The film daily year book of motion pictures (1942)

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FEATURES RE LEA S ED SINCE 1915 Titles of Feature Motion Pictures Released in This Country Since 1915, Including American and Foreign-Made Films A LIST of features, released since 1915. Pictures, distributors and Film Daily review dates are indicated. Distributors are noted with code letters, the key to these codes starting on this page. The actupl list of lilies is begun on page 290. Pictures released since the coming of sound are indicated as follows: AT — all-talking; PT — parttalking; S-SE — synchronized sound effects. Another title reference list is ORIGINAL TITLES of books and plays made into motion pictures under titles other than the original. Credits on 1941 releases may be found on page 147. CODE TO DISTRIBUTORS A ABA — A. B. A. FUms. ABR — .4brains. ACA — American Committee for Relief of Armenia. ACD — .Academy Pictures. ACE — Ace Pictures. ACI — American Cinema. ACT — Action Pictures. ADC — Adventure Epics. ADP — .4dolph Pollali. ADV — Advanced. AE — Associated Exiiibitors. AEO — Aeolian Pictures. AEP — Afniiated European Producers. ATE — A. F. E. Corp. AFF — Affiliated. AGF — American General Films. AHR — Asher. Al — Associated Independent Productions. AID — Aida Films. AJ — Ajax. -ALA — .Atlantic. ALD — Alder. ALE — .Alexander. ALI — Allied Pictures. .ILX — Alliance. ALP — .411 .4rt Pictures. ALW — William Alexander. AM — Amklno. AM A — AmerAnglo. AUB — Ambassador. AUE — American. AMG — .Amalgamated. AUB — American Roumanian Film Co. AHT — Ameriean-Tobb AltV — American Mutual. AN— Anchor. ANG — Anglo Films. AMT — Anti-Viee Uotion Pio AP — ^AUied Pictures. APA — A-1 Producers and Distributors. APD — Allied Producers and Distributors. .4PF — Oscar Apfel. .APH — Associated Photoplays. APO — .Apollo. APP — A. P. Plays. APQ — Approved. APR — .4ssociated Producers. APX — Apex AR — .4merican Releasing Co. ARA — .4rfa Films. ARB — Arc Films. ARC — .4rtclass Pictures (Weiss Bros.) . -ARF — Ar-FUms. ARI — Arista. ARK — .Arkay Film Exchange. ARN* — -Arnaud. ARO — .Aristocrat. •ARP — .Artistic Pictures. .ARQ — Artkino. ART — Artcraft Pictures. ARr — .Arctnrns Pictures. ARW — Arrow. ASA — Asta. ASF — Associated Features. ASS — Associated Cinemas. AST — .Astor. ATA — American Trading Assn. ATN — Atlantic. ATL — Atlas. .ACC — Audio Cinema. ACD — .Audible Pictures. ACH — Harold Austin. AUR — Aurora Film Corp. AUS — .Australian Films. ACT — Capt. Harold Auten AT — Avramenko. AT — Aywon. ATC — Aycie. AZ — Azteca. B BAB — The Baker's Wife. Inc. BAC — Backer-Hoffman. BAE — Banner. B.AK — Baker-Hoffman. BAN — Bancroft. BAR — Barsky. BAT — Bartlett. BAC — Bavaria Film A-G. BAT — Bacon-Ay won. BB — B. B. Features. BBF — Bacon-Backer Foursquare. BD — British & Dominions. BE — Beacon. BE.A — Beacon BEB — George Beban. BEH — Behrman Productions. BEK — Beekman Film Co. BEL — Berlin Films. BEN — Chester Bennett. BER — Bertad. BES — Best Film Co. BET — Bernstein. BEC — Beaumont. BEW — Walldemar D. Bell. BFP — Bryan Fot. BH.A — Bert Hall. BI — British International. BIF — Big Four. BIG — Big Three. BIL — Biltmore Productions. BIS — Bischoff. BL — Bluebird. BL.A — Blair-Coan. BLC — Blackton. BLO — Richard Block. BLR — Blue Ribbon. BLC — Blumenthal. BLZ — Samuel Blitz. BM — Balboa-Mutual. BNE — British New Era. BOL — H. Bollman. BON — H. O. Bondy. 286