The film daily year book of motion pictures (1932)

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General Manager: Ben Cohen. Film Buyer : Lou Cohen. MICHIGAN, Detroit: Ciliseum. (irand-Victory, Hollywood, Lincoln Square, COLDWATER AMUSEMENT CO. Home Office: Grand Theater, St. Mary's, O. President: Tom Larkin. General Manager: Thomas Broad, Film Buyer: Pete Miller. OHIO, Coldwater: Columbia; Fort Recover: Royal; Mendon: Town Hall; New Bremen: Crown ; St. Mary's : Grand and Regent. COLE'S CHAIN THEATERS (Texas) Home Office: Rosenberg, Texas. Pres.-Gen'l Mgr. : Mart Cole. TEXA.S. Daisetta: Twin-City: Eagle Lake: Avnlon and Rex: Floresville : Arcadia: Halletsville : Cole ; Liberty : American ; Needville : Alcove : Richmond: Queen; Rosenberg: Liberty; Wall:s: Dreamland; Yoakum: Grand, Ritz, COLONIAL AMUSEMENT CO. Home Office: Harrisburg, 111. No, of Houses: 4, President : J, T, Gaskins, Gen'l Mgr,-Film Buyer: S, AL Farrar. ILLINOIS. Eldorado: Orpheum ; Galatia; Lyric; Harrisburg: Grand, Orpheutn, COLUMBIA AMUSEMENT CO. Home Office: Grand Theater Bldg., Ashland, Ky. General Manager: S. L. Martin. KENTUCKY, Ashland: Capitol, Edisonia, Grand and Modern, COMERFORD THEATERS. INC. Home Office: 207 Wyoming Ave.. Scranton, Pa. President-Gen'l Mgr, : M, E, Comerford, Film Buyer: M. B, Comerford. {NOTE: M. E. Comerford. in addition to thruter properties, listed in two iiroiips bclmv, is iiiVr ested in the follor.ving circuits: Kallct Theaters. Bernstein Circuit and Fa\s Circuit.) BINGHAMPTON THEATEK CO. NEW YORK, Binghamton: Strand, Cai'i<"'Riviera. .Symphony, Star, Hingbamton and Ri Kus : Endicott: Strand: Union: F.lvin, COMERFORD THEAT).R.S. IXC. PENNSYLVANIA. Avoca: Palace: Edwardsville: Grand; Eynoa: Kynon ; Nanticoke: State: Scranton: Orpheuin ; Selinsgrove: Stanley: West Pittston : Garden. COMMUNITY CIRCUIT THEATERS Home Office: 210 Ninth Vincent Bldg., Cleveland. No. of Houses: 13. Pres. and Gen.'l Mgr.: Max Lefkowich. OHIO, Cleveland: Cedar-Lee. Commodore, Detroit, Euclid, Hilliard Square. Lyric, .Stork, Roxy, Strand, Standard, Cnivorsity, West Park. COMMUNITY PHOTOPLAY HOUSES Home Office: 1237 Meyer Kiser Bank Bldg., Indianapolis, Gen'l Mgr. -Film Buyer: Frank J. Rembusch. INDIANA, Columbus: American and Crump; Elwjod: .Mhambra, Colonial; Franklin: Artcraft ; Greenfield: Wby-Not : Indianapolis: Band Box. Gem, Rialto; Martinsville: Grace. Maxine. COMMUNITY THEATERS, INC. (Texas) Home Office: I'ptowti Tluater. San .\nlnni". No. of Theaters: 4. President: .1. T, Wilson, Gen'l Mgr, -Film Buyer: J. T. Wilson, Jr. "TEXAS, San Antonio: Harlandale, HighlandPark, Sam Houston and Uptown, COMMUNITY THEATERS, INC. (Wisconsin) Home Office: Majestic Bldt;.. Lake Grni\a. Wi-, No, of Houses: 4. Pres.