The film daily year book of motion pictures (1931)

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(Continued from page 212) Clearing the Trail— U. . 10-14-28 Cleopatra — F 10-1817 Clever Mrs. Carfax— PAR n-8-17 Climax. The (AT)— U . .2-16-30 Climber— RAL 1917 Climbers— VIT 11-9-19 Climbers — WA 5 s 2r Clinging Vine — PUC >^ ^ Clock— BL 4.-.; Clodhopper — TRI oJs-;: Close Harmony (.\T)— PAR 4-14-29 Closed Doors— VIT 5-22-21 Closed Gates— STE 5-19-27 Closed Road— PBA 4-2-16 Closing Net— PAT 10-14-15 Closin' In— TRI 6-23-18 Clothes— M 9-19-20 Clothes— PAR 1920 Clothes Make the Pirate— FN 11-29-25 Clothes Make the Woman — TIF 6-24-28 Cloud— VAN 3-15-17 Cloud DocU'er— U 1118-28 Cloud Rider— FBO 1925 Cloudburst— LBR 1922 Clouded Nam.^-\VO . . .8-24-19 Clouded Name— PCO. . .2-25-2 ; Cloven Tongut^PAT 1918 Clover's Rebellion— VIT .5-24-17 Clown— COL 1^2^ Clown— PAR 6 2. 1. Clutch of Circumstances — \ I F Coast of Folly— PAR. ..9-13-25 Coast of Opportunity— HOD 12-19-20 Coast Patrol— BAR 1925 Coax Me— WO 8-3-19 Cobra— PAR 12-13-25 Cock O The Walk (AT)— WW. .4-13-30 Cock O* the Walk— PAR .. 1919 Cock-Eved World (AT & S) — F. ..S.4-20 Cocoanuts, The (AT)— PAR 6 2-29 Code of Cow Country— PAT 1927 Code of ilarcia Gray — PAR 3-16-16 Code of the Air— HIS. . 12-1(.-2S Code of Honor (AT)— SYN 11-16-30 Code of the Nortliwe.t— AE 192i. Code of the Kan-e R.\ . 5 1 5-27 Code of the Sea. let F.V.7-15-2S Code of tlir .Sta P. \K.. 61-24 Code of the Wc-t P.\R .4 26-25 Code of the West— SYN 7 27-30 Code of the Wilderness— VIT 7 6-24 Code of the Yukon— SCR 12-8-18 Cohens and Kellys in Africa (.•\T) -U. .12-21-30 Colu-ns and Kellvv—U. .. .3-7-26 Cohens and Kellv* in Atlantic Citv (PT SI— 1\ .3-24-29 Cohens and Kellys in I'ari-— T" Cohens and Kellys in Scotland (AT)— U. .3-2-30 Coincidence — M 5-8-21 Cold Deck— INC 11-8-17 Cold Steel— R.C 6-5-21 College— UA 9-18-27 College Boob — FBO 8-22-26 College Coquette (AT & S)— COL.. 9-1-29 College Days— TIF 10-24-26 College Hero— COL.... 11-27-27 College Love (AT & S)— U 8 11-29 College Lovers (AT)— FN 11-30-30 College Orphan— U 10-21-15 College Widow— W A .... 1 1-6-27 Colleen— F 9-11-27 CoIIoon of tl„ Pines— FBO 7-9-22 Colonel Pi.ilau F.XT 1919 Coloiur. Wiu P.\T Colora.lM [■ 2-27-21 r..l.-.olo Pluek -V 5.8-21 r..,u\'AX PAT 10-9-2: r-.mbat -r 2-14-26 Cond,at--VlT 9-21-16 Come Across (PT & S)— U 7-14-29 Come Again Smith— HOD 1-26-19 Come and Get It— RKO .2-17-29 Come-Back, Th^M 5-14-16 Come on Cowbovs — ARW..1924 Come On In— PAR 9-22-18 Come On Over— G 3-19-22 Come Out of the Kitchen— PAR 5-25-19 Come Through— U 1925 Come to My House— F .. 2-5-2S Coming An' Going — .\RC..1926 Coming of Amos— PDC .. 9-27-25 Coming of the Law— F. . 5-18-19 Coming Through— PAR . .2-22-25 Cumin' Through the Rve— HEP 12-14-24 ( m-mercial Pirates— ARW .1919 I 'innion Cause — VIT. . .12-8-18 I -mmon Clay (AT)— F. .8-3-30 I ,mmon Clay— PAT 1-26-19 Common Ground— PAR .. 