The film daily year book of motion pictures (1934)

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AMERICAN DRAMATISTS 9 E. 38th St., New York, N. Y. AShland 4-5141 OFFICERS: President Edward Childs Carpenter Board Chairman Sigmund Romberg Vice-President George S. Kaufman Secretary Percival Wilde Executive Secretary Luise Sillcox Annual Meeting and Election — October. Membership— 2,290. Organization Publication — "Authors' League Bulletin." — • — AMERICAN FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS 1440 Broadway, New York, N. Y. PEnnsylvania 6-2546 OFFICERS: President— Joseph N. Weber, 1450 Broadway, N. Y. C. Vice-President — Charles L. Bagley, 403 California Bldg., Los Angeles. Secretary — William J. Kerngood, 37 William St., Newark, N. J. Treasurer — Harry E. Brenton, Box B., Astor Station, Boston. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: C. A. Weaver, City Hall, Des Moines, la.; A. C. Hayden, 1011 B. St., S. E., Washington, D. C; A. A. Greenbaum, 26 O'Farrell St., San Francisco; James C. Petrillo, 1039 N. Austin Blvd., Chicago; J. Edward Jarrott, 1405 King St., W. Toronto, Canada. — • — AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE MOTION PICTURE THEATER, INC. 1450 Broadway, New York, N. Y. PEnnsylvania 6-4933 OFFICERS Executive Secretary Robert Robins General Counsel Ralph Vatner Aims and Purposes: To promote the progress and preserve the freedom of the sciences and useful arts insofar as they apply to motion pictures, and to protect the equality of opportunity for all engaged in such science, useful arts and industry. ARTISTS' MANAGERS ASSOCIATION 1509 N. Vine St., Hollywood, Cal. OFFICERS: President Frank Joyce Vice-President Ruth Collier Secretary Eddie Silton Treasurer Morris Small Executive Secretary Alice Van Allen Counsel M. B. Silberberg BOARD OF GOVERNORS: Frank Joyce, Ruth Collier, Eddie Silton, Morris Small, Phil Berg, Harry Weber, George Frank, Dave Thompson, Harry Wurtel. THE ASSOCIATED ASSISTANT DIRECTORS of the Motion Picture Industry (Local 18168, A. F. L.) R. 501, 251 W. 42nd St., New York Wisconsin 7-8676 OFFICERS: President Fred Scheld Vice-President George Cline Rec. & Cor. Secretary Walter R. Sheridan Financial Secretary 6 Treas Saul E. Harrison EXECUTIVE BOARD: Fred Scheld, George Cline, Walter R. Sheridan, Saul E. Harrison, Joseph H. Nadel, Joseph J. Holton, Ben Schwalb, Harold Godsoe, Jack De Lacy, Warren E. Murray. AUTHORS' GUILD 9 E. 38th St., New York, N. Y. AShland 4-5141 OFFICERS: President Will Irwin Vice-President Booth Tarkington Secretary-Treasurer Louise Sillcox Annual Meeting and Election: October; Membership: 750 Authors. AUTHORS' LEAGUE 9 E. 38th St., New York, N. Y. AShland 4-5141 OFFICERS: President Marc Connelly Vice-President Elmer Davis Secretary-Treasurer Louise Sillcox Assistant Secretary Ivan Von Auw, Jr. AUTHORS' LEAGUE 1655 N. Cherokee Ave., Hollywood, Cal. GLadstone 5839 — • — CANADIAN PERFORMING RIGHT SOCIETY, LTD. 1704 Royal Bank Building Toronto, Canada President-Managing Dir H. T. Jamieson, F.C.A. DIRECTORS: Gene Buck, Louis Bernstein, E. C. Mills, John Woodhouse, Ralph Hawkes, Holmes Maddock, H. T. Jamieson. — • — CATHOLIC ACTORS' GUILD OF AMERICA Hotel Astor, New York, N. Y. OFFICERS: President Gerald Griffin 1st Vice-President Hugh O'Connell 2nd Vice-President Nellie Callahan Chaplain-Treasurer Rev. Edward F. Leonard Recording Secretary Edward Finney Historian Elizabeth Lonergan Executive Secretary Florence E. Lewis Social Secretary Allyn Gillyn EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Frederich H. Tims, Chairman; Edward McNamee, Edward K. Delaney. 582