The film daily year book of motion pictures (1949)

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Players' Credits MrDONALD. FRANCIS (Mi'tnn Garfield) 1947: Dangerous Venture — UA: Spoilers of the North — Rep; The Perils of Pauline — Par. 1!»48: The Bold Frontiersman — Rep: Panhandle — AA: An Act of Murder — UI: The Dead Don't Dream: Strange Gamble — DA; Son of God's Country — Rep. Mcdonald, ian 1948: Mr. Reckless — Par: Shaggy — Par: Speed to Spare — Par. M< DONALD. KENNETH 1948: Train to Alcatraz — Rep: False Paradise — UA. McDonald, maris (Famous Artists) 1947: Living in a Big Way — MGM. Mcdonald, rat (Edward Sherman) 1947: Good News — MGM Mcdonough, tom 1947: The Stranger from Ponca City — Col. MeDOWALL, RODDY (Mitchell-Hamilburg) 1948: Kidnapped — Mon: Rocky — Mon: Macbeth — Rep. Mr DO WALL. W INEFRIEDE 1948: Kidnapped — Mon. Mcelroy, bob 1947: Code of the Saddle — Mon: Prairie Express — Mon: Gun Talk — Mon. McGEE. ROGER (Frank Ryan) 1948: The Street With No Name — 20thF. McGLYNN. FRANK (Jack Under) 1947: Hollywood Barn Dance — SG. McGRAW, CHARLES (Paul Wilkins) 1947: The Big Fix — PRC: The Long Night — RKO: The Gangster— AA: On the Old Spanish Trail — Rep: Roses Are Red — 20thF: T-Men — EL. 1948: The Hunted — AA; Hazard — Par: Blood on the Moon — RKO. McGregor, cathy 1948: Strange Victory— Target. McGUIRE. DON (General Artists) 1947: Nora Prentiss — WB: That Way With Women — WB: Possessed — WB: Always Together — WB : My Wild Irish Rose — WB. 194S: Wallflower — WB: Whiplash— WB: I Surrender Dear . — Col. McGUIRE. DOROTHY (MCA Artists) RKO: Til the End of TimeRKO: Claudia and David20thF. 1947: Gentleman's Agreement — 20thF. McGUIRE. JOHN (M. C Levee) 1947: Bells of San Angelo — Rep. 1948: The Strawberry Roan — Col. McGUIRE. MARCY (Mitchell Gertz) 1947: It Happened in Brooklyn— MGM. 1948: You Gotta Stay Happy — TJI. McGUIRE, MICKEY 1947: Ihe Son of Rusty — Col: Fcr the Love of Rusty — Col. 1948: My Dcg Rusty — Col: Rusty Leads the Wav — Col. McHIVENEY. OWEN 1947: If Winter Comes — Mon. McHUGH, FRANK ( Ballam ( ooley ) 1947: Easy Come. Easy Go — Par: Carnegie Hall — -UA. 1948: The Velvet Touch — RKO. McHUGH. MATT ( Snitzer-Fritsclii > 1947: The Trouble With Women — Par. 1948: Scudda Hoo ! Scudda Hay! — 20thF: Give My Regards to Broadway — 20thF. McINTIRE. JOHN (Milton Garfield) 1948: River Lady — UI: Call Northside 777 — 20thF: Black Bart — UI: An Act of Murder — DI: The Street With No Name— 20thF: Command Decision— MGM. MeLNTYRE, CHRISTINE (Sum Armstrong) 1947: Land of the Lawless — Mon: Valley of Fear — Mon: News Hounds — Mon: Gun Talk — Mon. MilMVKE. PEGGY 1948: I Remember Mama — RKO. McK AY. POLLY 1948: Fighting Mustang — Astor McKAY, WANDA (HaUam Caoley) 1947: Kilroy Was Here — Mon. 1948: Jiggs and Maggie in Society — Mon: Jinx Money — Mon: Stage Struck — Mon: The Mystery of the Golden Eye — Mon. McKINNEY, NINA MAE (Earl Kramer) 1947: Danger Street — Par. McLAGLEN, VICTOR (Charles Beyer) 1947: Calender Girl — Rep: Michigan Kid — UI: The Foxes of Harrow — 20thF. 1948: Fort Apache — RKO. McLaren, jean 1948: A Date With Judv — MGM. mclaren. mart (Stewart Agency) 1948: Crossed Trails — Mon. Mclean, william 1948: Fighter Squadron — WB. McLEOD, CATHERINE (Small Co.) 1947: That's My Man — Rep: The Fabulous Texan — Rep. 1948: Old Los Angeles — Rep. McMAHON. HORACE (Louis Shurr) 1948: Fighting Mad — Mon: Smart Woman — AA: Waterfront at Midnight — Par: The Return of October — Col. McMANUS, GEORGE 1948: Jiggs and Maggie in Court — Mon. McMANUS. SHARON (Manning d'( nnnon 1947: This Time for Keeps — MGM. 1948: No Minor Vices — MGM MrNALLY. STEPHEN 1948: Johnny Belinda — WB: Rosue's Regiment — UI. MeNAUGHTON, CHARLES 1947: Moss Rose-20thF. McNEELY, HOWARD 1947: Banjo — RKO. 1948: The Big Punch — WB. MeVEl . PAUL 1948: Force of Evil — MGM. McWADE, MARGARET (Jeanne H:il ihurton > 1947: It's a Joke. Son — EL: The Bishop's Wife — RKO. MACK. CACTUS 1947: Trailing Danger — Mon: Land of the Lawless — Mon: Valley of Fear — Mon: Six Gun Serenade — Mon: Gun Ta'k — Mon. 1948: Ramre Tencgides — Mon: The Rangers Ride — Mon. HACK, WILBUR 1948: Stage Struck — Mon. MACREADY, GEORGE 1948: The Big Clock — Par; Coroner Creek — Col : Beyond Glorv — Par. MACRORLE. ALMA 1948: The Emperor Waltz — Par. MADISON. GUY 1947: Honeymoon — RKO. 1948: Texas, Brooklyn and Heaven — UA. MAt-ILL. JAMES 1948: Canon City — EL. MAGILL, MOAN A 1948: Texas. Brooklyn and Heaven — UA. M AG RILL. GEORGE 1947: Pirates of Monterey — OX MAHONE. WINGY 1947: Sarge Goes to College — Mon. MAIN. MARJORIE 1947: The Egg and I — UI: The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap — UI. 1948: Feudin.' and Fussin' and A-Fightin' — UL M MOBS, EDDIE 1948: Outlaw Brand — Mon. MALCOLM. ROBERT (Gns Dembling) 1948: A Foreign Affair — Par: The Return of October' — Col. MALDEN, KARL 1947: Kiss of Death — 20thF. MALINA. LUBA 1948: Mexican Hayride — UI. MALLINSON, RORY (Gus Dembling) 1947: Nora Prentiss — WB: Cry Wolf — WB: Dark Passage — WB: King of the Bandits; — Mon: For You I Die — FC. 1948: Panhandle — AA: I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoes — Mon: Open Secret — EL: Docks of New Orleans — Mon: Blonde Ice — FC: Last of the Wild Horses — SG: The Checkered Coat — 20thf : The Denver Kid — Rep. MALONE, DOROTHY 1948: To the Victor — WB: Two Guys from Texas — WB: One Sunday Afternoon — WB. MALONE SISTERS 1947: Joe Palooka in the Knockout — Mon. 548