The film daily year book of motion pictures (1951)

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Players' Credits HARVEY, LAWRENCE 1950: The Black Rose — 20thF. HAaVBT, PAUL (Jack Welner) 1949: John Loves Mary — 20thF: Down to the Sea in Ships — 20thP: Mr. Belvedere Goes to College — 20thF: Duke of Chicaro — Rep: Take One False Step — UI: The Fountainhead — WB; The Girl from Jones Beach — WB: Side Street — MGM: Make Believe Ballroom— Col. 1950: The Yellow Cab Man — MGM: Riding: Hig-h — Par: Father of the Bride — MGM: The Skipper Who Surprised His Wife — MGM: Three Little Words — MGM : The Milkman — UI. H.\RVEY. ROBERT C. 1950: Beauty On Parade — Col. H.\SSE, O. E. 1950: The Bir Lift — 20thF. HASSO, BIGNi: (Famona Artistn) 1950: Outside the Wall — UI: Crisis — MGM. HATCH, HELEN 1950: Mister 880 — 20thF. HATCHER. HART 1949: The Big Wheel — UA : Holiday in Havana — Col. BATFIBLD, HCRD (Ciikor-Lipton) 1950: Tarzan and the Slave Girl — RKO: Destination Murder— RKO: Chinatown at Midnight— Col. H.\TTON, JIMMT 1950: Hostile Country — ^Lip. HATTON, RATHONR (Monter-Gray-.\rmstrong) 1950: Operation Haylift — Lip: County Fair— Mon West of the Brazos — Lip: Marshal of Heldorado — Lip: Colorado Rangrer — Lip : Crooked River — Lip: Fast on the Draw — Lip. HAVEB, JTTNE 1949: Oh, You Beautiful Doll — 20thF: Look for the Silver Lining — WB. 1950: The Daughter of Rosie O'Grad.v — WB: I'll Get By — 20thF. HATOC, JUNE (Famous Artists) 1949: Red. Hot and Blue — Par: Chicago Deadline — Par: The Story of Molly X— UI. 1950: Mother Didn't Tell Me — 20thP: Once a Thief — UA. HAWES, WILLIAM 1949 : Slattery's Hurricane — 20thF. HAWKINS. JACK 1950: The Black Rose — SOthF. HAWKINS, JIM (Lola Moore) 1949: Caught — ^MGM. 1950: Love That Brute — 20thF. HAWLEY, MONTE 1948: Miracle in Harlem — SG. HAWORTH. JOSEPH 1949: I Was a Male War Bride — 20thF. HAY, COLLINS 1950: Sarumba — EL. HAYAKAWA, SESSCE 1949: Tokyo Joe — Col. 1950: Three Came Home — 20thF. HAYDEN. HABBY (Sam Armstrong) 1949: Joe Palooka in the Big Fight — Mon: The Judge Steps Out — RKO: Abbott & Costello Meet the Killer. Boris Karloff — UI: Intruder in the Dust — MGM: Deadly as the Female — UA The Lone Wolf and His Lady — Col; Prison Warden — Col. 1950: Union Station — Par: Traveling Saleswoman — Col. HAYDEN. RUSSELL (Walter Herzbrun) 1950: Hostile Country — Lip; West of the Brazos — Lip: Marshal of Heldorado ■ — Lip: Colorado Ranger • — Lip: Crooked River — Lip: Fast On the Draw — Lip. H.AYDEN, SARA 1950: A Life of Her Own — MGM. H.\YDEN. STERLING 1949: El Paso — Par: Manhandled— Par. 1950: The Asphalt Jungle — MGM. HAYDEN, SUSAN 1949: Tulsa — EL. HAYES, BERNARDENE (Sam Armstrong) 1949: Caught — MGM. 1950: Bunco Squad — RKO. HAYES, OEOROE "Oabby" (Rill Chair ey) 1949: El Paso — Par. 1950: The Cariboo Trail — 20thF. HA^^ES, GRACE 1949: Always Leave Them Laughing — WB. H.