The film daily year book of motion pictures (1932)

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CANADIAN PERFORMING RIGHTS SOCIETY, LTD. 1405 Royal Bank BIdg. — Toronto, Canada Officers: President H. T. Jamieson General Manager James Annand Directors: Gene Buck, Louis Bernstein, J. C. Rosenthal, Ralph Hawks. Holmes Maddock, H. T. Jamieson. FILM PLAYERS' CLUB, INC. 161 W. 44th Street, New York City MEdallion 3-8422 Officers: President Harry Hornik Vice-President Rose Feltman Treasurer Theresa Klee Executive Secretary Avis Nast Recording Secretary Wilda Stanley Business Manager Tom Mclntyre CATHOLIC MOTION PICTURE GUILD OF AMERICA 716 Taft BIdg., Hollywood, Cal. GRanlte 2251 President James Cleason Vice-President johnny Nines Vice-President Neil Hamilton Vice-President C. E. Sullivan Vice-President W. R. Sheehan Treasurer May McAvoy Chaplain Rev. Michael j. Mullins Meetings: Third Monday of each month. CATHOLIC WRITERS' GUILD 128 W. 71st St., New York City ENdicott 2-0411 Hon. President Patrick Cardinal Hayes President James J. Walsh, M. D. Spiritual Director Rev. John B. Kelly Vice-President R. Dana Skinner Secretary Thomas C. Quinn Financial Secretary Mrs. M. E. F. Meighan Treasurer Charles Campbell Executive Secretary Roland B. Clifton Meeting Dates: Monthly on the last Monday. Membership: 500. Organization Publication: "The Bulletin." CINEMAGUNDI, INC. 2560 Beachwood Dr. — Hollywood CLadstone 6126 Officers: President Hugh Reticker Vice-President Paul A. Grimm Secretary Harry Eckes Treasurer Leo Kuter Board of Directors: Archie Jett, Hugh Reticker, Aug. B. Thunberg, Paul A. Grimm, Leo E. Kuter, Ben Carre, Harry Eckes, William Bouchspies, Fred Sersen, Alfred Metcher, R. B. Rickenbaugh. COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BUREAU 125 W. 45th Street, New York City BRyant 9-7713 General Attorney Gabriel L. Hess Purpose: To protect national and regional distributors against unauthorized exhibitions of their motion picture productions. FILM DAILY RELIEF FUND 1650 Broadway, New York City Circle 7-4736 Governing Board: John W. Alicoate, Chairman; William Brandt, Maurice "Red" Kann, Al Lichtman, Don M. Mersereau, Edward Finney, Bert Adler, Lee Ochs. FRIARS CLUB 110 W. 48th Street, New York City BRyant 9-9400 Officers: Abbott George M. Cohan Dean George Jessel Prior Emmett R. Callahan Secretary Harry Hershfield Treasurer William Degen Weinberger Attorney Samuel J. Schwartzman Board of Governors: Jay C. Flippen, Martin L. Fokins, Fred T. Hegeman, I. H. Herk, Louis Mansbach, Walter J. Moore, Ben Piermont, Julius C. Rosenthal, Ira Streusand. William Brandell, Ben Rocke. HOLLYWOOD STUDIO CLUB 1215 Lodi Place, Hollywood, Cal. Gladstone 3166 A residence and club center for girls and women of the motion picture industry, maintained by the National Board of the Y. W. C. A. Committee of Management: Heineman, Mrs. Arthur S., Chairman, 254 South Spalding, Beverly Hills. Calander, Mrs. W. F., 341 South Normandie Ave. deMille, Mrs. Cecil B., Vice-Chairman, 2000 deMille Drive, Laughiin Park. Dresser, Louise, 607 N. Arden Drive, Beverly Hills. Fairbanks, Mrs. Douglas, Beverly Hills. Forbes, Mary, 2444 Horseshoe Canyon. Gleason, Mrs. James, 807 N. Alpine Drive, Beverly Hills. Joy, Mrs. Jason, 2212 Beachwood Drive. Landreth, Mrs. Harold, 1615 North Martel. Martin, Mrs. Willsie, Treasurer, 327 South Van Ness. Sanders, Mrs. J. S., 1915 North Wilton Place. Tatham, Cora L., Secretary, 406 South Norton. Advisory Committee: Adams, Mrs. Ella King, 5346 Franklin Ave. Christie, Charles L., 6101 Sunset Blvd. Greenwood, G. G., 6385 Hollywood Blvd. Irsfeld, J. B., 6831 Hollywood Blvd. Moreno, Mrs. Antonio, Beverly-Wilshire Hotel. INDIANA INDORSERS OF ' PHOTOPLAYS Secretary's Address: 716 E. 23rd Street, Indianapolis Officers: President Mrs. R. Earl Peters 1st Vice-President Mrs. Francis Whipple 2nd Vice-President Mrs. O. I. Demaree 3rd Vice-President Mrs. Edna H. Edmondson 4th Vice-President Mrs. Stella Besant Treasurer Mrs. j. H. Orndorff Recording Secretary Mrs. Ferd Lucas Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Fred R. Kncdel 661