The film daily year book of motion pictures (1930)

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Brandt, William Brandt, Harry Brandt, Joe Brecher, Leo Brecher, Louis J. Brill, Sol Britton, Leon Brown, Colvin Brown, Edward I. Brown, Hiram S. Brulatour, Jules E. Buckley, Harry D. Buhler, Frank W. Burger, Paul Burkan, Nathan Burger, Samuel N. Cadoret, W. H. Camp, Walter Carlisle, Samuel Carlos, Abe Carrier, James A. Casey. Patrick J. Charnas, Harry Chatkin, David Chartier, Roy Chidnoff, Irving Cochrane, R. H. Cochrane, Philip D. Cohn, Jack Cohen, Emanuel Cohen, Milton Comerford, M. E. Connors, Thomas J. Cooper, J. H. Cowan, James R. Davis, Meyer Dembow, George Dembow, Sam, Jr. Depinet, Ned E. Derr, E. B. Dietz, Howard Dixon, Thomas Dobie, D. A., Jr. Doolittle, E. J. Dowling, Ambrose S. Dumphy, Christopher Eastman, George Ebenstein, Herbert R. Eberson, John Edelhertz, Bernard Edelstein, William Eller, Stephen Engel. Harry Enslen. Jackson Errol, Leon Eschmann, E. A. Fabian, S. H. Farralla, D. L. Fay, Ed Feist, Felix F. Feld, Milton H. Felder, Max Ferguson. William R. Fiedler, Richard Field, Harry N. Fields, L. H. Flader, F. A. Flamm, Donald Flaunlacher, Lewis W. Fleckles, Maurice Flinn, John C. Fly, Harvey K. Frankel, Wm. V. Franklin. Harold B. Fried, William Friedman, Leopold Futter, Walter A. Gafney, Leo Gainsboro, Hy Gallup, Bruce Garyn, Walter Patrick Geller, J. Louis German, W. J. Giannini. Dr. A. H Gibbons, Miles F. Ginsberg, Henry Glucksmann, Jacob Gluckman. Herman Glynne, Mike Goetz, Charles S. Goetz, H. M. Goetz, Jack Goldberg, Joe Golden, Edward Golden, Maurice Colder, Lew Goldstein, E. H. Goodfield, Irving W. Goodman, Maurice Gottesman, Alfred Greene, Walter E. Grey, Al Grey, Schuyler Grossman, William Gruen. Toby Gueringer, W. H. Gulick, Earl Gulick, Paul Halperin, Edward Hamerslag, Albert R. Hammons, Earle W. Harding, Sam Hartmann, Siegfried Haskell, Herman Hatrick, E. B. Hays, Alan S. Hays, Will H. Henderson, D. W. Hess, Gabriel L. Hill, Moxley Hirsch, J. Arthur Hornstein, Joe Hughes. Frank Hunt. David H. Humm, John Hyman, Edward L. Jacobs, William Jacobson, Sam B. James, Arthur Jensen, Emil Johnson, Millard Johnston, William A. Johnston, W. Ray Jolson, Al Tones, Aaron "Kahane, B. B. Kane, Robert T. Kann, Maurice Katz, Sam Keit, Jerome Kelly, Arthur W. Kelly, W. D. Kemp, Harold F. Kent, Sidney Kennedy, Joseph P. King, Henry Klebanow, Leo Klein. William Kleine. George Kornicker. Arnold Kosch, Harrv G. Kramer, Earl Kraus, M. A. Kutinsky. Morris Krecke. H. F. Kunzler, Juan Lacmmle. Carl Lamb, Thomas W. Landau, William A. I^ang. Henry L. Lazarus, Paul N. Lederman, D. B. Lee, Arthur A. Leo, Jack G. Leo, Joe Lessor, Irving M. Levin, Jack H. I-evy, Jules Levy, Max J. Lewis, Julius Lewis, Harry Libman, William Lichtman, Al Lindemann, E. L. Loew, Arthur M. Loew. David