The film daily year book of motion pictures (1951)

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Players' Credits — Col: Winchester "73" — ^UI; Saddle Ti-arap — UI: Under the Gun — Ul. :M<1NTVKK, CHRISTINE 1!I5(1: A Mndrin Mari-iasc — Mnii. MoIXTYRE, PEGGY 1949: EI Paso — Par. McKAY, WANDA (Hallnm Cooley) 1950: A Woman of Distinction— Col. MrKEE. JOHX 1949: Challenge of the Ran^e — Col; Twelve O'clock High — 20thF: Rim of the Canyon — Col. 1950: Radar Secret Service — Lip. McKENZIE, BILL 1950: My Blue Heaven — 20thF. McKIM, SAMMY' 1950: Lonely Hearts Bandits — Rep. McKINLEY, RAY 1949: Make Believe Ballroom — Col. McKINNEY, MIRA (.Antrim Short) 1949: Prejudice — New World. 1950: Trail of the Rustlers — Col: Harriet Craig— Col. McKINNEY, NIN.4 MAE 1949: Pinkv — 20thF. MeLAGLEN, VICTOR (ChariM Beyer) 1949: She Wore a Yellow Ribbon— RKO. 1950: Rio Grande — Rep. McLaughlin, gibb 1950: The Black Rose— 20thF. MoLENXAX, ROD 1950: The Tattooed Stranger — RKO. McLEOD, CATHERINE (Small Co.) 1950: So Young. So Bad — . UA. McMAHON, DAVID 1949: I Was a Male War Bride — 20thF. McM.\HON, LEO 1950: Storm Over Wyominj; — RKO. McMANUS, GEORGE 1949: Mag-gie and Jiggs in Jackpot Jitters — -Mon 1950: Jiggs and Maggie Out West — Mon. UcMANUS, SHARON (Manning O'Connor) 1949: Prejudice — New World: City Across the River — DI. .McMINN, FR.ASER 1950: Fast On the Draw — Lip. McNALLY, STEPHEN (Mitchell Gertz) 1949: City Across the River — UI: Criss Cross — UI: The Lady Gambles — UI: Sword in the Desert — UI: Woman in Hiding— UI. 1950: Winchester "73" — UI; No Way Out — 20thF: Wyoming Mail — UI. McQl ADE, .ARLENE 1950: The Goldbergs — Pax. McVEY, PAUL (Milton Garfield) 1950: Perfect Strangers — WB: Ma and Pa Kettle Go To Town — UI. MACATEER, ALAN 1949: Jigsaw — UA. SLACKEN, YVONNE 1949: The Betrayal— Astor. MACKIN, HARRY 1949: The Cowboy and the Indians— Col. .MAC-I-YX, LIONEL 1950: Cry Murder — FC. UACREADT. OBOBOB (Harold Rose) 1949: Alias Nick Beal — Par; Knock on Any Door — Col: The Doolins of Oklahoma — Col. 1950: The Nevadan — Col: A Lady Without Passport — MGM: The Desert Hawk — Ul. MACS, MERRY 1950: Mr. Music — Par. MADISON, GUT 1949: Massacre River — AA. M.AGGINETTI, KATHLEEN 1950: Gunfire — Lip. MAGILL. J.AMES 1950: Trail of Robin Hood — Rep. MAHER, WALLY 1949: Johnny Stool Pigeon — UI: The Story of Molly X — • UI. 1950: The Reformer and the Redhead — MGM: Mystery Street — MGM: Right Cross — MGM. MAIA. LENOR 1950: Kill Or Be Killed — EL. MAIN. HARJORIE (VVm. Morris) 1949: Ma and Pa Kettle — UI: Big Jack — ^MGM. 1950: Ma and Pa Kettle Go To Town — UI; Summer Stock — MGM : Mrs. O'Malley and Mr. Malone — MGM. M.AJORS, EDDIE 1949: Gun Law Justice — ^Mon: Gun Runner — Mon: Trails End — Mon: Haunted Trails — Mon. MALCOLM. ROBERT 1949: The Blazing Trail — Col. 1950: One Too Many — Hallmark. MALDEN, KARL 1950: The Gunfighter — SOthr; Where the Sidewalk Ends — 20thF: Halls of Montezuma — 20thF. MALLINSON. RORY (Gus Dembling) 1949: Prince of the Plains — Rep; South of Rio — Rep; Task Force — WB : Trapped — EL ; Angels in Disguise — Mon. 1950: Salt Lake Raiders — Rep: County Fair . — Mon: Short Grass — AA. .MALLORY, DRUE 1950: Three Came Home — 20thF: Please Believe Me — MGM. MALONE. DOROTHY (Kurt Fring.s) 1949: Flaxy Martin — WB; South of St. Louis — WB; Colorado Territory — WB. 1950: The Nevadan — Col; Convicted — Col; The Killer That Stalked New York — Col. M.AMAKOS, PETER (Bert Mar.v) 1949: Tuna Clipper — Mon; Trail of the Yukon — Mon. .1950: Cargo To Capetown — Col; Between Midnight and Dawn — Col. MANET, JEANNE 1949: Slightly French — Col. MANN, GEORGB 1949: Neptune's Daugrhter — MGM. MANN, BANK 1949: Maggie and Jiggs in Jackpot Jitters — Mon. 1950: Joe Palooka in Humphrey Takes a Chance — Mon. MANTELL, JOE 1949: Barbary Pirate — Col. MANU, CHARLES 1950: Pagan Love Song — MGM. MAPES, TED 1949: Outcasts of the Trail — Rep. 1950: Cow Town — Col: Blondip's Hero — Col. HAS A, ADBLB (Frank Ryan) 1949: Sands of Iwo Jima — Rep. 1950: Rock Island Trail — Rep; The Avengers — Rep; California Passage — Rep. MARAIS, JOSEF 1949: Rope of Sand— Par MARCH. ETB (Rosalie Stewart) 1949: Streets of San Francisco Rep; Adam's Rib — MGM. HARCH. PREDRIC <HCA Artlita) 1949: Christopher Columbus — UI. M.ARCH, H.AL 1950: Ma and Pa Kettle Go To Town — UI: Outrage — RKO. M.ARCO, HENRY 1950: On the Isle of Samoa — Col. M.ARCO, MARYA 1949: The Clay Pigeon — RKO. 1950: Customs Agent — Col. M.ARCUS, BERNIE 1950: Outrage — RKO. MARION, PAUL (George Ullnian) 1949: The Lost Tribe — Col: The Secret of St. Ives — Col; Flaming Fury — Rep; Sword In the Desert — UI; The Devil's Henchman — Col. 1950; The Harbor of Missing Men — Rep; Raiders of Tomahawk Creek — Col Last of the Buccaneers — Col : Counterspy Meets Scotland Yard — Col: Bandit Queen — Lip; Harbor of Missing Men — Rep. M.ARION, SIDNEY •1949: Maggie and Jiggs in Jackpot Jitters — Mon. 1950; Woman From Headquarters— Rep; Trial Without Jury — Rep. MARIS, MON.A 1950: The .Avengers — Rep. MARK, BHCHABL (Xeo Lance) 1950: Once a Thief — UA. MARKEY, ENID (Wm. Morris) 1949; Search for Danger — FC. M.ARLOWE, FR.ANK 1950: Barricade — WB: Triple Trouble — Mon. MARLOWE. HUGH 1949: Come to the Stable — 20thF: Twelve O'clock High — 20thF. 1950: Night and the City — 20thF; All .About Eve — 20thF. MARLY, FLORENCE (Helen .Ain.sworth) 1949: Tokvo Joe — Col. M.AROL.A, A. .A. 1950: Under My Skin — ZOthP. 504