-Gen'l Mgr. -Film Buyer: William ' Sllc, ok WISCONSIN, Burlington: Plaza: Delavan: Delavan ; Lake Geneva: Geneva; West BendWest Bend. CONFEDERATION AMUSEMENTS, LTD. Home Office; 902 Mayor Bldg., 1449 S. Alexander St.. Montreal. No. of Houses: ft. President: F. A. Tabah. Gen'l Mgr. and Film Buyer: N. N. Lawand. yUEBEC. Montreal: Cartier. Chateau. Dominion, Empress. M aisonneuve, Outremont. CONSOLIDATED AMUSEMENT ENTER. Home Office: 1560 Broadway, New York. No. of Houses: 14. President: Jlax Richter. General Manager: Lawrence Bolognino. Film Buyer: Al .Suchnian. NEW YORK, New York: Arena, Avalon, Columbus. J"Ieetwood, Forum, Gem. Ideal, Jerome, Luxor, Mt. Eden, Oxford, Times, TivoU, Willis. CONSOLIDATED THEATERS. LTD. Home Office: 503 Mayor Bldg., Montreal. No. of Houses: 10. President: J. Arthur Hirsch. Gtn 1 Mgr. -Film Buyer: Harry A. Kaufman. (JUEBEC, Montreal: Canadian, His Majesty's, .\atiiinal. Princess: Quebec City: Arlequin. Imperial. Princess; Sherbrooke: His Majesty's, Premier and N'ictoria ; Verdun: Palace. CONSOLIDATED THEATERS. INC. (Florida) See Sparks. CONSOLIDATION COAL CO. Home Office; Wals.m BliliJ.. Fairnic'nt. W. Va. Gen'l Mgr. -Film Buyer: 1". .\. KiatTt. KENTUCKY. Burdine: Burdine; Dunham: Dunham; Jenkins: Jenkins: McRoberts: McRoberts ; Van Lear: \"an Lear. PEN.VSYLVANIA, Acosta: Acosta ; Jenners: Tenners. WEST VIRGINIA, Carolina: Carolina; Idamay: Idamay. CONSTANTI CIRCUIT OF WASHINGTON Home Office: 906 Pacilic Ave., Tacoma. No. of Houses: 5. Pres.-Gen'l Mgr.: D. Constanti. Film Buyer: S. M. Barovis. \\ .\S11 I .VGTO.N. Puyabup: Dream. Liberty; Sumner: Liberty; Tacoma: Capitol and Riviera. COOPERATIVE THEATER SERVICE CORP. Home Office: 608 Fox Theater Bldg., Detroit. No. of Houses: 78. President: James C. Rittcr. General Manager: Raymond E. Moon. Film Buyers: Carl W. Buermele. S. H. Bai • • (NOTE: This corporation is a booking f;i. .• only). AIICHIG.VN. Bay City: Washington. \\ t nab; Caro: Toniplc ; Detroit: .Mouia. Arcade. A alon, .\mbassador, Arcadia, A\enue. Bcechw Houlcvanl. Calvin. Dearborn. Castle, Crystal, |i Delthe, East End. Farnum, Fenkell. Fern. Flaming". Frontrnac, (lardon. tirayslono. ( win Park. Grand N'ictory. Granada, (irande. t, Lakes. Highland Park. Lasky. Library. Lan ter. Lincoln Square. Linwood, LaSalle. 1. wood. Loop, Ma.\ine. Medbury. Martha W ington. New Home. Norwood. Ohmpic. I) > Piccadillv. Russell. Rialto. Rivoli. RKO Teiir. RKO Uptown. Strand. Senate. Warlield. \\ . ward Grand. Your: Flint: Richards. Mich .;..:■ Grand Ledge: State; Grand Rapids: F;iniily. Kul ton. Our, Royal. Wealthy: Jackson; Family; Mount Clemens: Macomb; Muskegon: Ritz; Niles: Riviera; Port Huron: GraiKl Riviera; Unionville: State; Vassar: Rex. 842