The film daily year book of motion pictures (1932)

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COLUMBIA PICTURES Manager Foreign Distribution; H. Kass, 729 Seventh Ave.. N. Y. C. Cable: COLUMFII.M. N. Y. AUSTRALIA Sydney —Greater Australasian Films, 251 Pitt St. Branches; Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide. ENGLAND London — Columbia Pictures S. A. R. L. Pari? (Branch) 87 Regent St. FRANCE Paris — Columbia Pictures Corp. S. A. R. L.. 63 Avenue Des Champs Elysees. GERMANY Berlin — Capitol Film A. G., 225 Friedrichstrasse. NEW ZEALAND Wellington — Greater Australasian Films, Gibbons BUlg., Dixon St. EDUCATIONAL FILM EXCHANGES Foreign Manager; L. J. Wooldridge, Far East Film Corp., 630 Ninth Ave., N. Y. C. Cable: EDFILMCORP. FILM EXCHANGE, INC. Foreign Representative — Frank Bates, Rue de Faubourg St. Honore, Paris, France. FITZPATRICK PICTURES, Inc. Foreign Representative: R. Reubenson, 3 Macclesfield St., London, W. 1 and 6 Rue Dauncu, Paris, France. FOX FILM CORPORATION Foreign Manager; Clayton P. Sheehan, 850 lOtli Ave., New York. Cable Address— FOXFILM, New York. MASCOT PICTURES CORP. Foreign Manager — J. H. Hoffberg Co., Inc., 729 Seventh Ave., N. Y. C. METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER Managing Director, Foreign Dept.: Arthur M. Loew. 1540 Broadway, New York City. Cable; METROFILMS. ALGERIA Algiers — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, S. A., 62 Rue de Constantine. ARGENTINA Buenos Aires — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer de la Ar gentina, Calle Corrientes 2120. Branches: Bahia Blanca, Rosario, Sante Fe. AUSTRALIA Sydney — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Ltd., Manchester Unity BIdg., 160 Castlereagh St. Branches; Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth. AUSTRIA Vienna, VII — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Filme. G. n. b. H., Neubaugasse I. BELGIUM Brussels — Loew-Metro-Goldwyn S. A. Beige, 11 Quasi au Bois de Construction. BRAZIL Rio de Janeiro — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer do Brazil, 207 Rua Sete de Setembro, Caixa Postal 2734. Branches: Sao Paulo; Bello Horizonte, State of Minas ; Juiz de Fora, State of Minas ; Campos, State of Rio ; Recife, Pernambuco ; Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul ; Ribeirao Preto. CHILE Santiago — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer de Chile, Casil'a C. Morande 227. Branches; Valdivia, Valparaiso, Concepcion. CHINA Shanghai — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer of China. 63 Nanking Road. Branches: Tientsin, Hongkong. COLOMBIA Medellin — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer de Colombia. COSTA RICA San Jose — Culver Export Corp., Apartado No. 1529, San Jose de C. R. CUBA Havana — Metpo-Goldwyn-Mayer de Cuba, Calle Industria No. 80. CZECHOSLOVAKIA Prague II — Ceskoslovenska Metro-Go'.dwyn-Maycr A. G., Vaclavake Nam. 49, Palais Avion. Branch; Bruenn. DENMARK Copenhagen — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer A/S, Vestrc Boulevard 27. DUTCH EAST INDIES Weltevreden, Java — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Oriental Co., Inc., Petjenongan No. 48 F. Branch; Soerabaia. EGYPT Alexandria — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer S. A., 28 Rue Rouad ler. FINLAND Helsingfors — O. Y. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Films, A. B., Mikaelsgatan 9. FRANCE Paris — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer S. A. F., 37 Rye Condorcet. Branches; Marseilles, Bordeaux, Nancy, Strasbourg, Lyons, Lille, Toulouse. GERMANY Berlin, SW 48 — Loew Metro-Goldwyn G. m. b. H., Friedrichstrasse 225. Branches; Koenigsberg, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Leipzig, Frankfurt, Muenchen. GREAT BRITAIN London — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures. Ltd., 19 Tower St. Branches : Liverpool, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Birmingham, Dublin, Glasgow^ Cardiff. GUATEMALA Guatemala City — Culver Export Corp., Edifico San Marcos. GREECE Athens — Metro-Goldwyn Films (Hellas) Ltd., 15 Themistocles St. HOLLAND Amsterdam — N. V. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Film Maatschappij, Damrak 49. HUNGARY Budapest VIII — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Distributing Corp., Foherceg-Sandor Ter 3. INDIA Bombay — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer India, Ltd., Wilson Road, Ballard Estate P. O. Box 837. ITALY Rome — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Films, S. A. I., Via Quattro Novembre 149. Branches; Bari, Palermo, Catania, Bologna, Milan, Turin, Florence, Naples, Genoa, Arcona, Trieste. JAPAN Tokio — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Co., Ltd., 2-go No. 3 Itchome Yurakucho, Kojimachi-ku. P. O. Box F-34 Central. Branches; Osaka, Aomori, Kyushu. JUGOSLAVIA Zagreg — Metro-Goldwyn-jugoslavensko drustvo za promet filmova, Pejacevicev Trg. 17. Branches; Novi Sad, Belgrade. KOREA Seoul — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Ltd., No. 148 2chome Koganemachi. MEXICO Mexico City — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer de Mexico, Calle de Capuchinos 32. MOROCCO Casablanca — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer S. A., 36 Rue de L'Aviateur Vedrines. NEW ZEALAND Wellington — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer N. Z. Ltd., Druids Chambers, Lambton Quay. NICARAGUA Managua — Culver Export Corp., Apartado Postal No. 35. 1053