The film daily year book of motion pictures (1942)

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Better Times — BRE ..G-15-1!) Beyond Victory (AT) — PAT Better Way — COL 192(i 4-12-31 Better Wire— SE 7-13-19 B iff Bank Buddy — ARC Better Woman — TE ..11-11-16 10-5-24 Bettina Loved a Soldier — B 'S Adventure — U ....4-17-21 BL. .8-3-10 B 1^ Bluff. The (AT) — TOW Betty And The Buccaneers — 10-11-33 MT. . 1917 B s Boss, The (AT) — COL Betty Takes a Hand — TRI 5-30-41 1-3-18 B ir Boy (AT) — WA... 9-14-30 Betty to the Rescue — PAR B s Boy Rides Again (AT) — 1-18 17 FD. .1935 Between Dangers — PAT B g Brain, The (AT) — RKO 1-30-27 8-5-33 Between FigrhtinfT Men (AT) — B g Broadcast, The (AT) — WOW. . 10-18-33 PAR. . 10-15-32 Between Friends — -VIT B g Broadcast of 1930 (AT) — 4-20-24 PAR. .9-14-35 Between Men — TRI ...12-9-16 B g Broadcast of 1937 (AT) Between Men (ATI — PAR. .10-6-30 SUM. .10-29-36 B ig Broadcast of 1938 (AT) — Between Parents (AT-German) PAR. .2-11-38 — UFA. .1938 B s Brother — PAR . . 12-30-23 Between Two Women (AT) — B g Brown Eyes (AT) — PAS MGM. .0-29 37 5-2-36 Between Two World.s — ARC B g Business (AT) — P .4-13-37 7-15-23 B e Business Girl (AT) — Between Two Worlds (AT FN. .6-14-31 Italian — ESP. .2-12-40 B g Cage, The (AT) — U Beverly of Graustark — MGM 5-10-33 5-3-26 B g Calibre (AT) — COE..1935 Beware of Bachelors (PT & S) B s Chance, The (AT) — — WA. .1-20-39 GRC. .8-30-33 Beware of Blondes — COL B g City — MGM 4-1-28 8-26-28 B s City, The (AT) — Beware of Ladies (AT) — MGM . . 8-30-37 REP. . 1-12-37 B g City Blues (AT) — WA Beware of Married Men 9-10 32 (S-SE) — WA. .1-29-28 B g Dan — F 10-28-23 Beware of Strangers — FIL B g Diamond Robbery — RKO 1918 4-21-29 Beware of the Bride — F B g Drive, The (S-SE) — lO-24-.^O FD. .1-20-33 Beware of the Law — JAW B g Executive (AT) — PAR 4-8-23 10-19-33 Beware of Widow.s — U 4-17-27 B g Fight (AT) — WW 5-11-30 Beware, Spooks! (AT) — B s Gamble (AT) — PAT COL. .11-9-39 9-27-31 Bey on d —PAR 9-11-21 B g Game — M 8-21-21 Beyond All Odds — CHE..192() B g Game, The (AT) — RKO Beyond Bengal (AT) — SHP 9-29-30 4-25-34 B g Guy. The (AT) — U.. 1-8-40 Beyond London's Lights — B g Happiness — RC ....9-5-20 FBO. .2-19 28 B g Hearted Herbert (AT) — Beyond Price — F 6-8-21 WA. .11-13 34 Beyond the Bend — SEZ. . .1922 B g Hop — JOE 10-7-28 Beyond the Border — PDC 1928 B g House (AT) — MGM Beyond the Crossroads — PI 6-29-30 1922 B g Jim Garrity — PAT 4-27-16 Beyond the Law (AT) — SYN B s Killing — PAR , , 7-8-28 11-2-30 B g Little Person — U .... 