The film daily year book of motion pictures (1932)

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COSTON BOOKING CIRCUIT. INC. Home Office: 910 S. Michisan Blvd., Chicago. No. of Theaters: -46 (Hooking ("iiciiil only). Pres.-Gen'l Mgr.: James E. Coston. Film Buyer: Jack Rose. IT.I.l.XOlS. Chicago: Avalon, BuckjiiMliam, I .ipitdl. Cliatliam. Commodore, Cosmopolitan, Drexel. K. A. R.. Frolic, Grove, Hamilton, Hari:ird. Highland. Hov^ard. Irving, Jeffrey, Jnliiii, K iiibark-Sixtv-third St., Lexington, Linden. Metpolitan. MiUIa. Mont Claire. Oakland S<|uare. iiphfum (ilownlown). Owl. Palace. Ramona Kiv.)li. .Shakespeare. .Shore, Stratford, Symphony. Vcndonif. West Knijlewood. L\l)l.\.\.\, Elkhart: Lermr. Hucklen. Or -lu-nm: Goshen: JelTcrson ; Hammond: Orphcmn 11,1 Parthenon; Indiana Harbor: American, In; Whiting: Capitol, Hoosier, COULTER CIRCUIT Home Office: liyrd Theater, 2yi0 Wcsthampton .\vc.. Richmond, Va. No. of Houses: S. Pres.-Gen'l Mgr.-Film Buyer: W. J. Coulter. \lRr;iXI.\. Hopewell: Beacon: Petersburg: I'.hithird; Richmond: Bhiohird. Brookland, Byrd. COUTURE BROS. Home Office: Star Theater, Manchester, N. H. Gen'l Mgr.-Film Buyer : A. Couture. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Manchester: Crown and Star; Rochester: Colonial and Scenic. CRESCENT AMUSEMENT CO. Home Office: Rex Theater Blvd.. .\ashville. Pres.-Film Buyer: Tonv .Siulekuin. (CRESCENT AMUSEMENT CO. Iwhliiigs are listed ill six qroups as follows) : -RESCENT AMUSEMENT CO.: .VLARAMA. Alabama City: Ritz: Decatur: Princess; Gadsden: Capitol. Princess. KENT rue KY. Bowling Green: Capitol, Diamond: Hopkinsville : .\lhambra. TK,\'NESSF,F.. Clarksville: Capitol; Cleveland: Princess: Columbia: Princess; Dyersburg: Frances ; Harriman : Princ ess : Lebanon : Princess ; Maryville: Palace: Morristowm: Princess; Murfreesboro: Princess; Paris: Capitol; Springfield: I'rincess; Union City: Cai>itol. CUMBERLAND AMUSEMENT CO.: Fi'm Buyer: R. T. Hill. TRXXKSSEK. Favetteville: Capitol; lin: Franklin: McMinnville: Dixie; llest ; TuUahoma: Strand; Winchester: MUSCLE SHOALS THEATERS. INC. Film Buyer: Louis Rosenhanm. .\I,.\BAMA. Athens: Ritz : Florence: Sheffield: Ritz ; Tuscumbia: .Strand. lYRlC AMIK'^EMENT CO.: Fdm Buyer: C. .-X. Crute. A1..\R.\MA. Huntsville: Lvric. Roxy. CAPITOL AMUSEMENT CO.: Fi'm Buyer: E. W, Dozier. KENTUCKY. Madisonville : Cameo, .U^DlTORrUM CO.: Film Buyer: T. C. Tune. TENNESSEE. Shelbyville: Princes.?. Frank Pulaski : Rivoh. Princess : Capitol. DELFT THEATERS, INC. Home Office: Marquette, Mich. No. of Houses: 5. President: Morgan W. Jopling. Gen'l Mgr.-Film Buyer: Hugh S. Gallup. MICHTG.\N. Escanaba: Delft Michigan; Iron River; Delft; Marquette: Delft; Munsing: Delft. DELISE. JOSEPH & NANTY-GLO AMUSEMENT CO. Home Office: Saltsburg, Pa. No. of Hou'ies: 4. Prcs.