The film daily year book of motion pictures (1942)

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18,618 TITLES Code of the Mounted (AT) — AMB. .6-31-35 Code of the Northwest — '^^^^20 Code of the Ranee — RA 6 15-27 Code of the Ran&ers (AT) — MOP. .4-13-38 Code of the Scarlet — ^FN 7 15-28 Code of the Sea— PAR 6-1-24 Code of the Secret Service (AT) — WA. .6-23-39 Code of the Streets (AT^ — ^^^^ Code of the West — PAR 4-26-2.T Code of the ^'^^7.27.30 Code of the Wilderness — VIT 7-6-24 Code of the Yukon — SCR 12-8-18 Cognasse (AT-French) — PAR. .4-16-3.=) Cohens and Kellys — U.. 3-7-26 Cohens and Kellys In Africa (AT)— U. .12-21-30 Cohens and Kellys in AtUrtic City (PT & S)—U. .3-24-29 Cohens and Kellys in Hollywood (AT)— U. .4-24-32 Cohens and Kellys in ^^'^^^ Cohens and Kellys in Scotland (AT)— U. .3-2-30 Cohens and Kellys in Trouble (AT) — n. .4-15-33 Coiffeur Pour Dames (ATFrench) — PAR. .10-29-32 Coincidence — ^M 6-8-21 Cold Deck— INC ^i'fi' Cold Steel— R.C • Colleen— F ""^lil Colleen (AT)— WA 3-6-36 Colleen of the Pines — FBO 7-9-2. College (AT-<Jerman) — XX ^^^^ College— UA 9-1 S-b-' College Boob— FBO 8-22-26 College Coach (AT)— WB^^ ^^ :;olle&e Coquette (AT & S) — COL. .9-1-29 College Da.vR— TIF ... 1 0-24-26 College Girl (AT-fJermanl — XX.. 1938 College Hero— COL ... 11 -27-27 College Holiday (AT) — PAR 12-19-36 College Humor (AT) — PAR 6-14 3:! College Love (AT & ^'—J^j „^ College Lover. (AT)— FN^^^^^ College Orphan — U... 10-21 -15 College Rhythm (AT)— PAR 11-1-34 College Scandal (AT) — PAR. .7-12-35 College Swing <^'^'~^^4^28-38 College Widow— W A • n Collegiate (AT)— PAR . 1-23-36 Colonel Bridau— ENT 1919 Colonel's Wife — PAT Colorado (AT)— REP. . .9-3-40 Colorado— U 2-27-21 Colorado Kid (AT) — REP. .12-11-37 Colorado Pluck— F 5-8-21 Colorado Sunset (AT) — „ „ REP. .8-2-39 Colorado Trail (AT) — COL 11-9-38 Combat — PAT 10-9-27 Combat — U 2-14-26 Combat — VIT 9-21 -16 Combat of the Matterhorn (AT-German) — XX 1938 Come Across (PT & S) — V 7-14-2!i Come Again Smith — HOD 1 26-19 Come and Get It — RKO 2 17-29 Come and Get It (AT) — UA 10 29-36 Come-Back. The — M... 5-14-16 Come Closer. Folks (AT) — COL 1 1 24-36 Come I.ivp With Me lATi — MGM . .1-30-41 Come on Cowboys — AUW 1924 Tome On. ("(iwhoys ! (AT) — REP. .5 21-37 (~:nme nn Daneer (AT) — RKO. .2-16 33 Come on Danger (AT) — RKO. .12-10-41 Come On In— PAR 9-22-18 Come On, Leathernecks (AT) — REP. .8-23-38 Come On Marines I AT) — PAR 3-24-34 Come On Over— G 3-19 22 Come On Rangers (AT) — REP. .11-28-38 Come on Tarzan (ATI — WOW. . 