The film daily year book of motion pictures (1932)

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M. P. LOCATION MANAGERS' ASSOCIATION Location Dept. Paramount-Publix Studios 5451 Marathon St.— Hollywood Officers: President Lou Strohm 1st Vice-President Herb Hirst 2nd Vice-President Ralph W. Nelson Secretary-Treasurer Fred W. Harris MOTION PICTURE RELIEF FUND OF AMERICA, INC. 5481 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood Officers: President Conrad Nagel 1st Vice-President Ronald Colman 2nd Vice-President Mary Pickford 3rd Vice-President Will H. Hays 4th Vice-President Harley L. Clarke Treasurer M. C. Levee Secretary Katherine D. Poole Board of Trustees: Term expiring 1932: Charles H. Christie, Donald Crisp, Louise Dresser, Douglas Fairbanks, Jean Hersholt, Sol Lesser, Mitchell Lewis, Louis B. Mayer, Ewell D, Moore, Fred Niblo, Frank E. Woods; Term expiring 1933: E. H. Allen, Fred W. Beetson, Charles Chaplin, Ronald Colman, William S. Hart, Jesse L. Lasky, Antonio Moreno, Winfield R. Sheehan, Ernest Torrence, Jack L. Warner. Executive Committee: Fred W. Beetson, Chairman; Frank E. Woods, ViceChairman, Mrs. Katherine D. Poole, Secretary; Ewell D. Moore, Counsel; William Conklin, Edward Earle, Sol Lesser, Harry W. Martin, M. D. ; Mitchell Lewis. MOTION PICTURE STUDIO MECHANICS 67 W. 125th St., New York City HArlem 7-8419 Officers: President Arthur Cerson Vice-President Charles J. Maguire Business Manager John Flaherty Gen. Sec'y-Treas James A. Delaney Recording Sec'y Charles Cavanaugh Serg't.-at-arms William V. McCuire Chairman of Trustees Benjamin Berk M. P. STUDIO TECHNICIANS, Local No. 37 6472 Santa Monica Blvd. — Los Angeles Hollywood 1152 Officers: Business Representative Lew C. C. Blix Recording Secretary Guy H. Cooper Financial Secretary Ray Morris • MUSIC PUBLISHERS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION 1501 Broadway, New York City CHickering 4-2540 Officers: President Louis Bernstein Vice-President Saul H. Bornstein Secretary Robert Crawford Chairman of the Board John C. Paine MUTUAL PROTECTIVE SOCIETY OF CANADA Secretary's Address: Radio Dept., Can. Nat'l. R. R. Winnipeg, Canada Officers: President H. W. Waters Board Chairman j. E. Atkinson Vice-President Col. John A. Cooper Treasurer Clement Say Ass't. Treasurer Col. John A. Cooper Sec'y-Man'g. Dir R. H. Lee Martin Board of Directors: J. E. Atkinson, P. W. Abbott, H. W. Waters, Col. John A. Cooper, Clarence Say, R. H. Lee Martin. Purpose: Promoting the development of Canadian music and protecting the interest of these who utilize music for public entertainment. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION 109 Fraser Hall, Lawrence, Kan. Officers: President F. Dean McClusky Scarborough-on-Hudson, N. Y. Secretary-Treasurer Ellsworth C. Dent University of Kansas Executive Committee: Arthur C. Balcom, Newark, N. J.; Charles Roach, Los Angeles; John A. HoUanger, Pittsburgh; William H. Dudley, Chicago; Daniel C. Knowlton, New York University; Rupert Peters, Kansas City. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OPPOSED TO BLUE LAWS Room 1399, National Press BIdg. Washington, D. C. Officers: President William R. Bullion Washington, D. C. Secretary Linn A. E. Gale Washington, D. C. Treasurer Dr. Joseph A. Themper Washington, D. C. Honorary President Mayor Spencer M. DeColier Bedford, Pa. Honorary Vice-Presidents — Rupert Hughes, Sinclair Lewis, Governor George W. P. Hunt of Arizona, Chester C. Piatt, Bishop William Montgomery Brown, E. Haldeman-Julius, Dr. Elmer Lee, Mayor J. Henry Stump, Reading, Pa.; George E. Macdonald, Chief Counsel Clarence Darrow Chicago General Counsels Marx Lewis, P. W. Austin Washington. D. C. Assistant Counsels — Hon. Davis C. Winebrenner, John J. McGinnis, C. P. Barringer, Clin J. Ross, H. S. England, Judge Hugh M. McCaffrey. State Divisions: NEW JERSEY ASS'N. OPPOSED TO BLUE LAWS State Chairman Bruce Calvert Mountain View PENNSYLVANIA ASS'N OPPOSED TO BLUE LAWS State Chairman Hugh P. Meese Carnegie Steel Co., Pittsburgh The association will supply campaign material to exhibitors and speakers to aid in fighting Sunday closing laws. Objects: To organize and conduct an educational, agitational, publicity and oratorical campaign against the enactment by the Congress of the United States or the Legislature of any of the states of what are commonly styled "blue laws," or laws prohibiting Sunday amusements, Sunday theaters, (whether for 663