Year book of motion pictures (1947)

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LABOR ORGAIViZATIONS Studio Carpenters Local 946, United Brotherliood of Carpenters & Joiners of America 5164 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood 27, Calif. MOrningslde II 10 1 OFFICERS President C. A. Sproul Vice-President Ben Price RecordinsT Secretary J. W. Vance Financial Secretary W. E. Sparks Treasurer J. F. Connolly Trustees: Robert Buchanan, E. F. Hoffman, P. F. Hurst Warden Charles Barron Conductor David Shapiro Business Representative J. N. Skelton EXECUTIVE BOARD 0. A. Sproul. Ben Price. J. W. Vance. W. E. Sparks. J. F. Connolly. Robert Buchanan, E F. Hoffman, P. F. Hurst, J. N. Skelton. Studio Electrical Technicians Local 728 lATSE & MPMO 7581 Melrose Ave., Hollywood 46, Calif. WEbster 914 4 OFFICERS President Roy Hostetter Vice President Vaug-hn Ashen ''f'cretarT -Treasurer Guy Rushing Business Representative A. T. Dennison EXECI'TIVE BOARD H. P. Jae?er. Floyd Porter. James B. Phillips, Jr., Andrew D. Reid. James Almond. Frank Jenkins. C. J. McGillwray. M. J. Harney, Charles Futoran, Chairman. Studio Electricians, Sound and Broadcast Technicians Local 40, I. B. E. W. 1225 N. Highland Are., Hollywood 38, Calif. GRanite 6130 OFFICERS President A. K. Boeckmann Vice-President H. L. Goodwin Treasurer Harold Foss Bus. Mgr. -Recording' Secy Roy Tindall Financial Secretary Earl Counter EXECUTIVE BOARD A. K. Boeckmann. Chairman; Roy Tindall. Secretary; Ted Kirk wood, Dave Barnett. Mike Ambrose. Frank Moore. William Wauhop, R. W. Palmer. Studio Transportation Drivers Local 399 Internntional Brotherhood of Tcani «>ters and Chauffenrs 6472 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood 38, Calif. Hollywood 3118 OFFICERS Secretary -Treasurer Ralph H. Clare Studio Utility Employees Local 724, International Hod Carriers, Building and Common Laborers Union of America 6700 Melrcse .Ave., Hollywood 28, Calif. OFFICERS President Matthew M. More Business Representative-Recording Secretary L. C. Helm Financial Secretary H. C. Eohrbacb Theater and Amusement Service Employees Lccal 51. BSEIU 711 EiRhth Ave., New York, N. Y. COInmbiis 5-6556 OFFICERS President Jerry Chaiken Secretary-Treasurer Anthony Caesar Vice-President Robert Hodd Recording Secretary Theodore Burton Sergeant-at-Arms Thomas Eeenan EXECUTIVE BOARD Charles Price, Jacob Raber, Thomas McNeill. Anthony Frankaitis. John Marino. Theatrical Protective Vnicn Local 1, lATSE 254 W. 54th St., New York 19, N. Y. COIumbus 5-2394 OFFICERS President Joseph Dwyer Secretary. John C. McDowell Business Agents Sally Pernick, John Goodson Treasurer John Garvey tJnitetl Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Carpenters' Bldg., Indianapolis 4, Ind. Lincoln 3328 OFFICERS President William L. Hutcheson 1st Vice-President M. A. Hutcheson 2nd Vice-President John R. Stevenson Secretary Frank Duffy Treasurer S. P. Meadows EXECUTIVE BOARD William J. Kelly. Charles A. Johnson. Jr.. HarrjSchwarzer. Roland Adam.=. R. E. Roberts. A. W. Muir. Arthur Martel; William L. Hutcheson. Chairman: Frank Duffy. Secretary. United Office and Professional WorUers of America Greater New Y'ork Regional Council 30 E. 29th St., New York 16, N. Y. Murray Hill 3-9080 OFFICERS Reg^ional Director Aaron D. Schneider Director of Org'anization Norma Aronson Chairman Bernard Segal Vice-chairmen. .Max Goldfrank, Grace W. Soottino Secretary -Treasurer William Frankfurt Radio Guild Representative Paul Lubow United Scenic Artists of America Local 829, BFDPH of A 251 W. 42nd St., New York 18, N. Y. Wisconsin 7-90.'{0 OFFICERS President Woodman Thompson Vice-President Charles E. Lessinff Treasurer George Everett Recording Secretary Peggy Clark Financial Secretary .\rthur Romano Business Representative Rudy Kamolt rr.usTEES James Balfour. Albert Amend. Albert Weber: Associate Trustees: Emilie Stoner. Theodore Emanuel. Upholsterers* International Union of North America Local 15 253 W. 61st St.. Los Angeles 3, Calif. PLeasant 1-6635 OFFICERS Business Repre.'-entaUve Charles I,. Yost President John Schlener Vice-President Ivor Hill Recording-Corresponding Secretary. Harold Vance Financial Secretary-Treasurer Charles L. Yost Sergeant-at-Arms Glenn Wingard Journal Reporter Alice J. Fesjian TRUSTEE William C. Davis, Joe Goergen. William Jones. 818