\YES, HERBERT 1950: Tripoli — Par. H.AYES, IRA H. 1949: Sands of Iwo Jima — Rep. HAYES, SAM 1949: Fighting Fools— Mon: Maggie and Jiggs in Jackpot Jitters — Mon: Joe Palooka in the Counterpunch — Mon. HAYES, VICKIE 1949: Project X — FC. H.\YTER, JAMES 1950: Eye Witness — ELC. HAYWARD, LOUIS (M. C. Levee) 1949: The Pirate of Capri — FC. 1950: House By the River — Rep: Fortunes of Captain Blood — Col. HAYWARD, SCS.4N (Famous Artists) 1949: House of Strangers — 20thF: My Foolish Heart — RKO: Tulsa— EL. 1950: I d Climb the Highest Mountain — 20thF; I Can Get It for You Wholesale — 20thF. HEALY, MYRON (Gus Dembllng) 1949: Slightly French — Col: Ladies of the Chorus — Col: Trails End — Mon Gun Law Justice — Mon: South of Rio — Rep: Laramie — Col: Rusty's Birthday — Col: Pioneer Mar■ shal — Rep; Lawless Code — Mon: Across the Rio Grande — Mon : Western Renegades — Mon — Haunted Trails — Mon Range Justice — Mon; Riders of the Dusk — ^Mon; Brand of Fear — Mon. 1950: Salt Lake Raiders — Rep: Pioneer Marshal — Rep; Trail of the Rustlers — Col: Over the Border — Mon ; West of Wyoming — Mon; Fence Riders — Mon: Hot Rod — Mon: Short Grass — AA; Law of the Panhandle — Mon; Outlavt Gold — Mon. HEARN, LEW 1949 : The Inspector General — WB. HEARN, SAM 1949: The Inspector General — WB. HEARNE, a-VBRISON 1949: Trail of the Yukon — Mon. HEATER, G.4BRIEL 1950: Champagne For Caesar — UI. HEATHER, JEAN (Harry Edlngton) 1949: Red Stallion in the Rockies — EL. HECHT. TED (Bert Mar.x) 1949: The Song of India — Col: Wolf Hunters — Mon. 1950: Blue Grass of Kentucky— Mon; Sideshow — Mon; Killer Shark — Mon; Tall Timber — Mon. HECTOR & HIS PALS 1950: Hollywood Varieties — Lip. HEDIN, JUNT; (Lola D. Moore) 1948: I Remember Mama — RKO. HEDLEY, REED 1949: Grand Canyon — SG. 1950: The Return of Jesse James — Lip. HEDLOE, JOHN 1950: The Fireball — 20thP; My Blue Heaven — 20thF. HEFLIN, VAN (MC.4 .\rtists) 1949: Madame Bovary — MGM: East Side, West Side — MGM. HEIFETZ, J.\SCHA 1950: Of Men and Music — 20thF. HELMORE, TOM 1949: Scene of the Crime — MGM; Malaya — MGM. 1950; Shadow On the Wall — MGM. HELTON, PERCY (Stewart Agency) 1949: The Set-Up — RKO; Criss Cross — UI; The Crooked Way — UA ; Abbott & Costello Meet the Killer. Boris Karloff — UI ; My Friend Irma — Par ; Free for All — UI. 1950; The Harbor of Missing Men — Rep; Copper Canyon — Par; The Sun Rises At Dawn • — ELC; Cyrano de Bergerac — UA : Under Mexicala Skies — Rep: Hartx)r of Missing Men — Rep. HENDERSON, RICH.\RD 1950: The Vanishing Westerner— Rep. HENDRICKS. JACK 1950: Marshal of Heldorado — Lip. HENDRIX, WANDA 1949: Prince of Foxes — 20thF; Song of Surrender — Par. 1950: Sierra — UI; Captain Carey, U. S. A. — Par; The 492