The film daily year book of motion pictures (1932)

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Booking Mgr. : C. W. Henderson. MARYLAND, Annapolis: Circle; Baltimore: Aic3cle, ISelnord, lioiilevard, Edgewood, Forest, Grand, (in Highlandtown) , Red Wing and State; Havre de Grace: State, Baltimore, Fulton, Linwood, McHenry, Pacy Garden, Patterson. EAST TEXAS— See Jefferson. EAVES THEATERS. INC. Home Office: Union, S. C. President : D. M. Eaves. Gen'l Mer.-Film Buyer: R. W. Early. SOUTH CAROLINA, Buffalo: Buffalo; Gaff ney: Strand: Lockhart: Lockliart ; Newberry: Imperial; Rock Hill: Omar; Spartanburg: Ritz ; Union: Grand and Rialto. ELK HORN COAL CORP. Home Office: W.nyl.Tnd, Ky. Film Buyer: G. S. Kinzer. • KENTUCKY, Cromona: Haymond ; Fleming: Fleming; Garrett: Garrett; Wayland : Wayland. Belsize, Bloor, Capitol, Christie, College, Crown. Crystal, Danforth, Eastwood, Gerrard, Grover", Hippodrome, Imperial, La Plaza, Oakwood. Palace, Parkdale, Parliament, Photodrome, Prince of Wales, Regent, Runnymede, St. Clair, Tivoli, Uptown, York; Trenton: Trent; Vancouver: Alma, Broadway, Capitol. Dominion, Eraser, Grandview, Kerrisdale, Kitsilano, Orpheum, Regent, Strand, Victoria, Windsor; Vernon: Erapress; Victoria: Capitol, Dominion, Royal Victoria; Walkerville: Tivoli; Welland : Capitol; Weybum: Hi-Art; Windsor: Capitol. Palace; Winnipeg: Arlington, Capitol. Crescent, Gaiety, Metropolitan. Osborne, Winnipeg, Tivoli, Wonderland; Woodstock: Capitol. FARWEST THEATERS. Home Office: 1529 Queen Anne Ave., Seattle. Wash. No. of Houses: 8. President and Gen'l Mgr. : S. O. Sukam. Film Buyer: Roy Cooper. WASHINGTON, Seattle: Granada, Arabian. Woodland. Queen Anne, Roycroft, Madonna, Portola, Beacon. EMPIRE AMUSEMENT CO. Home Office: 201 Bay State Bldg., Lawrence, Mass. Pres. -Gen'l Mgr.: A. L. Siskind. Film Buyer: Frank Bosketti. MASSACHUSETTS. Lawrence: Broadway. Empire, Palace, Premier and Star. ESSANESS THEATERS CORP. Home O^^ce: 910 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. No. of Houses: 15. President: Edwin Silverman. Gen'l Mgr.-Film Buyer: Emil Stern. ILLINOIS, Chicago: Biograph. BroadwayStrand. Byrd. Cenlrr. Crawford. Davis, Devon, Emijassy, Keystone. Loiran, Michigan, West End, Vogue, 400; Oak Park: Lamar. FEDERAL THEATERS CO. (Controlled by Warner Bros.) Home Office: ,^31 W. 44th St., N. Y. C. No. of Houses: 4. ILLINOIS. Chicago: Avalon, Capitol, Chatham, Stratford. FINKELSTEIN THEATERS, INC. Home Office: 642 Metropolitan Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. No. of Houses: 13. President: H. D. Finkelsfein. Gen'l Mgr.