The film daily year book of motion pictures (1949)

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RKO; Living in a Big Way — MGM : The Crimson Key — 20thF. 1!)48: Women in the Night — FC. HAYES. GEORGE "flabby" (Rill Chantry) 1947: Helldorado — Rep.: Trail Street — RKO: Wyoming Rep. 1948: Albuquerque — Par The Untamed Breed — Col. HAYES, PETER LIND (Lou Irwin) 1947: The Senator Was Indiscreet— Univ. HAYES, SAM 1947: Joe Palooka in the Knockout — Mon: The Checkered Coat — 20thF. HAYMES. DICK (William Morris) 1947: The Shocking Miss Pilgrim— 20thF.: Carnival in Costa Rica — 20th. F. 1948: Up in Central Park — UA: One Touch of Venus — UI. HAYS. GEORGE 1948: Return of the Bad Men — RKO. HAYWARI), LOUIS (M. C. Levee) 1947: Repeat Performance — EL. 1948: Ruthless — EL: The Black Arrow — Col; Walk a Crooked Mile — Col. HAYWARI), SUSAN (Famous Artists) 1947: Smash-Up. The Story of a Woman — UI: They Won't Believe Me — RKO; The Lost Moment — UI. 1948: Tap Roots — UI; The Saxon Charm — UI. HAYWORTH, RITA 1947: Down to Earth — C01. 1948: The Lady from Shanghai— Col ; The Loves of Car iiipn — Col. HAZARD, JAYNE (Mitchell Gertz) 1948: Daredevils of the Clouds — Rep. HAZELL, HY 1948: Just William s Luck — UA. HEALY', MYRON (Gus Dembling) 1948: Blondie's Reward — Col; Hidden Danger — Mon. HEARN, LOU (Snitzer-Fritschi) 1947: I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now — 20thF. HEATHER, JEAN (Harry Edington) 1947: The Last Round-Up — coi. r HECHT. TED (Earl MacQuarrie) 1947: Riding the California Trail — Mon.; Tarzan and the Huntress — RKO: Shoot to Kill — SG; Spoilers of the North — Rep.; The Gangster — AA. 1948: Man-Eater ol Kumaon — UI; Port Said — Col: Bad Men of Tombstone — AA. HEDIN, JUNE (Lola D. Moore) 1948: I Remember Mama — RKO. HEDLUND, GUY' 1947: Last of the Redmen — Col. HEFLIN, VAN 1947: Possessed — WB: Green Dolphin St. — MGM. 1A48: B. F.'s Daughter — MGM; Tap Roots — UI: The Three Musketeers — MGM; Act of Violence — MGM. HEIFETZ, JASCHA 1947: Carnegie Hall — UA. HEIGH, HELENE ( Kingston-Meyers) 1947: Monsieur Verdoux — UA. HELMORE, TOM 1948: Three Daring Daughters — MGM. HELTON. PERCY (Stewart Agency) 1948: Hazard — Par: Let's Live Again — 20thF; Call Northside 777 — 20thF : Larceny— UI: Chicken Every Sunday— 20thF. HENDERSON, JACK 1948: Strange Target. HENREID, PAUL (MCA Artists) 1947: Song of Love — MGM. 1948: Hollow Triumph — EL. HENDRICKS, JACK 1947: Trailing Danger — Mon.;. Six Gun Serenade — Mon.: Code of the Saddle — Mon.: Prairie Express — Mon. H END KICK SOX. ALTON 1948: A Song is Born — RKO. HENDRIX, WANDA 1947: Nora Prentiss — WB; Welcome Stranger — Par; Ride the Pink Horse — UI. 1948: Miss Tatlock's Millions — Par: My Own True Love — Par. HEME. SONJA 1948: The Countess of Monte Cristo — UI. HENRY, BUZZ 1947: King of the Wild Horses — Col; Law of the Canyon — Col; Last of the Redmen — Col. 1948: Prairie Outlaws — EL. HENRY, CAROL 1947: Gun Talk — Mon: The Rangers Ride — Mon; Cowboy Cavalier — Mon: Court in' Trouble — Mon: Gunning for Justice — Mon; Back Trail — Mon: Hidden Danger — Mon: The Sheriff of Medecine Bow Mon. HENRY, FRANK 1947: Hoppy's Holiday — UA. HENRY, GLORIA 1947: Sport of Kings — Col; Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back — Col; Keeper of the Bees — Col. 1948: The Strawberry Roan — Col: Port Said — Col; Adventures in Silverado — Col: Racing Luck— Col; Triple Threat Col. HENRY, TOM BROWN (Gns Dembling) 1948: Behind Locked Doors — EL; Joan of Arc — RKO. HENRY. WILLIAM (Frederick Bros.) 1947: Trail to San Antone — Rep. 1948: Women in the Night — FC; The Denver Kid — Rep. HEPBURN, KATHARINE 1947: The Sea of Grass — MGM: Song of Love — MGM. 1948: State of the Union — MGM. Players' Credits HERBERT, ALAN 1947: Pacific Adventure — .Col. HERBERT, HOLMES (Tom Conlin) 1947: Over the Sante Fe Trail — Col: Singapore — UI; Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back — Col; Bulldog Drummond at Bay — Col; This Time for Keeps — MGM; The Swordsman — Col. 1948: Johnny Belinda — WB: Jungle Jim — Col. HERBERT. HUGH (Edward Sherman) 1947: Blondie in the Dough — Col. 1948: A Miracle Can Happen — UA: So This Is New York — UA: A Song Is Born — RKO: The Girl from Manhattan — UA. HERLIHY. DAN 1948: Larceny — UI. HERMAN. WOODY (General Artists) 1947: New Orleans — UA Hit Parade of 1947 — Rep. HERNANDEZ, JOE 1947: That's My Man — Rep: Black Gold — AA. HERRON, RED 1947: Hollywood Barn Dance ■ — -SG. HERVEY, GKIZELDA 194» Kiss the Blood Off My Hands — UI. HERVEY. IRENE (Edward Sherman) 1948: Mickey — EL: Mr. Peabody and the Mermaid — UI. HEWITT, VIRGINIA 1948: My Dear Secretary — UA. HEYDT, LOUIS JEAN (Salkow Ageney) 1947: I Cover Big Town — Par; Spoilers of the North — Rep. 1!)48: Bad Men of Tombstone — AA. HE YES, HERBERT (Small Co.) 1947: T-Mcn — EL. 1948: The Cobra Strikes — EL; Behind Locked Doors — EL. HEYWOOD, HERBERT (Gus Dembling) 1948: Scudda Hoo ! Scudda Hay! — 20thF: Green Grass of Wyoming — 20thF. HICKMAN. DARRYL (Vernon Jacohson) 1947: The Devil on Wheels — PRC; Black Gold — AA; Dangerous Years — 20thF. 1948: The Sainted Sisters — Par: Fighting Father Dunne — RKO: Big Town Scandal — Par; Dangerous Years — 20thF. HICKMAN, GEORGE 1946: Bringing Up FatherMon. HICKMAN, DWAYNE (Lola Moore) 1947: The Son of Rusty — Col : For the Love of Rusty — Col. 1948: The Boy With Green Hair — RKO; Rusty Leads the Way — Col. 537