The film daily year book of motion pictures (1932)

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THE HEADLINER ON TODAY'S PROGRAM Patron comfort to tlie last curtain is tke outstanding feature of every Heywoocl-\V^akefielcl tlieatre cliair. Built -vvitli satisfying comfort tliat packs tKem in — spelling greater success at tlie box oilice. HEYWOOD -WAKEFIELD seating is the answer to L)Ox oliice success of tlieatres from Coast to Coast. Roxy, Publix, Orplieum Circuit, W arner Brotkers, West Coast and many otlier prominent tlieatre ckains are using HeywooJ -Wakefield seats an excellent recommendation for any tlieatre ckair. Tke order of tke day is. Good iSeats plus Good Sound . Botk features register profitably at tke kox ofkce of tke large or small kouse. Heywood-W^akefield seats kave generous comfort. Xkey are a patron attraction tkat spells PROFIT]] Helpful information on seating or reseating will he glaJly furnished on request hy your nearest Hevwood li^ akefield sales office. THEATRE SEATING DIVISION HEYWOOD-WAKEFIELD 1 74 Portland Street, Boston, Alass. Baltimore, Al J. Buffalo, N. y. icago, III. Los Angeles. Calif. SALES OFFICES New York. N. Y. Komn City, OkU. Pli.laaclpU.a, Pa. Pliuti.rgl.. P.. Portland. Ore. Snn Francisco, Calif. Seallle, \V^aili. 888