8-316 Common Law— SEZ 11-4-23 Common Level — TRA 1920 Common Property — V 1920 Common Sense — SEZ . Common Sin. The — SE2...1920 Companionate Marriage — FN 11-11-28 Compromise — WA 11-1-25 Comrade John-PAT 1915 Comrades— FD 3-4-28 Concentratin' Kid (AT) — U 10-26-30 Conceit— SEZ 12-25-21 Concert— G 2-27-21 Condemned (AT)— UA . 1 1-10-29 Conductor 1492— 'W A. , .3-23-24 Coney Island— FBO 2-26-28 Coney Island Princess — PAR 12-7-16 Confession— F 6-16-19 Confession — NF 1920 Confessions of a Queen — MG 3-29-25 Confessions of a Wife — EXP 3-24-29 Confetti— FN 1928 Confidenc^U 9-24-22 Confidence Man— PAR. .4-20-24 Conflict— U 10-30-21 Conflict— VIT 7-6-16 Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court— F 2-6-21 Conquered Hearts— KES. .. 1918 Conquering Power — M.. 7-10-21 Coni|uering the Woman — AE Comiueror TRI Tl-6-16 ( on.UKTor -F 10-25-17 Con.|iiest (AT & S)— WA 2-17-29 C<inquest of Canaan — FRO 10-5-16 CoiKiuest of Canaan — PAR 7-17-21 Conquest of the Holy Land — OP. .8-25-29 Conrad in Quest of His Youth— PAR. .11-14-20 Conscience — F . .1917 Conscience of John David — HMU.. 4-27-16 11.9 5 0 TITLES Conspiracy (AT) — RKO 10-12-30 ConspiracyPAR 1914 Constant Nymph— BIG .. 7-21-29 Content— SEZ 1920 Contiaband— PAR 3-29-25 Contrast— LAB 6-5-21 Convict 993— PAT 12-20-17 Convict 13— M 1920 Convict's Code, The (AT)— SYN..10-S-30 Convoy— FN 5-15-27 Cook of Canyon Camp — PAR 7-19-17 Co-Optimists, The (AT)— ERA 3-9-30 Cop— PAT 9-9-28 Copperhead— PAR 2-15-20 Coquette (AT)— UA. .. .4-14-29 Coquille et le Clergyman — FGU. .1928 Cora— M 1915 Cordelia the Magnificent — M 5-20-23 Corporal Tim's Ward— PS .. 1921 Corporal Kate— PDC ... 12-26-26 Corner Grocer— PAR .. 10-1 1-17 Corner in Cotton— M 3-9-16 Corner— TRI 12-16-15 Cornered— WA 10-19-24 Cor.sican Brothers — UNI 12-28-19 Co-Respondent — U 1917 Cossack Whip— EKE. . .11-16-16 Cossacks— M-G-M 7-1-28 Cost of Hatred— PAR. . .4-19-17 Cost— PAR 4-18-20 Costello Case (AT)— WW 10 19-30 Cotton and Cattlf--WES . . 1921 Cotton King— WO 9-9-15 Counsel for the Defense— AE 1 17-26 Count of Luxembourg — CHA 2 14-26 Count of Ten— U 3-18-28 Counterfeit— PAR ....11-30-19 Counterfeit Lov^PGO .6-24-23 Countess Charming— PAR 9 27-17 Count of Monte Cristo— PAR 1913 Country Beyond— F 10-24-26 Country Cousin— SEZ .. 12-14-19 Country Chairman — PAR..19J4 Country Doctor— PDC .. 9-1 1-27 Country Flapper — PS 9-13-22 County Fair— PI 1-23-21 Country God Forgot — KES 10 5-16 Country Kid. The— WA . 1 1-4-23 Country Mous^PAR 1914 Courage— FN 6-19-21 Courage ( AT)-^WA .... 5-25-30 Courage for Two— WO .. .2-9-19 Courage of Commonplace — PFT 11 22-17 Courage of Marge O'Doone — VIT.. 6-6-20 Courage of Silence— VIT . 2-8-17 Courageous Coward— EXI .. 1919 Courageous Coward— SAB .1924 Court Martial— COL. . . 10-28-28 Court Martialled— U 1915 Courtesan — AMU 5-25-16 Courtin' Wildcats (AT & S)— U. .12-22-29 Courtship of Miles Standish — AE. .11-4-23 Cousin Kat^VIT 1921 Covered Wagon— PAR. .3-25-23 Covered Wagon Trails— SYN 5-18-30 Coward— FBO 8-28-27 Coward— TRI 10-7-15 225