Film daily year book of motion pictures for 1942 (1949)

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Original Score— Leigh Harline, Paul J. Smith, Ned Washington (Pinocchio). Song1— Music, Ned Washington; Lyric, Leigh Harline (When You Wish Upon a Star— Pinocchio). Scoring— Alfred Newman (Tin Pan Alley). Art Direction, Black and White— Cedric Gibbons, Paul Groesse (Pride and Prejudice). Art Director, Color— Vincent Korda (The Thief of Bagdad). Film Editing— Anne Bauchens (North West Mounted Police). Sound Recording— Douglas Shearer (Strike Up the Band). Black and White Cinematography— George Barnes (Rebecca). Color Cinematography— George Perinal (The Thief of Bagdad). Photographic Effects— Lawrence Butler (The Thief of Bagdad). Sound Effects— Jack Whitney (The Thief of Bagdad). Short Subjects— Cartoon: The Milky Way (M-G-M); Two-Reeler: Teddy the Rough Rider (Warners). Special Awards— Bob Hope, Col. Nathan Levinson. 1939 Best Production— Gone With the Wind (Selz nick-International— M-G-M). Actress— Vivien Leigh (Gone With the Wind). A ctor— Robert Donat (Goodbye, Mr. Chips). Supporting Actress— Hattie McDaniel (Gone With the Wind). Supporting Actor— Thomas Mitchell (Stage Coach). L Direction— Victor Fleming (Gone With the Wind). Original Story— Louis R. Foster (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington). Screenplay— Sidney Howard (Gone With the Wind). Original Music Score— Herbert Stothart (The Wizard of Oz). Scoring— Richard Hageman. Frank Hading, John Leopold, Leo Shuken (Stagecoach). Song— E. Y. Harburg, Harold Arlen ('Over the Rainbow" in The Wizard of Oz). Art Direction— Lyle Wheeler (Gone With the Wind). Film Editing— Hal Kern, James Newcomb (Gone With the Wind). Sound Recording— Bernard B. Brown (When Tomorrow Comes). Black and White Cinematography — Gregg Toland (Wuthering Heights). Color Cinematography— Ernest Haller, Ray Rennahan (Gone With the Wind). Special Effects— E. H. Hansen (The Rains Came). Short Subjects— Cartoon: The Ugly Duckling (Walt Disney); One-Reeler: Busy Little Bears (Paramount); More than One Reel; Sons of Liberty (Warner Bros.). Thalberg Memorial Award— David O. Selznick. Special Awards— Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., Technicolor, The Motion Picture Relief Fund, Judy Garland, William Cameron Menzies. 1938 Best Production— You Can't Take It With You (Columbia). Actress— Bette Davis (Jezebel). Actor— Spencer Tracy (Boys Town). Supporting Actress— Fay Bainter (Jezebel). Supporting Actor— Walter Brennan (Ken tucky). Direction— Frank Capra (You Can't Take It With You). Original Story— Bore Schary and Eleanore Griffin (Boys Town). Screenplay— George Bernard Shaw (Pygmalion). Adaptation— W. P. Lipscomb, Cecil Lewis, Ian Dalrymple (Pygmalion). Cinematography— Joseph Ruttenberg (The Great Waltz). Art Direction — Carl Weil (The Adventures of Robin Hood.) Sound Recording— T. Moulton (The Cowboy and the Lady). Musical Composition— "Thanks for the Memory" by Ralph Ranger and Leo Robin (The Big Broadcast of 1938). Film Edi ting— Ralph Dawson (The Adventures of Robin Hood). Original Score— Eric Wolfgang Korngold (The Adventures of Robin Hood). Scoring— Alfred Newman (Alexander's Ragtime Band). Short Subjects— One-reeler: That Mothers Might Live (M-G-M); Two-reeler: The Declaration of Independence (Warner Bros.); Cartoon: Ferdinand the Bull (Walt Disney RKO Radio). Thalberg Memorial Aivard—HaX B. Wallis. Special Aicards—H. M. Warner, Oliver Marsh and Allen Davies, Deanna Durbin and Mickey Rooney, Walt Disney, Gordon Jennings, Farciot Edouard and Loren Rvder, J. Arthur Ball. 1937 Best Production— The Life of Emile Zola (Warner Bros.). Actress— Luise Rainer (The Good Earth). Actor— Spencer Tracy (Captains Courageous). Supporting Actress— Alice Brady (In Old Chicago).