1919 Beyond the Law — SOF B g Money (AT) — PAT 12-8-18 11-2-30 Beyond ine -Liaw (Aij — OUL B g News (AT & S) — PAT 7-31-34 7-28-29 Beyond the Rainbow BEN B s Noise — FN 6-13-28 2-26-22 B s Noise. The (AT) — WA Beyond the Rio Grande (AT) 4-20-36 BIF. .5-4-30 B g Pal — ROY 1920 Beyond the Rockies (FBO) B g Parade — MGM ..11-22-26 1920 B g Party (AT) — P . .4-20-30 Beyond the Rockies (AT) — B g Pond, The (AT) — PAR RKO. .9-16-32 4 1 Q Qn Beyond the Rocks — PAR B g 5-14-22 B s Race (AT) — SHP. 3-14-34 Beyond Sacramento (AT) — B s Shakedown (AT) — FN COL. .5-8-41 2-9-34 Beyond the Sacramento (AT) B g Shot, The (AT) — RKO — COL. .1940 1-10-32 Beyond the Shadows — TRI B g Shot, The (AT) — 7-28-17 RKO . . 7-20-37 Beyond the Sierras — MGM B g Show — AE 7-25-30 12-16-28 B g Show, The (AT) — Beyond the Trail — CHE.. 1920 REP . . 6-24-37 Beyond the Wall — PHO B g 4-29-28 B s Stakes — EC 1923 Beyond Tomorrow (AT) — B g Stampede, The (AT) — EKO. .9-30 40 WA. .11-11-33 18,618 TITLES Hig Store, The (AT) — MGM 6 18-41 Big Timber — PAR ...6-38-17 Big Timber — U 8-3-34 Big Timber (AT) — COL 7 11-32 Big Time (AT) — F.... 9-16-29 Big Time or Bust (AT) — TOW. .1-10-34 Big Town (AT) — INV 12-22-33 Big Town Czar (AT) — U. .5-11-39 Big Town Girl (AT) — • F. .11-13-36 Big Town Ideas — F.... 5-15-21 Big Town Round-Up — -F 7-10-21 Big Trail ( AT) —F ... 10-12-30 Big Tremaine — M .... 12-7-16 Bigamist — FBO 4-2-22 Bigger Man — M 9-23-16 Bigger Than Barnum's — FBO 7-4-26 Biggest Show on Earth, The — PAR. .5-2-18 Bill Apperson's Boy — FN 7-20-19 Bill Cracks Down (AT) — REP. .3-22-37 Bill Henry — PAR 9-7-19 Bill of Divorcement — -AE 10-15-22 Bill of Divorcement (AT) — RKO. .9-17-32 Bill of Divorcement, A (AT) — RKO. .4 8-40 Billion Dollar Scandal (AT) PAR. .1-7-33 Billions — M 12-5-20 Billy Jim — FBO 2-12-22 Billy the Kid (AT) — MGM 10-19-30 Billy the Kid (AT) — MGM 5-29-4 1 Billy the Kid in Texas (AT) — PRC. .1940 Billy the Kid Returns (AT) — REP. .9-16-38 Billy the Kid Outlawed (AT) — PRC. .1040 Billy the Kid Wanted (AT) — PRC. . 11-28-41 Billy the Kid's Fighting Pals (AT) — PRC. .4-10-41 Billy the Kid's Gun Justice (AT) — PRC. .1940 Billy the Kid's Roundup (AT) — PRC. .13-34-41 Biography of a Bachelor Girl (AT) — MGM. .1-9-35 Bird of Paradise (AT) — RKO. .8-12-32 Bird of Prey — F 8-11-18 Birds of Prey — COL. . .6-32-27 Birobidjan (AT-Russian) — AM 10-8-36 Birth — UG 4-19-17 Birth of a Man — ^MOS 5-18-10 Birth of a Nation — UA..1915 Birth of a Nation — GGR 12-21-30 Birth of a Soul — VIT... 2-1-20 Birth of Democracy — -FRA 1-17-18 Birth of Patriotism — RED 4-2617 Birth of the Blues (AT) — PAR. .9-3-41 Biscuit Eater, The (AT) — PAR. .4-12-40 Bishop Misbehaves, The (AT) — MGM. .9-28-36 297