The film daily year book of motion pictures (1949)

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BUSINESS SCREEN MAGAZINE Industrial, commercial, monthly, by Business Screen Magazine. Inc., 812 N. Dearborn. WHitehall 4-6807. Chicago 10. 111. Also quarterly Church Screen; annual'y Blue Book; annually Sports Film Guide; annually Audio-Visual Projectionists Handbook. Publisher: A. H. Coelln. Jr. Business Manager: Harold Hall. Production Manager: Tom Gallagher. EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE Ten times annually, by the H. W. Wilson Co., 950 University Ave., LUdlow 8-8400. New York 52, N. Y. Editors: Katharine M. Holden, Dorothy E. Cook. EDUCATIONAL SCREEN. THE Audio-visual education, monthly on 1st except July and August, by the Educational Screen, Inc., 64 E. Lake St.. Dearborn 2-2287, Chicago 1. 111. Publisher: Mrs. Nelson L. Greene. Business Manager: Josephine Hoffman. EditOT: Paul C. Reed. FILM NEWS Documentary and educational, monthly: Film News Co., Publisher and Editor: Rohama Lee. The Penthouse, 15 West 38th St.. LAckawana 4-2709, New York 18, N. Y. FILM WORLD Business, educational, television, entertainment, religious films, monthly, by C. J. Ver Halen, Jr., Publishing Co.. 6060 Sunset Blvd.. GRanite 5149, Hollywood 28. Calif. Publisher: Charles J. Ver Halen, Jr. Also quarterly publishers of Church Films. Editor: Robert Fowler; School Films. Editor: Harry Simonson; Business Films. Editor: Harry Simonson; TV, semi-monthly. Editor: Don Hopie. HOME MOVIES Amateur movies, monthly, by Ver Halen Publications, 553 S. Western Ave.. Exposition 7042. Los Angeles 5. Calif. Publisher: Charles J. Ver Halen. Editor: Don Ross. MOVIE MAKERS (Non theatrical), monthly on 1st. by Ania teur Cinema League, Inc.. 420 Lexington Ave.. LExington 2-0270. New York 17. N. Y. Editor: James W. Moore. Advertising Manager: James Young. NFB MAGAZINE Covering 16 mm., theatrical, government documentary and educational media in Canada. Publisher: National Film Board, Ottawa. Edited by NFB information section. NAVED NEWSLETTER Non-theatrical, bi-weekly, by the National Association of Visual Education Dealers, Inc. Executive Secretary: Don White. 845 Chicago Ave., Evanston, 111. SEE AND HEAR Audio-visual education, monthly, September tn May, by Audio-visual Publications, Inc., 812 No. Dearborn St., Chicago 10. III. Publisher O. H. Coelln. Editor: Walter A. Wittich. VISUAL AGE Classroom users of visual and audio education aids, six times a year, by Visual Text Publications. 812 N. Dearborn St., WHitehall 4-6807, Chicago 10, 111. Publisher: O. H. Coelln, Jr. TELEVISION RADIO AUDIO ENGINEERING Sound, recording and broadcasting monthly, by Radio Magazines, Inc., 342 Madison Ave., MUrray Hill 2-1346 New York 17, N. Y. Publisher: Sanford R. Cowan. Editor: John H. Potts. BROADCASTING MAGAZINE Radio advertising, weekly, National Press Bldg., MEtropolitan 1022, Washington 4. D. C. Editor and Publisher: Sol Taishoff. Managing Editor: Art King. Business Manager: Maury Long. Yearbook Editor: Bernard Piatt. COMMUNICATIONS Radio, broadcasting, television, all two-way communications, monthly, by Bryan Davis Publishing Co., Inc., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., MUrray Hill 4-0170. New York 17, N. Y. Business Manager: Byran S. Davis. Vice-President & Advertising Director: Paul S. Weil. Editor: Lewis Winner. ELECTRONICS Electronic industry, monthly by McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Inc., 330 W. 42nd St., LOngaere 4-3000, New York 18. N. Y. Publisher: H. W. Mateer. Manager: W. B. Blood. Editor: Donald G. Fink. Consulting Editor: Keith Henney. Managing Editor: W. W. MacDonald. Associate Editors: John Markus, Vin Zeluff, Frank Rockett. A. A. McKenzie. Director Manager: R. S. Quint. Electronics Buyers' Guide published annually in June. FM and TELEVISION FM and television, monthly, b» FM Co., 511 Fifth Ave.. VAnderbilt 6-2483. New York 17. N. Y. Editor and Publisher: Milton B. Sleeper. PUBLICATIONS RADIO DAILY, THE Radio and television, daily except Saturdays. Sundays and holidays by Radio Daily Corp., 1501 Broadway. Wisconsin 7-6336, New York 18, N. Y. Publisher, John W. Alieoate: Editor, Frank Burke; Associate Editor, Val Adams: Vice-President and Business Manager, Marvin Kirsch. (Also see Television Daily.) RADIO NEWS Radio, monthly, by Ziff-Davis Publishing; Co.. 185 N. Wabash Ave., ANDover 5200, Chicago 1. 111. Publisher: W. B. Ziff. Business Manager: B. G. Davis. Editor: Oliver Read. RADIO TELE-NEWS Mimeographed weekly, for actors, writers, directors and the trade, 301 W. 57th St.. Circle 6-1083, New York 19, N. Y. Editor: Peter Strand. TELEVISION Television industry, monthly, by Frederick Kugel Co., 600 Madison Ave.. PLaza 3-3761, New York 22, N. Y. Editor and Publisher: Frederick Kugel. Managing Editor: Mary Gannon. Business Manager: William Moore. TELEVISION DAILY Daily, a section of The Radio Daily. 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y. TELEVISER MONTHLY Television industry, by Television Publications, 1780 Broadway. PLaza 7-3721, New York 19, N. Y. Editor and Publisher: Irwin A. Shane. Business Manager: Arthur Brodshatzer. Research Director: Robert E. Harris. 881