The film daily year book of motion pictures (1932)

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Fox. Hippodrome. Kansas City: Apollo. Boone, (iillham. Glaflstone. Isis. Linculn. Linwuod, Mokan. Plaza, Rockliill. Uptown. Vista, Waldo. Warwick ; Kirksville : Kennedy. Princes? : Lexington : ilainstreet ; Marshall: Auditorium: Mobsrly: Grand, 4th Street, Baby Grand; Nevada: .Star: Sedalia: Liberty. Sedalia ; Springfield: Gillioz. Plaza : St. Joseph : Royal. ilOXTAXA. Billings: Fox; Butte: American, Fo.x, Rialto ; Great Falls: Alcazar. Liberty. Rainbow. Grand; Lewistown : Judith. Broadway; Missoula: Rialto. Wilma. Liberty. .Strand. NEBRASKA. Alliance: Imperial. Rialto; Bayard: Palm. Rialto; Beatrice: Fox; Bridgeport: Trail; McCook: Fox. Temple; North Platte: Fo.x Paramount ; Sidney ; Fox. NICVAD.A. Reno: Grandad. Majestic. Wigwam. XEW MEXICO. Las Cruces : Rio Grande, Del Ro; Las Vegas: Coronado. .Mutual. Duncan Optown. ColLscum.] I-'iftli .\ ve.. Fox. Pai'amount, era tiouse. OREf;OX. Astoria: Liberty, Astoria. Riviera; Corvallis: Whiteside. Majestic; Eugene: McDonald, Rc.x ; Medford : Criterion. Rialto; Pendleton: Rivoli. Alta ; Portland: Broadway, Hollywood, United Artists, Alder, Liberty. Rivoli, Rialto, Paramount. WASHLXGTOX. Bellingham : Mt. Baker American. Avalon ; Bremerton: Rex. Rialto. Bluebird; Everett: Everett. ( Iranada. Balboa ; Olympia : Capitol, l^iberty ; Seattle; Egyptian. Xeptune. T'ptown. Coliseum. Fifth Ave.. Fox. Plaramount. Strand: Spokane: Fox; Tacoma: Rialto. Broadway; Vancouver: Castle, Liberty; Wenatchee: Liberty, Rialto; Yakima: Captol, Liberty. Majestic. WYOMIXf;. Cheyenne: Strand. Lincoln. Princess. Paramount; Kemmerer: \'iclory ; Rawlins: .Strand; Rock Springs: Rialto. Grand, Rex; Sheridan: Lotus. Orjibetun. Gem. FRANKLIN AMUSEMENT CO. (Minnesota) Home Office: 2.i-ll X^icollet -Xve.. Minneapolis, Minn. Gen'l Mer.-Film Buver: O. C. Woempner MINNESOTA, Minneapolis; Gopher, La Salle, New Franklin and X^ew Park; Willmar: Majestic. State. FRELS" THEATERS Home Office: Uptown Tbcatcv. \'ictoria. Texas. Pres. -Gen'l Mgr. -Film Buyer: Rubin Frels. T1'..\.\S. Belleville: .\lamo ; Co'umbus, Orphic; El Campo: Xnmiana ; Goliad: Golia<l ; Pt. Lavaca: .\nuizu ; Sealy : Texas; Victoria: Uptown and \'icloria ; Yorktown : L'.Xrcade, GEORGIA AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISES Home Office: Palace Theater, Athens. Ga. Gen'l Mgr.: E. C. Gidlev. GEORGIA. Athens: Colonial, Palace and Strand; Elberton : Strand. GOLD. LOU Home Office: 6R Orange St., Newark, N. J. No. of Houses: S. Film Buyer: Lou Gold. XEW JERSEY. Newark: Garden, Iron Bound, Joyland, Rivoli, Treat. GOLDBERG. AARON, THEATERS Home Office: 70(> I'lu-lnn HIdg., San Francisco. No. of Houses: .">. Owner: .\aron Goldberg. CALTEOR.VI.A. San Francisco: Circle. Egyptian. Peerless. .SilverPalace and Unique. GOLDEN STATE THEATER & REALTY CORP, Home Office: 25 Taylor St , S.ui Fiancisco. No. of Theaters: 3". President: E. H. Emmick. Gen'l Mgr.