1 4-33 Come Out of the Kitchen — PAR 5 25-19 Come Through — U 1925 Come to My House — F 2-5-28 Comet Over Broadway (AT) — WA. .12-23-38 Comin' Round the Mountain (AT) — PAR. .10-3-40 Comin' "Round the Mountain (AT) — REP. .3-31-30 Comin' Thrnuffli the Rye — HEP — 12 14-24 Coming An' Going — ARC. 1926 Coming of Amos— PDC 9-27-25 Coming nf the Law— F 5-18-19 Coming Out Party (AT) — F 3-17-34 Coming ThroughPAR 2-22-25 Command Performance (AT) — TIF. .1-18-31 Commercial Pirates — ARW 1919 Causf-— VIT 1 2 8-1 S Clav (AT)— F 8-3.30 Clay— PAT .1-26-1!) Ground— PAR 8-3-1 <! Law — SEZ. 11-4 23 Law (AT) — PAT 7-19 31 Level — TRA ...1920 Property — TT . .1920 Sense — SE7, Sin. The— SEZ. 1920 Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Companionate Marri.n^e — FN 11-11-28 Compliment? of Mr. Flow (AT-French) — HOB. .1941 Compromise — WA .... 1 1 -1 25 Compromised (AT) — BT 118-3' rompromised (AT) — FN 11-8-31 .1915 Comrade John — P.AT Comr.nde X (AT> — MGM Comrades — ^FD .... Comrades of 1918 (AT Ger mnn) — TOB. .2 22-31 Comrades of the Sea (ATGerman) — XX. .1939 Conceit— SEZ 12-25-21 Concert — G 30S 12-11-40 . .3-4 28 .2-27-21 Concentratin' Kid (AT) — U 10 26 30 Concentration Camp (AT Russian) — AM. .4-6-39 Condemned (AT) — CA U-10-29 Condemned to Death (AT) — FD. .7-14-32 Condemned to Live (AT) — CHE. .193.'. "Condemned Women (AT) — Condottieri (AT-Italian) — ESP. .1940 RKO . . 3-10 38 Conductor 1492 — WA.. 3-23-24 Coney Island— FBO ...2-26-2> Coney Island Princess — PAR 12-7-lii Confession — F 6-16 lU Confession — FN 1920 Confession (AT) — WA .7-20-37 Confessions of Boston Blackie (AT) — COL. .12-17-41 Confessions of a Co-ed (AT) —PAR. .6-21-31 Confessions of a Nazi Spy (AT) — WA. .4-28-3P Confessions of a Queen — MG 3-29-25 Confessions of a Wife — EXP 3-24-2!) Cnnfetti — FN 1928 Confidence — U 9-24-22 Confidence Man — PAR 4-20-24 Confidential (AT) — MAP 10 17 35 Confirm or Deny (AT) — F. .11-19 41 Conflict — U 10-30-21 Conflict — VIT 7-61 ri Conflict (AT)— TJ 11-28-36 Conso Maisie (AT) — MGM. .1-18-411 Congorilla (AT) — F ...7-20 32 Congress Dances (AT) — DA 5-15 32 Connecticut Yankee. A (AT) — F. .4-12 31 Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court — F. .2-6-21 Conquered Hearts — KES ..1918 Conquering Horde (AT) — PAR. .3-29-31 Conquering Power — M. 7-10 21 Conquering the Woman — .AE 12-17-2.! Conqueror — TRI 1-6-16 Conqueror — T 10-25-17 Conquerors. The (AT)— RKO 11-19-32 Conquerors of the Arctic AM. .11-29 3Conqtierors of the Night (AT) — AM. .8-1 Conquest (AT & Si — WA 2-17-2!) Conquest (AT) — _ MGM . 1 0-26 .! Conquest of Canaan — ^FRO 10-5-1 6 Conquest of Canaan — PAR 7-17-21 Conquest of the Holy Land — OP . . 8-25-2!> Conquests of Peter the Great (AT-Russian) — AM. .1939 Conrad in Quest of His Youth— PAR. .11-14-20 Conscience — ^F 1917. Conscience of John David — HMU. .4-27-16 Consolation Marriage (AT) — RKO. .11-1-31 Conspiracy '^T)— RKO^^^^ Conspiracv— PAR • • ■ J Conspiracy (AT)— RKO . 9-5-39 Constant Nymph— BIG 7-21-29 Constant Nymph (AT) — ^ ^