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The film daily year book of motion pictures (1932)

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IE ID II T € IR II A IL IN ID IE X Thalia Amusement Corp., personnel 627 Theatrical Agents and Managers Ass'n. personnel 660 Theatrical Press Representatives of America, personnel 665 Ticket-Tickets: Admission 950 Booths 915 Boxes and Choppers 950 Vending Machines 951 Tiffany Productions: Foreign Branches 1055 Home office personnel 624 1931 Releases 519 Title Studios 980 Titles: Original 323 Serial Releases, 1920-1931 357 12,577 Titles 203 Tobis Forentilms, 1931 Releases 520 Trade Paper Advertising, by Don M. Mersereau.. 99 Trade Papers Voting for 10 Best Pictures for 1931 65 Trade and Fan Publications 577 Trailers, Producers and Distributors 907; 951 Trans-America Film, 1931 Releases 520 Transatlantic Pictures, 1931 Releases 520 Transcontinental Pictures Corp., 1931 Releases.. 520 Transformers 951 Trans-Lux Daylight Screen, Financial Summary. . 883 Triangle Film Corp., Home office personnel 627 Trick Photography 978 Trippel, Otto, 1931 Releases 520 Turkey, A Survey 1049 Two-Thirty-Three (233) Club, personnel 665 u — Ufa Films, Inc.: Home office personnel 627 1931 Releases 520 Theater Circuit 860 Unemployment Relief Work of Motion Picture Industry, by Lupton A. Wilkinson 563 Uniforms 951 Unique Fotofilms, 1931 Releases 520 United Artists Corp.: Foreign Branches 1055 Home office personnel 627 1931 Releases 520 Studio personnel 633 Theater Circuit 860 Theater Circuit, Financial Summary 884 United Film Industries, Inc., Home office personnel 628 United Kingdom, A Survey 1050 United Scenic Artists 665 U. S. Army Theaters 836 U. S. Navy Theaters 837 United States Government, Film Activities 587 Units, Horns and Speakers 951 Universal Pictures Corp.: Financial Summary 885 Foreign Branches 1055 Home office personnel 628 1931 Releases 520 Studio Personnel 633 Theater Circuit 860 Upholstery, Furniture 951 Uruguay, A Survey 1052 Utah Theater Owners Ass'n, personnel 670 V Van Beuren Corp., Home office personnel 628 Vaudeville and Presentation Bookers 972 Vaults, Storage 981 Vending Machines 951 Venezuela, A Survey 1052 Ventilating Systems 921 Virginia, M. P. T. 0., personnel 670 Vitaphone Corp., Studio personnel 636 w Wafilms, Inc.: Home office personnel 628 1931 Releases 521 Wampas Credentials Committee, by Mark Larkin. . 619 Wampas. personnel 656 Warner Bros. -First National: Home office personnel 628 Studio personnel 633 Vitaphone Studio, N. Y., personnel 636 Theater Circuit 860 Foreign Branches 1056 Financial Summary 886 1931 Releases 521 Warner, H. M., Outlook for 1932 37 Warner, Jack L., Outlook for 1932 45 Washington (State! Exhibitors Ass'ns., personnel 670 Weatherstripping 951 Weber, Joseph N., "Musicians' Place in Motion Pictures" 550 Wehrenberg, Fred., Outlook tor 1932 57 Weil, Joe, "Get Back to Showmanship" 676 Western Associated M. P. Advertisers, personnel. 656 Wide Film, by Arthur W. Eddy 99 Wilkinson, Lupton A., "The Motion Picture Industry's Part in Relief Work" 563 Williams, J. D. & Associates, 1931 Releases. .. 521 Wired Theaters in the United States and Canada. 705 Wisconsin Exhibitor Ass'ns., personnel 670 Woltfsohn, Karl. Survey of Germany for 1931-32. 554 Womens Press Club, Screen 665 Writers Guild, Catholic, personnel 661 Writers Guild Screen 665 Writers, The, personnel 665 Writers: Feature Work of 449 Short Subject [ [ 51 ] Wynne-Jones, F., Outlook for 1932 51 V Year's Headlines 555 Y M C A Motion Picture Bureau 665 z Zukor, Adolph, Outlook for 1932 Index 17