo. REED, TOM (1928) Finders Keepers, Rawh'de Kid, Good Morning Judge. Stop That Man, Lonesome, Thanks for the Buggy Riue, Crip of the Yukon, Red Lips. Trick of Hearts; (1929) Last Warning, Girl on the Barge, Synthetic Sin, The Charlatan, Show Boat, The Last Performance. Broadwav. ROBINSON, CASEY (1928) Bare Knees, (horn-; Kid, Hawk's Nest, Turn Back the Hours, United States Smith, Mad Hour. Waterfront. Do Your Duty, Companionate Marrir.cre, Private Life cf Helen of Troy, Head of the Family, Out of the Ruins; (1929) Times Square. ROBINSON, PERCY (1928) River Woman. ROGERS. EDWARD EMMETT (1929) Forward Pass. ROLANDS, GEORGE K. (1928) Crossroad of Love. ROLLINS. JACQUES (1929) Morgane. ROMAINE. MILDRED (1928) When Fleet Meets . F'eet RUTHVEN, MADELINE (1928) Riders of the Dark, Under the Black Eagle. RYAN, DON (1928) Wagon Show, Glorious Trail; (1929) Cheyenne. SAUNDERS, JOHN MONK (1929) She Goes to War. SHAPIRO, IRVIN (1929) Rasputin. SHELDON, E. LLOYD (1929) Wild Party. SHERMAN, SAM (1928) Faithless Lover. SHORE. VIOLA BROTHERS (1928) House of Scandal, Nameless Men. Their Hour, Shield of Honor, Port of Missing Girls, Devil's Skipper. SHUMATE. HAROLD (1929) Careless Age. SILVERMAN, SIDNEY (1928) Guilty. SIMMONS. MIKE (1929) River Woman. SMITH, CHARLES HENRY (1929) Clear the Decks. SMITH, WALLACE (1928) The Dove. SOBELMAN, MARTIN (1929) Eleven Who Were Loyal. SPEARING, JAMES O. (1928) Streets of Algiers, Modern Dubarrv. SPEERS. R. (1928) Last Lap. SPENCE, RALPH (1928) Beau Broadway, Skirts. Baby Mine, Bringing Up Father, The Patsy, Mile, from Armentieres. Excess Baggage, Vamping Venus, Show People, Helen of Troy. SPRINGER. NORMAN (1928) Singapore Mutiny. STARR. JAMES A. (1928) Chicken a la King. Husbands for Rent, Lion and the Mouse, Crimson City, Race for Life; Across the Atlantic. Ginsberg the Great. Rinty of Desert; (1929) Sonny Boy, Million Dollar Collar, Little Wildcat. My Man, Fancy Bag gatre, Stolen Kisses, Frozei: River. STECK, H. TIPTON (1928) Outcast Souls. STEELE. JOHN (1928) Through the Breakers. STEFANSON. VILHJALMUR (1929) At the South Pole. STERN. D. (1928) Gay Adventurer. STEVENS, LOUIS (192") Scarlet «eas. STRATTON, WM. M029) The Invaders, Oklahoma Kid. SULLIVAN. C. GARDINER (1928) Sadie Thompson, Woman Disputed. SUTHERLAND. DELOS (1928) Cowboy Kid. Dare devil's Reward. Painted Post. Why Sailors Go Wrong. Wild West Romance, Midnight Life, Laddie Be Good. SUTHERLAND, E. LOEW (1928) Midnight Life, Man Higher Up. S-UTHERLAND. PAT (1928) Black Butterflies. Black Feather. SWEENEY. CARMFLITA (1929) Dream Melody. TARSHIS, HAROLD E. (1928) Clearing the Trail. Danger Rider, Flying Cowboy, Flying for Fame; (1929) Smilin' Guns, Lariet Kid, Winged Horseman, Points West. TAUROG, NORMAN (1929) Afghanistan. THOMAS, ELTON (1929) Iron Mask. TIEHLE, WILLIAM (1928) Eva and the Grasshopper. TIESLER, HANS (1928) Love is a Lie. TODD, RUTH (1928) Comrades; (1929) Linda. TOWNE. GENE (1928) Flying Romeos, Lady Be Good, Butter and Egg Man, Waterfront, Do Y our Duty, Outcast; (1929) Drag. TRAUB, JOE (1928) Into the Night. TROP, J. D. (1928) Riders of Vengeance. TUCKER, RICHARD (1928) On Trial. VARNEY, ARTHUR (1928) Winds of the Pampas. VIRGINIA, HARRIET (1928) Crossroads of Love, Air Mail Pilot. WALKER, DAVID (1928) Roarin" Fires. WALLRAVEN, J. H. (1928) The Hell Ship. WEATHERWAX, PAUL (1929) Girl from Havana. WEEMS, WALTER (1928) Olvmpic Hero. WEIL, JOE (1928) Raider Emden. WEIL, RICHARD (1928) Casey Jones; (1929) Hard to Get, Girl from Woolworth's, Two Weeks Off. WEINBERG, HERMAN (1929) Marie Antoinette, Eleven Who Were Loyal, Nana. WEST. ROLAND (1929) Alibi. WETHERELL. M. A. (1928) The Somme. WILLIS. F. McGREW (1929) Twin Beds. WILSON. CAREY (1929) Foot'iirbts and Fools. WINTERS. SALLY (1929) Riders of The Rio Grande. WOODS, LOTTA (192'8) Napoleon. WOODS. WALTER (1928) Oi. to Reno. YOST. DOROTHY (1928) FrecMes. Little Mickey Grogan, Wallflowers, Little Yellow House. Devil's Trademark. YOUNG. LON (T928) SW Rider. House of Shame. South of Panama. M929) Campus Kniehts. YOUNG. WALDEMAR •1928) The B\i City, Sealed Hp : (1929) Bohemian Dancer. YOTTN'-FR. A P. M9'8) Latest from Paris, Forbidden Hour. ZARCHI. NATHAN (1928) End of St. Petersburg. 509