-Filra Buyer: D. E. Finkelstein. IOWA. Atlantic: Iowa, Strand; Carroll: Earle, Royal; Clarinda: Armory, Rialto; Jefferson: Iowa, State; Spencer: Fraser, Spencer; Spirit Lake: New Royal; Webster City: Granada, Isis. FAMOUS PLAYERS CANADIAN CORP., LTD Home Office: Rnvil Bank Bldg., Toronto. Canada. CAN.ADA. Belleville: Belle. Regent; Brandon. Man.: Capitol. Strand; Brantford : Brant, Capitol: Brockville: Capitol. New; Calgary, Alta. : Capitol. Grand. Palace. Strand: Chatham: Capitol. Chatham. Princess: Chilliwack. B. C. : Strand: Cobourg: Capitol; Cornwall: Capitol. Palace; Edmonton. Alta.: Capitol. Dreamhnd. Empress. Empire. Princess ; Fort William : Corona. Orpheum. Royal; Gait: Regent. Capitol; Guelph: Capitol, Regent: Halifax. N. S. : Capital. Casino Garrick ; Hamilton: Palace, Savoy, Strand. Tivoli; Kamloops. B. C. : Capitol. Strand :Kalownc. B. C. : Empress; Kingston: Captnl. Grand. Tivoli: Kitchener: Capitol. Lyric: Lethbridpe. Alta.: Capitol; London: Capitol, Grand, Palace; Montreal: Capitol. Imoerial. Locw's. Palace ; Moose Jaw. Sask. : Capitol. Savoy: Namaimo. B. C. : Bijou. Capitol, Opera House: Nelson. B. C: Capitol. Starlanil ; New Westminster. B. C. : Co'umbia ; Niagara Falls: Capitol; North Bay: Capitol. Royal: North Battleford. Sask.: Empress; Oshawa : Reyent : Ottawa: Imperial, Capitol. Regent; Ow;n Sound: Classic. Opera House, Savoy; Paris: Capitol; Penticton. B. C. : Empress; Peterboro: Capitol. Grand. Roval ; Port Arthur: Colonial; Port Hope: Capitol, Regent ; Prince Rupert, B. C. : Capilol : Quebec: Capitol; Regina: Captol. Grand. ^^Frt ropolitan ; Rossland, B. C: Capitol; Sarnia ; Crescent. Imperial: Saskatoon: Capitol. Daylight; Sault Ste. Maria: .Xhinina; Shaunavon, Sask.: Idlehour. Plaza: St. Catharines: Canitol, Palace: St. John. N. B.: Capitol. Rialto; Stratford: Maiestic; Sydney. N. S. : Capitol; Sudbury: Capitol. C.r.niid; St. Thomas: Capitol. Columbia ; Three Rivers. Que. : Capitol, Rialto : Toronto: Alhambra, Beach, Beaver, Bedford. FISHMAN THEATERS. INC. Home Office: 282 Willow St., New Haven, Conn. No. of Houses: 7. President: A. Fishman. Gen'l Mgr. :-Film Buyer: T. B. Fishman. CONNECTICITT, Fairfield: Community: New Haven : Apollo, Dixwell, Howard, Lawrence, Lyric and Winchester. FITE. W. D. & R. F. Home Office: 612 Kansas Ave., Kansas City, Kans. No. of Theaters: 4. Pres.-Gen'l Mgr.-Film Buyer: W. D. Fite. KANSAS. El Dorado: Eris ; Kansas City: Kansas: Salina: Royal. MISSOURI, JopUn: De Ray. FOURTH AVE. AMUSEMENT CO. Home Office: Alamo Theater Bldg., Louisville, Ky. No. of Theaters: 22. Pres -Film Buyer: Frod T. Dolle. (NOTE: Theaters operated by Fourth Ave. Amusement Co. are li'tcd in 2 iT'Oups, as jollows): BROADWAY AMUSEMENT CO.: KENTLICKV Louisville: Aristo, Baxter, East Broadway, Ideal, Oak, Park, Towers, West Broadwav. FOURTH AVE. AMUSEMENT CO.: INDIANA, Indianapolis: Apollo, Lyric; Lafayette: Family, Luna, Mars; Logansport: Grand, Logan and Luna: Marion: Indiana. Luna, Lyric and Royal-Grand: Terre Haute: .-Xmcrican. Grand. Hippodrome. Indiana. Liberty. KENTUCKY, Louisville: Alamo, Rex. Rialto, Strand and Uptown. FOWLER, ALPHA & OSCAR OLDKNOW Home Office: 44 Georgia Ave.. .Xtlanta. Pres.-Gen'l Mgr.-Film Buyer: Alpha Fowler. 844