The film daily year book of motion pictures (1947)

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Delisle, K. A. Greene, H. O. McCurry, Dr. Fletcher Peacock, W. J. Turnbull, G. C. Andrew, R. A. Bell, W. B. Herbert, Mrs. F. R. Crawley. Edmond Cloutier, Edmund Morris, Dr, N, A. M. MacKenzie, J. W. Parker, R. E. Crouch, David MacKenzie. STAFF Executive Secretary Gordon Adamson Assistant Secretary Margaret Davis National Legion of Decency 35 E. 51st St., New York 22, N. Y. n ickersham 2-3143 THE EPISCOPAL C0M5I1TTEE Most Rev. William A. Scully, Co-Adjustor Bishop of Albany, Chairman: Most Rev. Joseph H. Albers. Bishop of Lansing-; Most Rev. John J. Cantwell. Archbishop of Los Angeles; Most Rev. Bryan J. McEntegart, Bishop of Ogdensburg: Most Rev. Raymond A. Kearney. Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn. Very Rev. MsgT. John J. McClafferty, Executive Secretary; Rev. Patrick J. Masterson, Asst. Executive Secretary; Rev. Brendan Larnen, O. P., Asst. Executive Secretary; Mrs. James F. Looram, Chairman, Motion Picture Dept.. International Federation of Catholic Alumnae. IVattonal Variety Arttsts, inc. 233 W. 46th St., New York 19, N. Y. COIumbus 6-2638 OFFICERS President Louis Handin 1st Vice-President Lester Rose 3nd Vice-President Nick Elliott Treasurer Frank O'Connell Secretary Rosa Crouch Public Relations Lester Rose DIRECTORS Leon Bendon, Bert Spencer, Joe Verdi, Harry Jackson. Billy Gould, Lillian Weed, Phil Kelly. Harry Ferguson, Lottie Dixon. Alternate: Joe Rose. TRCSTEES Joe Gilbert. Henry Lewinsohn, Joe Pastor, Julio Roig, Evelyn F. Kelly, Harry Mansfield. iVeu? England Educational Film Association Chairman's address: Boston University, School of Education, Division of Teaching Aids 84 Exeter St., Boston 16, Mass. Commonwealth 6230, Ext. 23. BO.ARD OF DIRECTORS Dr. Abraham Krasker, Boston University. Chairman: Prof. J. R. Crawford, University ol Maine; Austin I. Olney, University of New Hampshire; John Watson. Jr., Dartmouth College; David Strom, University of Connecticut; James Barclay. Harvard. The Dletv Yorh Film Critics Secretary's Address: N. Y. Herald Tribune, 230 W. 41st St., New York 18, N. Y. OFFICERS Chairman Archer Winston Secretary Joe Pihodna MEMBERS Howard Barnes, Herald Tribune: Kate Cameron, Daily News; Wanda Hale, Daily News; Thomas M. Pry or. Times: Otis L. Guernsey. Jr.. Herald Tribune: Dorothy Masters, Daily News; Alton Cook, World-Telegram; Rose Pelswick, JournalAmerican; Archer Winsten, Post; Irene Thirer, Post: Edgar Price, Brooklyn Citizen; David Piatt. Daily Worker; John T. McManus, PM: Leo Mishkin. Morning Telegraph: Bosley Crowther, Times; Herbert Cohn, Brooklyn Eagle; A. W. Weiler, Times; John Maynard, Journal-American; Frank Quinn, Mirror; Cecelia Ager, PM; Joe Pihodna, Herald Tribune. ASSOCIATtOIVS ]\orthtvest Film Cluh, Ino. 2322 Second Ave,, Seattle 1, Wash. Seneca 9815 OFFICERS President H. B. Sobottka Vice-President Neal Walton Secretary -Treasurer E. A. Lamb TRUSTEES K. Beckwith, J. T. Sheffield. M. Saffle. Paramount Pictures Club, Inc. 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y. BR.vant 9-8700 OFFICERS President Agnes Mengel Grew Vice-President Herbert Lazarus Treasurer a1 Sicignano Secretary Lillian Jacobs BOARD OF GOVERNORS Irving Singer. William Ramage, John R. Fisher, Murray H. Waterman, Catherine A. Quinn, Madeline Lang, Aldythe Reichenbach, James J. Hubka, Charlotte Byrne, Louis Leffler. J. L. Brown. Permanent Charities Com' mittec of the Motion Picture industry 9538 Brighton Way, Beverly Hills, Calif. CRestview 5-2078 OFFICERS Honorary Life Member Samuel Goldwyn President Joan Crawford Exec. Vice-President-Treasurer Edward Arnold Secretary w. Ray Johnston Asst. Executive Secretary Helen S. Baier Campaign Director Don Chambers BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bert Allenberg. Carl Cooper. Y. Frank Freeman, Sheridan Gibney, Sol. Lesser, M. C. Levee, Miss Jane Murfin, George Stevens, Regis Toomey,' Cecil Bardwell. GENERAL, COMMITTEE Bert Allenberg, Stanley Bergerman, Al Melnick. Irving Salkow. Melville Shauer, Y. Prank Freeman. Col. Jason S. Joy. B. B. Kahane, Edgar J. Mannix. N. Peter Rathvon, Carl Cooper, Lou C. Helm, Frank Carothers, Keith Weeks, Herbert K. Sorrell. George Stevens, Rowland V. Lee, Philip Rosen, George Sidney, Richard Wallace' Cecil Bardwell, E. 0. Blackburn. K. F. Morgan,' Sidney Sulow, W. Ray Johnston, Samuel Broidy'. Ray Vonng, Sam Katzraan, Signiund Neufeid' Regis Toomey, George L. Murphy. Dennis O'Keefe, Ann Revere. Porter Hall, Sher. m Gibney, Miss Jane Murfln, Francis E. Far.-i jh John Larkin, Ranald McDougall. Sol Lesser George Bagnall, Roy Disney, Dan O'Shea. Picture Pioneers, Inc. 729 Seventh Ave., New York 19, N. T. BRyant 9-7900 House Manager jack Cohn Ticket Taker Hal Bode EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Jack Alicoate. William Brandt. Harry Buckley. Jack Cohn, Tom Connors, George Dembow, Sam Dembow, Ned E. Depinet, Abel Green, Hal Hode, Hal Home. Joe Hornstein. Terry, Herman Robbins, Harold Rodner, George Schaefer, Marvin Schenck, Joe Vogel, Maurice Kann, Samuel Rinzler, Harry Brandt, Gilbert Josephson. Protestant Film Commission, Inc. 45 Astor Place, New York 3, N. Y. GRamercy 3-8536 791