-Grn'l Mgr. : Joseph L. Delisi. PENNSYJA'ANIA, Avonmore : Delmare ; Nanty-GIo; Capitol, Grand; Saltsburg: Liberty. DENT THEATERS. INC. (Controlled by Puxlix) Home Office: Mcll.a Theater Bldg., Dallas. No. of Theaters: 51. President: Sam Katz. General Manager: William K. Jenkins. Film Buyer: Ci. J. Durcau, Jr. NEW .MEXICO, Albuquerque: Mirror. TEX.XS. Abilene: Paramount, Queen and Rex; Amarillo: Fair, Mission and Rialto ; Breckenridge: National and Palace; Brownsville: Capitol, Queen; Brownwood: Gem, Lyric; , Corsicana: Ideal and Palace; Dallas: Arcadia; Denison: Rialto; Denton: Dreamland and Palace; Eastland: l.vric; El Paso: Ellanay. American, Palace, Plaza :niil Wigwam; Harlingen: Arcadia and Rialto; McAllen: Palace, Queen; Mercedes: Capitol; Mcxia: National and Palace; Paris: Grand and Plaza: Ranger: Arcada ; Temple: Arcadia Bell and Gem: Tyler: Arcadia, Majestic and Queen; Vernon: Pictorium aivd Verncm ; Waco: Orpheum, Strand. Waco; Weslaco : Ritz; Wichita Falls; Gem. Majestic, State, Strand. DEUTSCH & SHENKER President: .Sam Deutsch. General Manager: Max Shenker. OHIO, Cleveland: Arion, Family and Sun; Mansfield: Royal. DE WEES, D. P., CIRCUIT Home Office: .Strand Thc/ler Bldg., Vancouver. B. C. Canada. No. of Houses: 7. BRITISH COLU.MBIA. North Vancouver: Lonsdale; Revelstoke : Province; Trail: Liberty; Vancouver: Beacou. R<x. .Sliand ; Victoria: Capitol. DIANA THEATERS CORP. INDIANA. Kokomo: Wood; and three others in Indiana. DICKINSON. GLEN. W., THEATERS, INC, Home Office: 1101 Davidson Bldg., Kansas City, .\lo. No. of Houses: ,16. Pres.-Film Buyer: flleii W. Dickinson. KANSA.S, Abilene: Lyric. Seelye ; Beloit : Dickinson. Mainstreet ; Garden City: Dickinson; Hiwatha: Dickinson; Horton: Dickinson; Junction City: City. Cozy, Uptown: Independence: licldorf. Booth; Kansas City: Bijou; Lawrence; Dickinson. Orpheum. Varsity: Manhattan: Dickinsoii. W'areham ; Neodesha : Crescent. Dickinson; Osage City: Dickinsoii ; Osawatomie: Dickinson; Paola: Dickinson: Parsons: Uptown. MISSOURI. Chillicothe: Kmnire. Strand; Fayette: Dickinson: Independence: Dickinson, Electric; Macon: Dickinson; Marceline: Dickinson; Odessa: Dickinson; Slater: Dickinson; Trenton: Dickinson, Plaza, DIPSON. NIKITAS D. Home Office: Batavia. N. Y. No. of Houses: 12. Pres.-Gen'l Mgr.-Film Buver: Nikitas D. Dipson. NEW YORK. E'mira: Capitol. Colonial. OHIO. East Liverpool: -Xmerican, State. PEXNSVIA'ANIA. Lock Haven: Garden, -Maitin: Milton: Bijou, Legionaire. WEST VIRGINIA, Wheeling: Capitol, Court, Liberty, \'ictoria. DUBINSKY BROS.— See PUBLIX DUBINSKY. DURKEE, FRANK H., ENTERPRISES Home Office: Arcade Bldg.. Harford and Hamilton Aves.. Baltimore. Md. No. of Theaters: 17. President: Frank H. Durkee. Gen'l Mgr.: C. E. Nolte. 843