-Film Buyer: K. A. McNeill. CALIKORXIA. Berkeley: Rivoli; Daly City: Daly City; Hayward: Hayward; HoUister: State; Merced: Merced and Strand; Monterey: Golden State and Monterey; Oakland: Broadway. Capitol, Diamond, Fairfax, Golden State, Granada, Lincoln, Xew Fruitvale, Palace. Parkway, Plaza; Pacific Grove: Grove; San Francisco: Amazon. Broadway. Granada. Haight Irving. Milana. X'ew Rialto, Palmer. Parkside. Riviera. State. Uni<|ue. \erdi. Uptown; San Leandro: Palace; Santa Cruz: X'cw .Santa Cruz. GORE BROS. INC. Home Office: 15,S4 W. Washington St., Los Angeles, Cal. No. of Houses; /. President & Film Buyer: M. Gore. Genera! Manager: A. L. Gore. CALTFORXIA. Los Angeles: Burbank. Optic. Regent. Moon. Tivoli. Savoy. I-yceum. GOULDEN THEATERS CORP. Home Office: 1-lS W. Wash. St., Indianapolis. No. of Theaters: 10. Pres -Gen'l Mgr.: Louis B. Goulden. IXDL\X.\. Indianapolis: Arcade, Capitol, Emerald. Fountain Sq.. (iayety, Granada, Howard. Illinois. Jewel, Laurel and Orpheum. GRAPHIC CIRCUIT CO. Home Office: 179 Exchan.ce St.. Bangor. Me. No. of Houses : 11. Pres.-Gen'l Mgr.-Film Buyer: Samuel Kurson. MAINE, Belfast: Colonial; Bucksport : Alamo; Camden: Comique : Dexter: Park; Dover: Xew .Star : Millinocket ; Ofera House; Milo; Chic; Northeast JLarbor: Pastime. XEW HAMPSHIRE. Franklin, Pastime. \ERMOXT, Brandon: Brandon; Newport: .Vew Tiurn>. GREEN COUNTY AMUSEMENT CO., INC. Home Office: Wcdgeway Hldg., Schenectady, N. Y. Gen'l Mgr.-Film Buyer: W. W. Farley. NEW YORK. Albany: Capitol; Catskill : Community; Schenectady: .Mbany, Barcli, Hudson, State, Strand and \ an Curler; Scotia: Ritz. GREENFIELD. LOUIS R., THEATERS & CONSOLIDATED AMUSEMENT CO., LTD. Home Office: 109 Golden Gate Ave., San Fran. President: Louis R. Giecnt'ield. Gen'l Mgr.-Film Buyer: W. J. Citron. Consolidated Gen'l Mgr.: Louis R. Grcenlield. CALIFORNIA, San Francisco: New American, Xow l^'illuiore and Xew Mission. H.\W.\TI. Honolulu: Empire, Hawaii. X'ew Pa lc>in;i. .New Princess and Pawaa. GRIFFITH AMUSEMENT CO. Home Office: 11 North Lee. Oklahoma Citv, Okla. No, of Houses: 66. President: L. C. Griffith. General Manager: R. M. Clark. Film Buyer:' H. B. Kalis, OKLAllOM.V, Ada: Liberty. McSwain, Ritz; Altus: Xow Km)iire. Rex; Ardmore: Palace. Rex, Ritz; Bartlesville : Liberty, Lvric. Odeon ; Blackwell: Palace. Plaza. Rivoli; Chandler: II & S, Odeon; Claremore: Palace, Yale; Cushing ; Paramount; Duncan: Folly, Palace; Elk City: Rex; Enid: Aztec. .Mecca; Fairfax: Tall (^hief ; Guthrie: Highland. Mclba. State; Henryetta ; Blaine; Hobart ; Kiowa. Oklahoman ; Hugo: Erie: Maud: .\rcadia. Rex; Miami; Coleman. Glory H; Norman: Sooner. University; Oklahoma City: Reno. Kialto; Okmulgee: Cozy. Orpheum; Seminole; Rex. State; Shawnee: llisun. Criterion; Stillwater: Aggie. Camera. Mecca; Vinita : I-yfic. TEXAS. Borger: Rex. Rig; Cleburne: Palace. Vale; Gainesville: Texan; Lubbock: Lindsey, 846