L. Lownes, A. A. Lubin, Leo Lyons, Arthur S. McGuirk, John J. McKeon, John Mackinnon. B. A. Maddock, Charles B. Malcolm, Joseph R. Maloney, John M. Manheimer, John Marcus, Lee Mark, Moe Markus, Fally Massce. William Mastroly, Frank Matthews, R. P. Mattson, E. W. Mayer, Alvin L. Meighan, Thomas Meinhold, S. H. Menchen, Joseph Mersereau, Donald M. Metzger. Lou B. Meyer, Phillip E. Miles, Joseph R. Miller, Capt. H. W. Milliken, Carl Mintz, Charles B. Mintz, M. J. Moeller, A. J. Moore, Tom Moore, Walter Morgan, R. D. Morris, Sam E. Morris, William, Sr. Morris, William, Tr. Morrison. Chas. E. Moses, Charles Moses, Vivian M. Moskowitz, Arthur Moskowitz. Charles C. Moskowitz, Joseph H. Moss, Alex Muller, Herbert Muller, J. P. Mulvey. James Murdock, John J. Nizer. Louis Normanly, J. P. O'Brien, Thomas Ochs, Lee A. Olmstead, L. M. Orr, William O'Reilly, Charles Partington, Jack Perl, Joseph Pearson, Elmer R. Pettijohn, Chas. C. Phillips, Louis Picker, Eugene Pollak, Joseph Plunkett, Toseph Powers, P. A. Quigley, Martin J. Quittner, Joseph Raibourn, Paul Rambusch, Harold W. Rabell. W. H. Raynor, W. E. Reichenbach, Harry L. Reisman, Philip H. Richards. E. V.. Jr. Riesenfeld, Hugo Rigaumont, Victor A. Riskin, Joseph Kitchey, J. V. Robbins, Herman Robinson. Myron Rudner, Harold Rogers, Budd Rogers, Charles P. Rose, Irving Rosen, Samuel Rosenblatt, Sol Rosenbluh, Murray Rosenbluh. Murray L Rosengarten, David Rosenthal, J. J. Rosenzweig, Charles Rossheim, Irving D Rothafel, S. L. Rothbacker, Douglas I). Rothenberg, Fred N. Rousseau, A. E. Rowland, R. A. Rubel, Beno Ruben, Al Rugoff, Edward N. Ryan, James L. Rydell, Lou Sablotsky. Abe Sawyer, Chester Saenger, J. H. Schenck, Joseph M. Schiller, E. A. Schimel, Adolph Schine, J. Myer Schlaifer, L. J. Sdilanger, Ted Schnitzer, J. I. Schwartz, A. H. Schwartz, Charles Schwartz, Isidore Schwartz, Marty Schwartz, Sam Scott, Harry Seadler, Silas F. Seider. Joseph M. Shapiro, Jack Shapiro, Manuel Shapiro, Meyer Shapiro, Victor M. Shauer, Emil E. Sherman, Benjamin Shuler, G. K. Sidney, Louis K. Siegel. Henry Siegel, Henry Clay Simmonds, J. Silver, Moe Silverman, Sid Silverman. Sime Skirboll, Joseph Skouras, Spyros P. Sobel, Joseph Sonin, Sam Spring, Morton A. Spring, Sam Starr, Herman Stebbins, Arthur Steiner, Chas. Stern, Dr. Emanuel Stern, Julius Stern, Sam Strauss, Edward R. Streimer, Moe Tauszig, Douglas N. Thomas, Harry H. Tierney, H. S. Tippett, J. D. Trowbridge, Carroll Tucker, M. E. A. Van Beuren, Amedee J. Van Praag, M. Vischer, Peter Vogel, Joseph R. Vogel, William Waite, Stanley B. Walker, Frank C. Wanger, Walter F. Warner, H. M. Weeks, George W. Weil, Joe Weinstein, Charles Weisfeldt, M. J. Weltnor, Sigmund. Whyte, Arthur G. Wiley, Thomas Williams. J. D. Wilson, Frank Wynne-Jones, Frederick Yaffa, Harmon Yates, H. J. Zenker, C. Zierler, Sam Zukor, Eugene J. 606